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Artificial Evolution Research Institute




Challenge to immortality

#ArtificialBrain #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #armor #AntiNuclearwarfare #ArmorSystem #QuantumSemiconductor #QuantumComputer #QuantumInterference #QuantumArtificialIntelligence #Quantumphysics #QuantumConsciousness #QuantumMind #QuntumBrainComputing #QuntumBrainComputer #QuantumBrainChipset #QuantumBrainChip #QuantumBioProcessor #QuantumBioChip #Quantumbrain #brain #biocomputer #BrainScience #Biologyphysics #BrainMachineInterface #BMI #BCI #BioResourceGowthEnvironmentAssessment #BrainScience #BrainComputing #BioProcessor #BrainChip #BrainProcessor ##braincompute #BrainInplant #BiologicalWarefare #BiologicalBattlefield #Blackhole #BMILSI #NeuralConnectionDevice #nanosizeSemiconductors #nextgenerationSemiconductors #NonDestructiveTesting #nextgenerationDefense #Nuclearweaponsdisablement #Nuclearbaseattack #NextGenerationWarfare ##NonlinearOptics #Nonlinear #NonlinearInteraction #renewableenergy #GeoThermalpower #GlobalWarming #GreenhouseGases #GreenhousegasDetection #GlobalWarmingPrevention #Globalglobalwarming #MissileDefense #MissileIntercept #NuclearDeterrence #MEGAEarthquakePrediction #MissileInterception #MolecularComputer #MolecularBrain #military #militaryhardware #militaryweapon #MilitarySoldier #MissileDefenseSystem #ModeLocking #MultiphotonMicroscopy #MaterialProcessing #Micromachining #MultiphotoMicroscopy #MilitaryApplication #weaponsindustry #weaponofmassdestruction #WarEconomic #opticalSemiconductors #OpticalParametricAmplification #OPA #Ophthalmology #LifePrediction #LongerInfraStructurelife #LifespanPrediction #LaserDefenseSystem #LaserInducedPlasma #LaserSpectroscopy #LaserAblation #LaserArmor #UltrashortpulseLasers #UltrahighpowerLasers #unmannedweapon #UltraLSI #UltrafastSpectroscopy #SatelliteOptoelectronics #selfassembly #soldier #strategicweapon #Security #Supernovae #SurfaceStructuring #SteerableMirror #TerroristDeterrence #TerroristDetection #TacticalLaserWeapon #TacticalLaser #RemoteSensing #RegenerativeEnergy #RenewableEergy #Reprogrammable #robotarmor #roboticweapons #RobotSOLDIER #Climatechange #cerebralnerves #combataircraft #cyborg #combatKilling #chemicalWarefare #chemicalBattlefield #ChirpedPulseAmplification #CPA #CavityDumping #CounterUAV #CounterUAS #Defense #DefenseElectronics #Defensiveweapons #DomesticResiliency ##Dermatology #DirectedEnergyWeapons #EnemystrikeCapability #ExplosiveDetection #EplosiveDetection #EnemybaseAttackCapability #eruptionPrediction #EarthquakePrediction #EnemyBaseAttackAbility #ElectronDynamics #Effects  #VolcaniceruptionPrediction #VolcanicTremorDetection #volcanicEruptionGasDetection #ICBMInterception #implanttype #HumanitarianStrategy #HAMIIS #HexaWattLaser #HighEnergyPhysics #HighEnergyLaser #PetawattLaser #Pulsar #ParametricAmplification #FemtosecondLaser #FemtosecondPulse #FrequencyConversion #HarmonicHGeneration #FixedMirror  #国土強靭化 #核兵器無効化  #核兵器防御 #大量破壊兵器無効化 #温暖化防止 #共生社会実現 #食料自給自足 #非核 #防衛 #軍事 #テロ抑止 #高齢福祉抑制 #持続可能 #社会インフラ #知的財産 #パテントロール #権利 #出願 #特許 #弁理士 #ライセンス業務 #訴訟支援 #知財高裁 #脳科学 #情報技術 #IT #応用物理 #AP #分子生物学 #バイオテクノロジー #MEGA地震予測システム #噴火予測 #噴火予知 #噴火予想 #地震予知 #地震予兆 #人工衛星搭載型 #温室効果ガス検知システム #植物バイオ資源育成 #環境評価システム #戦闘機 #自爆テロ #爆発物検知 #銃検知 #銃火器検知 #千里眼 #天通眼 #超低高度衛星 #超高速移動体 #非破壊検査システム #危険物検知 #劣化診断 #レーザー劣化診断 #寿命予知 #寿命診断 #非破壊検査 #非接触検査 #高速道路 #トンネル検査 #橋梁検査 #レール検査 #新幹線 #ドクターイエロー #リアルタイム #鉄道 #リモート診断 #insitu #フェムト秒レーザー #高高度電磁パルス #HEMP #高高度核爆発 #電磁パルス #コンプトン効果 #核弾頭ミサイル #核爆発 #核兵器 #核ミサイル #EMP攻撃 #ガンマ線 #X線 #大量破壊兵器 #非致死性 #大陸間弾道ミサイル #ICBM #対ICBM #ミサイル攻撃 #弾道ミサイル防衛 #核兵器無力化 #人工知能 #バイオコンピューター #AI #AI支援型 #地熱発電 #再生可能エネルギー #コージェネレーション発電 #バイナリー発電 #スマートグリッド #気候変動 #異常気象 #原子力発電 #温暖化 #環境破壊 #環境保全 #地球環境 #温暖化ガス #温室効果ガス #都市型農業 #SDGS #ブレインコンピュータインタフェース #Braincomputer #Interface #BCI #ブレインマシンインターフェース #Brainmachine #BMI #BMILSI #神経ネットワーク #神経工学 #軍事用ロボット #サイバネティクス #第6世代コンピュータ #ディープラーニング #意識駆動形 #戦闘用ロボットソルジャー #推論 #レーザーシステム #迎撃レーザーシステム #ミサイル迎撃 #戦闘機 #防衛 #国防 #新世代ミサイル防衛 #人工培養肉 # #人工頭脳 #量子半導体 #量子物理  #量子コンピューター #神経接続素子 #量子干渉 #量子人工知能 #ミサイル防衛 #核抑止力 #量子脳 #量子物理学 #生物物理学 #ナノサイズ半導体 #超LSI #次世代半導体 #光半導体 #半導体 #寿命予測 #超短パルスレーザー #超高出力レーザー #レーザー兵器 #衛星光電子工学 #リモートセンシング #再生エネルギー #地球温暖化  #専守防衛 #敵基地攻撃能力 #脳内量子効果 #Quantum #Brain #人工脳 #脳神経 #次世代防衛 #防衛エレクトロニク  #インフラ長寿命化 #MEGA #地震予測 #テロリスト抑止 #テロリスト検知  #火山噴火予知 #敵基地攻撃 迎撃 #植物 #バイオ #資源育成 #環境評価  #火山性微動検知 #火山性噴火ガス検知 #温室効果ガス検知 #実現 #実用 #実用化 #横浜痛散堂 #痛散堂 #医者では治せない痛み #肩こり #手足のしびれ #腰痛 #頸椎 #関節のズレ #口コミ #横浜関内 #対戦闘機 #対ミサイル #次世代 #イージスアショア #空対空ミサイルシステム #迎撃システム #防衛兵器 #テロリスト対策 #コージェネレーション型マイクロバイナリー #発電システム #スマートグリット適応型 #ガストロミート #通常兵器 #無効化 #ソリューション #solution #地域猫養護 #猫の杜 #OPERA #21世紀都市型農業 #自爆テロ検知 #核基地攻撃

