Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI)
Challenge to immortality
Eruption prediction Eruption prediction Earthquake prediction Earthquake sign Explosive detection Gun detection Dangerous object detection Deterioration diagnosis Life prediction Life diagnosis Non-destructive inspection Non-contact inspection Tunnel inspection, bridge inspection Rail inspection --High altitude electromagnetic pulse HEMP High altitude nuclear explosion High altitude nuclear explosion Electromagnetic Pulse Compton Effect Nuclear Explosion Nuclear Missile EMP Attack Gamma Ray X-ray Mass Destruction Weapon Non-lethal Intercontinental Ballistic Missile ICBM Missile Attack Ballistic Missile Defense Nuclear Weapon Neutralization --Artificial Intelligence Biocomputer AI --Geothermal Power Renewable Energy Cogeneration Power Binary Power Generation Smart Grid Climate Change Abnormal Meteorological Nuclear Power Generation Warming Environmental Destruction Environmental Conservation Global Environment Warming Gas Greenhouse Gas SDGS -Brain-computer Interface BCI Brain-machine Interface BMI Neural Network Neural Engineering Military Robot Cybernetics 6th Generation Computer Deep Learning Inference
Model recruitment
Recruitment of models / talents. You can make your model debut after the training. There are ID card, resume, photo submission and interview. Please apply from the application form.
General incorporated association yokohama art model
Companion / attendant service for anime / cosplay / photograph / TV / CM / PV / WEB / magazine / fashion show / steel advertisement / extra / narrator , exhibition / reception / society / event / event, etc. ..
Art and Heart
Recruiting models Costumes and nudes are being actively adopted →
A dedicated HP has been created! Please click here
From any harassment rampant in the dark of the arts and arts industry
Legally defending models (art models / art models)
We provide an environment where models can work safely in the field of expression.

Art and Heart
電話:045-286-9421(第1秘書 夏目瑠果)
HP: https://www.yokohama-art-model.com
Mail: info@yokohama-art-model.com
【Nude or Costume Models: We are always looking for artistic models to appear in photo shoots and private photo sessions.
Please apply with (1) an appealing photo, (2) identification, and (3) contact information (phone & email).】
【Application Requirements】
We are looking forward to receiving applications from aspiring models who can satisfy/clear the following requirements.
(1)Ladies between the ages of 5 and 55 who have a sense of propriety, individuality, and charm and who wish to become models.
(2)Model appearance fee (guarantee) is minimum guaranteed hourly rate of 10,000 yen for nude and 2,000 yen for costume.
(3) Model appearance fee (guaranty) is a minimum guaranteed hourly rate of 10,000 yen for nude and 2,000 yen for costume.
①Guarantee = (base salary + model form) x model assessment criteria.
②Additional work pay and additional ability pay system.
③Transportation expenses paid.
④Daily wages are available.
(4)Welfare programs such as (1) fixed salary system, (2) rent (housing allowance) payment system or (3) apartment payment system are available depending on the loyalty (degree of loyalty) and contribution x contribution x performance to the Company group.
(5)Art modeling experience not required. Inexperienced applicants negotiable.
(6)Photography is located in studios in the Tokyo metropolitan area (Tokyo and Yokohama).
(7)Tattoos OK, welcome.
(8)Venetian masks to conceal the face are acceptable. Negotiable.
✖ Submission of (1) appeal photo, (2) photo ID (driver's license, passport, my number card, or special permanent resident card), and (3) contact information (phone & email) is required. Those who cannot submit these documents are not eligible to apply.
①ギャランティ=仕事給加算・能力給加算制=基本給+付加給。 ②交通費支給 ③日給制あり応談
⚫︎当社団へのロイヤリティ(忠誠度)や貢献度×寄与度×業績に応じて、①社保(雇用保険、労災保険、健康保険、厚生年金保険)完備、②固定給制度、③家賃(住居手当)または入居マンション支給制度、④整形支援・補助制度(年齢制限:15~25歳、26歳以上不可。 豊胸、美脚、唇・鼻・眼整形、審美歯・歯並び矯正、エラ除去に限定)等の福利厚生、支援・補助制度有り。
⚫︎撮影地首都圏(東京 横浜)