Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI)
Challenge to immortality
Eruption prediction Eruption prediction Earthquake prediction Earthquake sign Explosive detection Gun detection Dangerous object detection Deterioration diagnosis Life prediction Life diagnosis Non-destructive inspection Non-contact inspection Tunnel inspection, bridge inspection Rail inspection --High altitude electromagnetic pulse HEMP High altitude nuclear explosion High altitude nuclear explosion Electromagnetic Pulse Compton Effect Nuclear Explosion Nuclear Missile EMP Attack Gamma Ray X-ray Mass Destruction Weapon Non-lethal Intercontinental Ballistic Missile ICBM Missile Attack Ballistic Missile Defense Nuclear Weapon Neutralization --Artificial Intelligence Biocomputer AI --Geothermal Power Renewable Energy Cogeneration Power Binary Power Generation Smart Grid Climate Change Abnormal Meteorological Nuclear Power Generation Warming Environmental Destruction Environmental Conservation Global Environment Warming Gas Greenhouse Gas SDGS -Brain-computer Interface BCI Brain-machine Interface BMI Neural Network Neural Engineering Military Robot Cybernetics 6th Generation Computer Deep Learning Inference

Quantum Brain(量子脳)を実現するBMIVLSI搭載意識駆動型バイオコンピューター
Caltech大学院物理学客員教授 Ph.D. Dr. 物理学・脳科学者 神室一翔
1.単一プログラム逐次処理(Sequential Computing)型のノイマン型コンピューター(電子計算機)を含め、複数プログラム並列処理(Parallel Computing)型の脳の、神経細胞を疑似的に摸したニューロコンピューターや量子力学の原理を応用する量子コンピューターなどの非ノイマン型コンピューター(電子計算機)も全て、ビット長単位で論理計算を行うものでは、人間の意識的な活動(意思・意欲や思考、知性、心など)はシミュレーションすることさえ原理的に不可能だ。
2.Quantum Brain(量子脳)を実現するBMIVLSI搭載意識駆動型バイオコンピューターは、第6世代コンピューターの代表であり、そののメイン機能である『意識的な思考』は、人間の脳の意識的な思考そのものだ。
3.しかし、BMIVLSI搭載意識駆動型バイオコンピューターは、Quantum Brain(量子脳)、すなわち、脳(brain)であって、コンピューター・計算機ではなく、理性、知能、知性、感性等の『人間の精神活動』=『意識』そのものを人工物化、具現化した『不死の人工知能』といえる。
7.Quantum Brain(量子脳)を実現するBMI搭載意識駆動型バイオコンピューター(BMI応用)が実行する知能活動は『脳の知能』そのものだ。プログラム駆動型のエミュレーションでも、シミュレーションでもない。
Quantum Brain(量子脳)及びBMI搭載意識駆動型バイオコンピューターのが実行する知能の多くは、程度や規模はさておき、従来の計算機群を駆使すればエミュレーションレベルで可能だ。
8.Quantum Brain(量子脳)を実現するBMI搭載意識駆動型バイオコンピューター(BMI応用)の実行動作=知能活動すべてが計算機でエミュレーションできたとしても所詮プログラムで事前に記述されたもの、単なるエミュレーターに過ぎず、意識が行っている将来に向かう精神活動(意思・意欲や思考、知性、心、自立心など)とは進化・自律という点で根本的に異質であり、模擬・物まねのレベルを超えない。
9.Quantum Brain(量子脳)を実現するBMI搭載意識駆動型バイオコンピューター(BMI応用)では、脳内の神経細胞にある微小管での、量子物理学レベル非計算機的な波動関数の収縮状態をBMI(神経接続素子で構成されるインターフェースLSI)で脳内全体からタイム・in situで検出し、後段の論理演算集積回路(汎用計算機のMPUやメモリ等)で定性·定量解析することで、意識の元となる基本的で単純な未知の属性情報を制生成するとと同時に、これらの属性情報を組み合わせてなる『生物の高レベルな意識』=『脳の知能』を生成している。
#量子脳 #バイオコンピュータ #BMI #AI #量子コンピューター #第6世代コンピューター #人工知能 #量子物理学 #量子力学 #次世代半導体
Upload human consciousness to the brains of war weapons such as combat robots and combat planes
Awareness-driven biocomputer and key vise, brain-machine interface (BMI) research project
[Successful development of a biocomputer that operates consciously]
People are afraid of death.
People are afraid of aging.