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●葉山町森戸海岸 不動産購入・ 買います・売ってください

​About Artificial Evolution Research Institute

The Institute for Artificial Evolution (AERI) is conducting research and development on geothermal power generation, next-generation defense weapons, biocomputers, etc. as research subjects in unexplored areas and extreme areas.

We also conduct contract research from military-industrial companies and military-industrial conglomerates.

 The Artificial Evolution Research Institute is engaged in research subjects in unexplored and extreme areas based on advanced research results in quantum physics, biophysics, brain science, artificial brain engineering, computer science, nanosize semiconductor, quantum semiconductor, and ultra LSI engineering, non-destructive testing and lifetime prediction engineering, long/short and ultra high-power laser science, satellite optoelectronic engineering, and renewable energy engineering. The research topics are based on advanced research results in the fields of computer science, nano-size semiconductors, quantum semiconductors, ultra LSI engineering, non-destructive inspection and lifetime prediction engineering, long- and ultra high-power laser science, satellite optoelectronics, and renewable energy engineering.

(1) Research on quantum effects in the brain
(2) Design and development of neural connection devices and brain-machine interface VLSI (BMI VLSI)
(3) Quantum Brain field with the application of BMIVLSI
(4) Quantum Artificial Intelligence (Artificial Brain, AI): Consciousness-driven bio-computer field with quantum interference-controlled BMIVLSI implemented in cranial nerves
(5) Next-generation defense/defense/exclusive defense field
(6) Renewable energy field
(7) Social infrastructure sustainability field
(8) MEGA earthquake prediction and forecasting satellite field
(9) Terrorist pre-deterrence
(10) Non-destructive laser life prediction for buildings, tunnels, bridges, rails, and other structures
(11) Explosives remote detection and detection security field
(12) Terrorist remote detection security field
(13) Explosives and heavy explosives remote detection security field
(14) Environmental non-destructive terawatt-class geothermal power generation field
(15) Prediction and prediction of volcanic eruptions satellite field
(16) Terawatt-class laser-equipped missile defense for intercepting surface-to-air missiles (enemy base attack capability)
(17) Terawatt-class laser-equipped missile defense satellites for intercepting ICBMs and other missiles (enemy base attack capability)
(18) National Land Toughness Field
(19) Laser-induced plant fluorescence measurement
(20) Satellite laser-applied remote sensing (satellite optoelectronic engineering application technology)
(21) Field of remote sensing for environmental assessment of plant and bioresource cultivation
(22) Laser remote sensing for volcanic tremor detection
(23) Infrared (IR) spectroscopy and FT-IR spectroscopy laser remote sensing for volcanic eruption gas detection
(24) Satellite-based greenhouse gas detection

In each of these fields, we are conducting world-leading, top-class, cutting-edge research in the most important fields.
If you have any questions about our research products, please contact us by e-mail at the following address


AERI Overview
AERI conducting the state-of-the-art in eight research fields
Artificial Evolution Research Institute(AERI)

I. Institute Profile

·Formerly                     Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI)(1986–)

·Type                             profit scientific research institute

·Industry                      Research and development

·Founded                     1986, Yokohama, Japan

·Founder                      Kazuto KAMURO

·Headquarters            East California Boulevard Pasadena, California, U.S.

·Area served                Worldwide

·Key people                 Kazuto KAMURO (President of the Institute)

·Services                      Scientific research

·Revenue                     US$78 billion 806,200,791 (2020)

                                      US$79 billion 986,584,400 (2021)

                                      US$82 billion 779,986,811 (2022)

·Number of employees        863 (as of February 2022)


II. About Us


Artificial Evolution Research Institute(AERI is an aeronautic and space/missile defense R&D and embedded manufacturing firm, located in East California Boulevard Pasadena, California, US.



Artificial Evolution Research Institute(AERI) is engaged in research in unexplored and extreme areas based on advanced research results in quantum physics, biophysics, brain science, artificial brain science, biocomputing, Non von Neumann computing, nanoscale semiconductor science, quantum semiconductor science, ultra LSI engineering, non-destructive testing engineering, social infrastructure life prediction engineering, Peta-Exa watt class ultra -high power laser science, satellite optoelectronics, geothermal power generation engineering, next generation military defense science, ballistic missile defense science, enemy missile base attack science, and MEGA earthquake and volcanic eruption prediction and forecasting, terrorist deterrence and suppression.


3. Advanced Science Fields in which AERI specializes

AERI conducts world-leading, top-class, cutting-edge research in each of the most important areas of the state-of-the-art in the following eight fields.

