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Geothermal power plant The only candidate for alternative natural energy
1. Current status of energy development in Japan
Recently, as the mainstay of next-generation energy, cats and scoops have been rushing into the mega solar because of the exceptionally high FIT (unit price of electricity).
The construction cost of the mega solar is around 5 billion yen per 10,000 kW (100 GW = 100 million kW) of output. On the other hand, a geothermal power plant costs 6 to 7 billion yen. However, the operating rate of solar power is about 12% per year, but that of geothermal power generation is about 80%. Therefore, even with the same output, geothermal power generation has a power generation capacity 6 to 7 times higher than that of a mega solar.
Comparing the investment efficiency, if the same construction cost is invested, geothermal power generation has a cost performance that is 5 to 6 times higher than that of a mega solar. A mega solar requires a construction cost of 50 trillion yen to cover 10% of electricity demand, but a geothermal construction cost of 10 trillion yen or less.
Moreover, while a back-up power source for cloudy or rainy days is indispensable for mega solar, geothermal power generation can operate stably (power generation) 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, regardless of the weather. The economic performance of both is incomparable.
2. Geothermal power generation: Potential
In general, natural energy that does not require power storage equipment due to supply stability and flexibility, that is, can be repressed / added in an operating power system without a large investment burden comparable to the construction cost of the parent equipment, is (1) hydroelectric power generation, (2) Biomass power generation, (3) Geothermal power generation.
The above ① to ③ have no fatal problems in terms of power generation technology and economic efficiency, and the number of power plants can be increased. However, (1) hydropower and (2) biomass have problems in terms of potential (potential power generation capacity for electric power demand).
The construction sites of large-scale hydroelectric power generation facilities such as huge dams are already depleted in Japan, and the growth margin of hydroelectric power generation capacity is only a few percent of the current power demand. However, although small and medium-sized hydropower is promising for the purpose of local production for local consumption in the local economy in the future, it is still only a few percent of the electricity demand.
Biomass power generation has a dry system suitable for thermal power generation and a wet system suitable for gas power generation, but both resources meet only a few percent of the power demand. In other words, the power generation capacity of hydroelectric power generation and biomass power generation is too small compared to the energy consumption of the total population of Japan.
The geothermal power generation potential (potential power generation capacity for electric power demand), which is the only candidate for the alternative natural energy for nuclear power generation, is "Japan's geothermal resource is the third largest in the world at 23.47 million kW (Industrial Technology Research Institute). (Estimation of Geothermal Resources Research Group) ”. However, the conditions are limited to "hot water system of 150 degrees or more".
Geothermal resources are classified into categories such as high-temperature rocks, hot water, low-temperature hot water, and hot water, but they are not hot water resources (low-temperature hot water) or hot water on the lower temperature side than the hot water used in the above estimation. Resources (hot water) also exist properly.
If the amount is 120 degrees or less, 8.33 million kW is endowed. In the 2009 Ministry of the Environment survey, the middle (120-150 degrees) was added, and it was estimated to be 1.1 million kW. The above-mentioned low-temperature hot water is suitable for vinyl power generation and our heat regeneration vinyl engine-mounted closed cycle heat exchange power generation system, and can be used.
Summing up the above, it is estimated that the hydrothermal system (that is, hot water and low-temperature hot water) among the geothermal resources has a potential (potential power generation capacity for the electric power demand) of about 23% of the electric power demand in Japan.
On the other hand, there are hot dry rock geothermal resources that are not hot water.
It is about 2000 to 3000m underground and targets resources with geothermal heat of 200 to 300 ° C. The basic power generation form is to press water into a hot dry rock body to crush it and make it hydrothermal, and then take out steam with another pipe to generate electricity.
The steam after use is turned into water and returned to the basement for circulation (reduction). Demonstration experiments have already been successful in Japan in the 1980s and 1990s, and are almost technically established. The 16 regions with abundant resources alone have a potential of 38.4 GW (potential power generation capacity for electricity demand). This represents about 27% of electricity demand.