(1) Brain Science Field:
a. Quantum effects in the brain
b. Brain Computer Interface (Brain Computer Interface) custom VLSI (BCI VLSI)
c. Brain Computer (Brain Implanted Computer) based on BCI VLSI
e. Quantum Artificial Brain/Quantum Brain: Consciousness-driven bio-computer based on quantum interference-controlled BMI VLSI implemented in cranial nerves

(2) Next-generation military defense science, ballistic missile defense science, and enemy missile base attack science fields:
a. High-altitude missile initial (initial boost-phase) intercept system (HAMIIS) technology
b. Peta-Exa Watt-class ultra high-power laser-equipped missile defense technology for initial intercept of surface-to-air missiles (enemy missile site neutralization technology)
c. Missile defense satellite technology equipped with a Peta-Exa Watt-class ultra high-power laser for initial intercept of ICBM and ballistic missiles (enemy base attack technology)
d. EMP attack missile initial boost phase interceptor  (HAMIIS) technology

(3) Renewable Energy Field:
a. Environmentally non-destructive terawatt-class geothermal power generation technology
b. Closed-Cycle Heat Exchange Geothermal Power Generation System( CHEGPG system) with a regenerative binary engine technology

(4) Land Toughening and Social Infrastructure Sustainability Field:
Nondestructive laser life prediction technology for structures such as buildings, tunnels, bridges, and rails

(5) MEGA earthquake and volcanic eruption prediction and forecasting satellite field:
a. Quantum interferometric vector dynamic technology
b. Volcanic eruption gas detection infrared spectroscopy and FT-IR spectroscopy laser remote sensing technology
c. Prediction and prediction satellite technology for volcanic eruption signs
d. Laser remote sensing technology for volcanic tremor detection
e. Satellite-based volcanic eruption gas detection technology

(6) Terrorist proactive deterrence field:
a. Technology to prevent terrorism by remotely detecting explosives
b. Technology to remotely detect terrorists and prevent crimes before they occur
c. Technology to remotely and simultaneously detect each of multiple terrorists carrying concealed explosives or heavy weapons and track each terrorist independently

(7) Field of Plant and Bioresource Breeding Environment Assessment:
a. Remote sensing technology for evaluating plant and bioresource growing environments
b. Laser-induced plant fluorescence measurement technology based on satellite optoelectronics technology

(8) Satellite optoelectronics applied technology:
a. Satellite-mounted laser-based remote sensing technology
b. Satellite onboard greenhouse gas detection technology
c. Satellite-mounted laser-induced plant fluorescence measurement technology



AERI develops multi-domain capabilities in the Aerospace, Defense and Security sector. The company plays a prominent role in major international strategic programmes and is a trusted technological partner of governments, defense agencies, institutions and enterprises. Innovation, continuous research, digital manufacturing and sustainability are the cornerstones of AERI’s business worldwide.


5. AERI Research Institute Group:

(1) Research Institute for National Resilience Solution Institute
(2) Research Institute for Nuclear Weapons, Weapons of Mass Destruction and Conventional Weapons Neutralization Solution Laboratory
(3) Research Institute for Global Warming Prevention Solutions
(4)  Research Institute for solutions for the realization of a symbiotic society
(5)  Research Institute for Food Self-Sufficiency Solutions
(6)  Research Institute for Non-Nuclear, Defense, Military, and Counter-Terrorism Solutions
(7) Research Institute for Solutions to Normalize the Exiling Bias of Elderly Medical Care and Elderly Welfare

(8) Research Institute for Realization of Sustainable Social Infrastructure
(9) Research Institute for Intellectual Property Strategy
(10) Research Institute for Information Technology Solution
(11) Research Institute for Applied Physics

(12) Research Institute for Brain Science/Artificial Brain/AI Solutions Laboratory
(13)  Research Institute for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Solutions
(14) Culture creation business Division

(15) Social contribution business Division

Research Institute Group
15 Advanced Technology Development Laboratories Supporting AERI
Artificial Evolution Research Institute(AERI)

(1) Research Institute for National Resilience Solution Institute

(2) Research Institute for Nuclear Weapons, Weapons of Mass Destruction and Conventional Weapons Neutralization Solution Laboratory

(3) Research Institute for Global Warming Prevention Solutions

(4)  Research Institute for solutions for the realization of a symbiotic society

(5)  Research Institute for Food Self-Sufficiency Solutions

(6)  Research Institute for Non-Nuclear, Defense, Military, and Counter-Terrorism Solutions

(7) Research Institute for Solutions to Normalize the Exiling Bias of Elderly Medical Care and Elderly Welfare

(8) Research Institute for Realization of Sustainable Social Infrastructure

(9) Research Institute for Intellectual Property Strategy

(10) Research Institute for Information Technology Solution

(11) Research Institute for Applied Physics

(12) Research Institute for Brain Science/Artificial Brain/AI Solutions Laboratory

(13)  Research Institute for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Solutions

(14) Culture creation business Division

(15) Social contribution business Division

Military and Defense Science Research Division Overview

・Our institute conducts a variety of world-leading, cutting-edge, cutting-edge and leading-edge research focusing on unexplored and extreme areas in four of the most important next-generation academic and interdisciplinary fields: artificial intelligence, energy, environment, and military/defense science based on advanced science and engineering research results in quantum physics, biophysics, brain science, artificial brain/AI engineering, brain-machine interface engineering, nanosize semiconductor engineering, quantum semiconductor engineering, ultra LSI engineering, optical semiconductor engineering, non-destructive testing and lifetime prediction engineering, ultra short pulse and ultra high power laser science, satellite optoelectronics engineering, satellite-mounted remote sensing laser application engineering, geothermal power generation engineering and regenerative energy engineering, satellite-mounted remote sensing laser application engineering, geothermal power generation engineering and renewable energy engineering, we will conduct world-leading cutting-edge research in unexplored and extreme areas in the four most important next-generation fields of artificial intelligence, energy, environment, and military and defense science research (Military Science). We are conducting world-leading, top-class, cutting-edge research in four of the most important next-generation fields: artificial intelligence, energy, environment, and military and defense science.

・Our institute will continue to lead in science and the next generation of advanced technology, and we will not fall behind China. We will not bow down or be defeated by China in the above fields of study and research.

・To contact our institute, please use e-mail to contact us at the following e-mail address.
Phone: +81-45-286-9421 (Ruka Natsume, 1st Secretary)


Military and Defense Science Research Division Overview

1. Introduction

Military and defense science (abbreviated Military Science) in our institute is the interdisciplinary scientific study of military processes, institutions, and behavior, along with the study of warfare, and the theory and application of organized coercive force. It is mainly focused on theory, method, and practice of producing military capability in a manner consistent with defense (especially national defense) policy. Military and defense science serves to scientific identify the strategic, political, economic, psychological, social, operational, technological, and tactical elements necessary to sustain relative advantage of military force; and to increase the likelihood and favorable outcomes of victory in peace or during a war. Military and defense scientists in our institute include theoretical scientists, scientific researchers, experimental scientists, applied scientists, scientific designers, engineers, test technicians, and other scientific personnel.

Military and defense scientists in our institute don't obtain weapons, equipment, but training to achieve specific strategic goals. Our military and defense science study is also used to establish enemy capability as part of technical intelligence.

Our military and defense science studies span interdisciplinary across all scientific disciplines referring to all matters of military scientific theory and technology application as a single academic interdiscipline, including that of the research and development of strategic and defensive weapons and tactical robot soldiers.

Military scientists in the Military and Defense Sciences Division of our corporation are armed, equipped, and trained in military and defense (national defense) weapons in order to achieve given strategic objectives. At the same time, they are also trained in the intelligence science of technical information to determine the capabilities and military capacity of the enemy. The military scientists are equipped with outstanding research capabilities in the areas of war, military power, strategy, tactics, leadership, weaponry, politics, geography, engineering, etc.

The Military and Defense Science Division of our institute is conducting research and development of strategic and defensive weapons and tactical robotic soldiers, specializing in defense science, a field of military and defense science research in which research and development lags far behind (not only behind, but more than 50 years behind) that of the United Kingdom, United States, China, and other countries.


A. 新規材料・半導体材料、物性、デバイス構造・設計・製造プロセスの研究開発









コンピューターゲームやグラフィックス生成などの現場でも導入が広がりつつあり、CPU等の他のプロセッサでは不可能と言え、生成AI、Deep Learningの開発に必須のプロセッサであって、ディープラーニングや機械学習に代表されるAIモデルにおいて大量のパラメーターを持った複雑なネットワーク構造内で膨大な処理を超並列で実行でき、コンピューターグラフィックスや人工知能、ディープラーニング、仮想化技術などを得意とし、計算処理能力や処理スピードの低消費電力と高い並列計算能力を備え、多くのAI開発者に支持されているNVIDIA形式のGPUの機能デバイス構造、設計手法、製造プロセス研究に従事。.....