Furthermore, when the magma power generation, which has just begun to be developed, becomes fully available, it will be calculated that the total power demand can be fully covered by geothermal power alone.
3. Innovative geothermal power generation technology that breaks down the geothermal power generation development barrier
-Heat regenerative binary engine mounted closed cycle heat exchange power generation system-
In conventional geothermal power generation, if 80% of hot dry rock geothermal resources are limited to the development restricted area of the National National Monument, the three barriers of potential, power generation technology, and economic efficiency have already been cleared. On the other hand, the social conditions (installation location, specifically, urban areas and surrounding areas) and the power generation technology (for example, distributed power generation system and microthermal) to realize them have not been cleared.
80% of hot dry rock geothermal resources are in the development restricted area of the National National Park. Hot spring companies and nature maintenance groups are also opposed to the development. The Ministry of the Environment finally approved the development (vertical excavation) in the regulated area conditionally in March 2016. However, environmental assessment is still strict. This environmental regulation is the biggest obstacle (social condition 1) of conventional geothermal power generation development.
Conventional geothermal power generation has necks and obstacles (social condition 2) such as partial destruction of nature and landscape in the park. In addition, since most of the conventional geothermal power generation facilities are located in remote areas in the mountains, there are problems (social condition 3) such as the need to lay roads and power transmission lines for access as well as location development. There are also negatives and obstacles (social condition 4) such as environmental destruction caused by geothermal power generation.
The current geothermal power generation technology does not have the technology to solve any of the above social conditions 1 to 4, and it is struggling to push it out by force, and the conventional geothermal power generation promoters are using the current technology. I'm struggling to overcome this difficult situation with a quarrel while maintaining it, but I haven't received any public reaction and it's extremely cold.
There is another neck in the conventional geothermal power generation technology. That is the length of the lead time until the start of operation.
For example, even if development starts now, it will open (start operation) in 6 to 8 years. In other words, during that time, spending is one-way and risky.
The power generation venture covers not only renewable energy methods but also geothermal power generation, but it concentrates on the mega solar, which is said to be the real estate business. The biggest reason is the return on investment. This is because the income from selling electricity will be available in a few months.
The advancement of conventional geothermal power generation is generally limited to some of the former conglomerate heavy-duty companies, which hinders the promotion of geothermal power generation (investment cost problem).
Even so, geothermal power generation has a large amount of electricity generated annually, so at first glance it seems to be profitable, but thankfully, FIT (unit price of electricity) will be kept low so that other power development and profits will be fair.
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Procurement Price Calculation Committee, which determines the price and duration of all purchases, is not an organization that makes political choices for natural energy in the first place. Therefore, it seems that the entry into geothermal energy is relatively small in the FIT that will come into effect in July.
In order for power generation ventures to enter geothermal power generation, (1) the lead time until the start of operation is significantly shortened to one to three years, (2) the geothermal power generation system price is as low as a mega solar, and (3) FIT (power sales unit price) is required. It is necessary to overcome the three hardals of geothermal power generation technology development that can be achieved even if it is equal to or less than natural gas power generation.
The heat regeneration vinyl engine-equipped closed cycle heat exchange power generation system produced by our geothermal power generation technology development is a geothermal heat with excellent novelty and inventive step that clears all the hard (entry issues) ① to ③ of the above geothermal power generation. It is a power generation method. Please refer to the separate document for an overview of our heat regenerative binary engine-equipped closed cycle heat exchange power generation system.
4. Geothermal power generation: The only candidate for a natural energy alternative to nuclear power
(1) Although all the nuclear power plants have been shut down once, they are steadily restarting under the initiative of the government, ignoring the will of the people.
However, even if the nuclear power plant restarts, there is a wall of facility life (up to about 60 years) at the nuclear power plant, and there is no solution to the disposal problem, so new construction is impossible, so in the end, it is gradual. It is certain that we will move toward a nuclear power plant.
The choices given to us people are either immediate abolition or gradual denuclearization.
In the latter case, strictly speaking, (1) if you leave some, (2) abolish it completely, you have two choices, but at the moment, the focus is on whether or not to restart.
The debate over which choice is right is barren. Until alternative power generation as a nuclear alternative energy is put into practical use, the only option is to maintain the status quo. In the current situation where the problem of global warming is seriously looming, the only way to deal with the reality is to restart the nuclear power plant.
The problems we face due to the lack of nuclear power are also the challenges of energy security and CO2 reduction. Since dealing with power peaks and power generation is a top priority, we cannot abolish nuclear power plants.
Some experts point out the problems of CO2 emissions in nuclear power plant construction and nuclear fuel production, but CO2 emissions are well-counted in the industrial sector and are very small in quantity.
(2) There are 12 candidates (new energy) for alternative natural energy to nuclear power plants.
That is,
1. Use as excrement biogas ex. Microbial fuel cell
2. Algae (photosynthesis) energy ex. Humble (mother)
3. Geothermal energy
4. Solar energy energy
5. Ocean heat energy
6. Wind energy wind turbine use
7. Hot dry rock geothermal power generation A type of geothermal power generation. Proven. Cost is an issue. Waiting for conditional commercialization of problem solving.
8. Blood flow energy
9. Piezoelectric effect Piezo effect
10. Wave power generation Ocean current power generation
11. Hydrogen fuel A large amount of energy is required to separate the target substance, elemental hydrogen, from hydrogen compounds. High cost for storage tank & supply line
12. Fusion energy A monument that puts the sun in a box. The idea itself is great, but I can't find the box.
(3) Elimination of nuclear power = the difficult problem facing new energy, in other words, the alternative eligibility conditions for nuclear power are
1. How to survive the power demand peak of 180 million kW (problem of lack of quantity)
2. How to replace the quantitative deficiency of 300 billion kWh per year, that is, the problem of role deficiency (base load eligibility).
Until now, as symptomatic treatments, power saving and restoration of old-fashioned thermal power (mainly coal-fired power) have been carried out.
Since the total installed capacity of thermal power and hydraulic power (including pumped storage) slightly exceeds the maximum demand, the actual operating rate does not reach the power demand peak in summer.
However, since it was possible to save 20% of electricity in the TEPCO district in the summer, it is highly possible that the power demand peak can be overcome by implementing power saving measures in the TEPCO district in the national district and increasing the thermal power in the summer.
However, the real problem is (1) quantitative lack and (2) role lack (base load eligibility).
What should we do with these two problems (1) and (2)?
No one wants a surge in fuel (crude oil, coal, natural gas) import costs, as it is synonymous with a national wealth outflow and a decline in household and corporate disposable income. If possible, I would like to expand the role of domestically produced natural energy. However, when it comes to the alternative eligibility conditions for nuclear power plants, it is extremely strict.
There are three eligibility conditions for substituting nuclear power plants as a base load.
Eligibility for replacement of nuclear power plant 1: There is a potential that can cover 300 billion kWh, which is equivalent to 30% of electricity demand.
Eligibility for replacement of nuclear power plant 2: .Stable power generation for 24 hours is possible, and it can carry a base load power source.
Eligibility for replacement of nuclear power plant 3: The cost of power generation per 1kWh is around 10 yen, which is relatively cheap.
Only geothermal power generation has cleared all of the above 1 to 3 nuclear power alternative eligibility conditions.
Wind power is disqualified in terms of Eligibility for Nuclear Power Substitution 2, but it is a far more decent choice in terms of economy than megasolar.
With geothermal power generation, construction costs of 10 trillion yen or less can cover 10% of electricity demand. In total cost base, it is almost the same as the economic efficiency of nuclear power plants. If time is taken, geothermal power generation alone can sufficiently replace existing nuclear power plants.
After making geothermal power generation a base load, it is correct to proceed in parallel with the development of other natural energy alternatives to nuclear power plants that meet the above-mentioned eligibility conditions for alternative nuclear power plants and are economical and stable, such as hydropower and biomass.
The government should have invested at least 20% of the investment in geothermal power generation technology development by splitting the huge amount of money invested in the nuclear fuel cycle plan from the beginning of the plan. If so, the opposition party wouldn't have to go back and forth with the nuclear energy alternative natural energy policy, and the post-interpretation that "I should have used the funds invested in the nuclear fuel cycle plan for geothermal development from the beginning?" Is boring. I wouldn't have been rushed.