At the Institute for Artificial Evolution

We are conducting strategic and innovative proposals and basic research in unexplored and extreme areas.

Please feel free to contact us for the details of the research.

Global warming prevention solution

​National resilience solution

Nuclear Weapons / Conventional Weapons Invalidation Solution

Global warming prevention solution

Non-nuclear, defense and terrorism deterrence solutions

Food self-sufficiency solution

Symbiotic society realization solution

Elderly-heavy medical care and elderly-heavy welfare suppression solution

Sustainable social infrastructure realization solution

Research department

At the Institute for Artificial Evolution

We are conducting strategic and innovative proposals and basic research in unexplored and extreme areas.

Please feel free to contact us for the details of the research.

(Division of molecular biology and biotechnology)

Culture Creation Business Division

At the Institute for Artificial Evolution, culture <art (art, music, clothing), sports, health, etc.>

We are engaged in creation, promotion and promotion projects.

Please feel free to contact us for details on the cultural creation business.

​Manipulative clinic department


​Manipulative clinic department

Social contribution

Please feel free to contact us for more information.

Contact Us


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Tel: 070-3164-7872 (General Affairs Division)

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Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI)

070-3164-7872 (General Affairs Division)

© 2019 by AERI Artificial Evolution Research Institute

1200 East California Boulevard Pasadena, California 91125

Kamuro Kazuto
Dr. (Doctor of Engineering Applied Physics / Semiconductor Physical Properties)
Ph.D. (Doctor of Science, Molecular Biology & Computer Science)
Associate Professor (California Institute of Technology)
Senior Researcher, NEC Central Research Laboratories Director, Japan Tuberculosis Hospital Association Chief Electrical Engineer, First Class Information Processing Engineer

​About Artificial Evolution Research Institute

The Institute for Artificial Evolution (AERI) is conducting research and development on geothermal power generation, next-generation defense weapons, biocomputers, etc. as research subjects in unexplored areas and extreme areas.

We also conduct contract research from military-industrial companies and military-industrial conglomerates.

Eruption Prediction Eruption Prediction Earthquake Prediction Earthquake Prediction Explosives Detection Gun Detection Dangerous Object Detection Deterioration Diagnosis Life Prediction Life Diagnosis Non-Destructive Inspection Non-contact Inspection Tunnel Inspection, Bridge Inspection Rail Inspection --High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse HEMP High Altitude Nuclear Explosion High Altitude Nuclear Explosion Electromagnetic Pulse Compton Effect Nuclear Explosion Nuclear Missile EMP Attack Gamma Ray X-ray Mass Destruction Weapon Non-lethal Intercontinental Ballistic Missile ICBM Missile Attack Ballistic Missile Defense Nuclear Weapon Neutralization --Artificial Intelligence Biocomputer AI --Geothermal Power Renewable Energy Cogeneration Power Generation Binary Power Generation Smart Grid Climate Change Abnormal Meteorology Nuclear Power Generation Warming Environmental Destruction Environmental Conservation Global Environment Warming Gas Greenhouse Gas SDGS -Brain-computer Interface BCI Brain-machine Interface BMI Neural Network Neural Engineering Military Robot Cybernetics 6th Generation Computer Deep Learning Inference

AERI Artificial Evolution Research Institute | 1200 East California Boulevard Pasadena, California 91125
Prevention of globalization Geothermal power generation Cogeneration type micro binary power generation system Smart grit adaptive type geothermal power generation system Gastromeat Nuclear weapons Conventional weapons Invalidation solution Realization of symbiotic society Local cat care Cat forest OPERA Food self-sufficiency 21st century Urban agriculture Non-nuclear defense Terrorism deterrence AI Artificial intelligence-equipped self-destruction terrorism detection system Firearm detection Clairvoyant Tennotsu High altitude electromagnetic pulse HEMP Defense Ultra low altitude satellite Ultra high speed moving object Non-destructive inspection Biocomputer Combat robot Soldier BMI Brain machine interface Consciousness driven BMILSI Sustainable infrastructure High speed Road Tunnel Shinkansen Laser Deterioration Diagnosis Real-time Railroad
Remote Diagnosis Femto Laser Rail Intellectual Property Rights License Business Litigation Smart Grit Eruption Prediction Eruption Prediction Earthquake Prediction Earthquake Prediction

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