Even elementary school students can easily judge something by interpretation (Japanese characteristic thinking & code of conduct) after things are over and there is no turning back.
Class A war criminals are the Ministry of Education, the professor at Chabozu University, and the bureaucrats of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
Rather, from now on, the above-mentioned plunge raised the spirit of "OK! The alternative natural energy for nuclear power plants will go with sunlight ~ !!!", (1) Self-Party & People-Party's idiot Prime Minister, (2) Local government Governor of idiots & mayors (ex. K Governor of Nagawa Prefecture K Iwa, T Governor of Kyoto Metropolitan Government M Soichi, Mayor of Y Hama City H Fumiko etc ....), ③ Energy experts and prominent businessmen (ex. S Bank) Mr. S Masayoshi) & I want the Chabozu Conservators to be strict and strict.
5. The ultimate solution to energy national policy
-Heat regenerative binary engine mounted closed cycle heat exchange power generation system-
As mentioned above, the only candidate for nuclear alternative natural energy is geothermal power generation, not a megasolar.
However, conventional geothermal power generation has a long lead time. Even with the rapid development of national policy from now on, there was a problem that power plants would start up one after another in 6 to 8 years.
We are developing geothermal power generation technology to solve the above problems. The closed cycle heat exchange power generation system equipped with a heat regeneration vinyl engine produced by our geothermal power generation technology development is a novelty and inventive step that clears all the above-mentioned hard (entry issues) ① to ③ that conventional geothermal power generation has. It is an excellent geothermal power generation method.
Our heat regeneration vinyl engine-equipped closed cycle heat exchange power generation system can achieve a lead time of 2 to 3 years, which is about half that of conventional geothermal power generation, depending on the scale of power generation.
There is still something to note. The above-mentioned social conditions, that is, it is possible to realize small / medium scale & distributed & microgrid type geothermal power generation instead of the conventional centralized & large scale & long distance transmission type geothermal power generation.
Please refer to the separate document for an overview of our heat regenerative binary engine-equipped closed cycle heat exchange power generation system.
For those who can't wait that long, it's a pitiful story to ignore the fact that Japan has the infamous label of Japan, which can only take the lowest measures against environmental problems among OECD countries, but it is an ultra-short-term method. As a result, the method of evolving the existing power generation source (development of technology like a label) is also effective, and an immediate effect can be obtained.
It is an improvement in the efficiency of thermal power generation. This is called negative energy, and the same effect as installing a new power generation facility can be obtained. It is extremely effective as a short-term and medium-term measure (however, environmental problems and criticism from the world are ignored).
The average power generation efficiency of the current thermal power generation is at most 40%. Prior to the nuclear accident, thermal power generation generated 600 billion kWh. Therefore, by raising the average power generation efficiency to 50%, it is possible to generate 150 billion kWh of power with the same fuel as before.
Furthermore, as a promising candidate for Galapagos-like technology development, there is a combined cycle power generation aiming at high efficiency of the latest thermal power generation, but the average power generation efficiency is 60%. In other words, the average efficiency can be increased little by little by updating the old and new groups.
Combined cycle power generation can be maintained for 10 million kW if there is a construction cost for one nuclear power plant. Moreover, the lead time is as short as one year or less if the old and new are replaced with combined cycle power generation.
On the other hand, it is a pitiful story to ignore the fact that Japan has the infamous letter of being able to take only the lowest measures against environmental problems among OECD countries, but as a countermeasure technology for combined cycle power generation, fuel cells More efficient natural gas and coal-fired power generation using
Combined cycle power generation if you are willing to put up with the contempt of developed countries, ignoring the fact that Japan and the Government of Japan, which can only take the lowest measures against environmental problems among OECD countries, are affixed. It is quick and easy to expect immediate effect by accelerating the commercialization of the product (I say, we are against it).
However, the stigma and infamy of Japan, which can only take the lowest measures against environmental problems among OECD countries, is dispelled, the contempt from developed countries is converted to respect and praise, and it is transformed into an advanced country for environmental protection (warming measures). In order to do so, if you want the ultimate solution to energy measures, which is one of the three major national policies (food, defense, and energy), invest in a closed cycle heat exchange power generation system equipped with a heat regeneration vinyl engine. Concentrated investment is the best move.
We are developing geothermal power generation technology to solve the above problems. The closed cycle heat exchange power generation system equipped with a heat regeneration vinyl engine produced by our geothermal power generation technology development is a novelty and inventive step that clears all the above-mentioned hard (entry issues) ① to ③ that conventional geothermal power generation has. It is an excellent geothermal power generation method.
Our heat regeneration vinyl engine-equipped closed cycle heat exchange power generation system can achieve a lead time of 2 to 3 years, which is about half that of conventional geothermal power generation, depending on the scale of power generation.
There are still some notable points. The above-mentioned social conditions, that is, it is possible to realize small / medium scale & distributed & microgrid type geothermal power generation instead of the conventional centralized & large scale & long distance transmission type geothermal power generation.
6. Energy Roadmap In Japan, which has the lowest growth rate in the OECD countries for the past 20 years, Japan has a finite national power (investment power) in order to overcome the energy crisis at the national policy level. Development ability) needs to be concentrated. Under the current government's policy of doing everything, like an octopus stretching its legs, the finite investment power of the public and private sectors will only turn into "money to death."
Environmental problems Dispel the stigma and infamy of Japan, which can only take the lowest measures against environmental problems among OECD countries, convert contempt from developed countries into respect and praise, and transform into an advanced country with environmental protection (warming) problems. In order to do so, policy investment should be focused on the most cost-effective technology that balances the environmental protection (warming) problem with the OECD national policy.
But where do you put it? In other words, it is a matter of "selection and concentration". That is where you can use your skills and how to use your head.
We have improved the power generation efficiency of thermal power generation (combined cycle power generation) → Through more efficient natural gas power generation and coal-fired power generation using fuel cells, we have a road map that leads to a closed cycle heat exchange power generation system equipped with a heat regeneration vinyl engine. We recommend strategic national investment in line with.
In addition, our thermal regeneration vinyl engine-equipped closed cycle heat exchange power generation system has the entire geothermal resource (hot dry rock, hot water, low-temperature hot water, hot water) as the operating region, and is highly efficient as hot dry rock power generation. It should be added that it can be operated.
There will be a lot of critics and insults to such proposals, but I would like you to at least say your own innovative and feasible ideas, as I did.
For questions, consultations, and orders, please use the email or inquiry form.
AERI Artificial Evolution Research Institute We carry out strategic and innovative proposals and basic research in unexplored and extreme areas.
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#Nuclear alternative energy business
Heat regenerative binary engine mounted closed cycle heat exchange #Geothermal power generation System
#global warming #Greenhouse gas #Charcoal dioxide #Renewable energy #Hydrogen energy #Fuel cell #Battery #Biofuel
#Breaking with nuclear power generation #Nuclear alternative energy #Alternative power generation #Alternative energy #Geothermal power generation #Mega Solar #Hydropower #Biomass power generation #Geothermal resources
#Hot dry rock #Distributed power generation #Microgrid #Excretion power generation #Biogas #Microbial fuel cell #Algae energy #Solar energy energy
#Ocean thermal energy #Wind energy #Wind power #Hot dry rock geothermal power generation #Blood energy energy #Piezoelectric effect #Piezo power generation #Wave power generation
#Marine current power generation #Hydrogen fuel #Fusion energy #Base load #Nuclear fuel cycle #Environmental problems #Warming problems #Combine cycle
#Zero nuclear power #Zero nuclear power #Warming #Environmental problems #Solar power generation #Solar power generation #Carbon dioxide #Natural gas power generation #Vinary power generation
#Global warming #Greenhouse gas #Carbon dioxide #Renewable energy #Hydrogen energy #Fuel battery #Storage battery #Biofuel

Geothermal power generation