If we can release a person from the body, leaving only the brain, we can get eternal life.
If human consciousness can be transferred and transplanted to robots, humans will be able to move freely between the real world and cyberspace.
With this in mind, the Institute for Artificial Evolution (AERI) has been conducting research projects on consciousness-driven biocomputers, keys, and brain-machine interface (BMI).
We have succeeded in developing a consciousness BMI.
The above-mentioned development project of the Institute for Artificial Evolution (AERI) finally extracts information from the human brain from the body without the need for surgery, and only consciousness is transferred, as if an out-of-body soul were transferred. It is a strategic / innovative proposal / basic research in unexplored / extreme areas, which is characterized by being able to be uploaded to a robot.
The brunt of human scientific interest is already directed to the development of "androids". At the international conference "The Global Future 2045 conference" to be held in 2045, opinions will be actively exchanged for the new human body.
We anticipate that by 2045 there will already be machines that will take the human brain out of the body and maintain it. In the next few years, we predict that the development of an artificial human brain will be completed, creating an environment in which only the consciousness of the human brain can be taken in and out.
Recent technological advances have allowed scientists to "see" what is in the human head. However, it is questionable whether this technology will be used to actually create robots beyond ethical issues.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is already actively conducting research on humans fighting on the battlefield by remotely controlling android cyborgs.
The U.S. Department of Defense's high-tech research department has budgeted $ 7 million for the project. Using this budget, in 2013, we are developing an interface and algorithm for a semi-automatic robot that moves at the will of soldiers.
Do you know Dr. Nova from the manga "Battle Angel Alita"?
A further ambition of the Institute for Artificial Evolution (AERI) is to have human consciousness uploaded to the brains of war weapons such as combat robots and combat planes. Consciousness can transcend time and space by skipping only consciousness, and can teleport to thousands of kilometers and tens of thousands of kilometers in an instant in about 0.1 seconds.
Even if the war weapon itself is destroyed, the consciousness that is the brain of the war weapon passes through the wall and does not die no matter what bullet hits it.
The economic cost of war could be drastically reduced.
Saranayu's ambition is to upload human consciousness to the body of the optical hologram.
It can pass through walls and will not die no matter what bullets hit it, and it will be possible to travel in space by skipping only consciousness.
[Successful development of biocomputer key vise BMILSI]
This time, we have succeeded in research and development of BMI / BMC (Brain Machine Interface / Brain Computer Interface) theory and neural connection LSI (semiconductor integrated circuit), which are the basic fields of biocomputer research.
Below is an overview.
1. 1. The prototype of BMI / BMC device (LSI) has already been completed. The number of nerve connections and controls in the proto is 100 M neurons (number of nerve connections = 100 million neurons).
2. BMI / BMC devices (LSIs) basically target only the human brain. All parts other than Noh (mainly human body parts) are worthless and can be discarded.
3. 3. Japan has already been 50 years behind the United States in the fields of artificial intelligence (software) and BMI / BMC (hardware, devices), but with the results of this research, it has gained the top level at once.
4. As a result, the BMI / BMC (Brain Machine Interface / Brain Computer Interface) theory of intellectual property strategy research and the neural connection LSI (semiconductor integrated circuit) technology are 10 years ahead of the United States.
5. If the BMI / BMC device (LSI) succeeds, human beings can abandon the troublesome biological element of the body and become only the brain.
Problems that human beings are currently facing, such as physical illness, war, labor, hunger, environmental problems, food problems, population problems, and aging problems, can be solved at once at the same time.
6. The cyber war between consciousness computer and consciousness computer, which does not require a human body in terms of war style and labor form, will be transformed into the main battlefield. Labor will be done by computer-controlled machines. It will revolutionize the war economy and the industrial economy.
7. In particular, in the war style, human consciousness will be uploaded to the brains of war weapons such as combat robots and combat airplanes, and machine-to-machine combat will be the main battlefield. Specifically, a battle in which the android cyborg plays the leading role will be developed. The war economy and war costs will change completely.
8. It is almost free from the aging and illness that has plagued humankind. Traditional medicine and drugs can be completely worthless.
9. The lifespan of a person is about 300 years, which is a dramatic increase.
10. Human beings will be able to break away from Darwin's theory of evolution and design the path of evolution in the form they desire. It is possible to proceed with the new evolution of Darwin according to the new evolution theory decided by human beings. It is an evolutionary revolution that allows you to systematically and strategically advance your own evolutionary path and speed.
11. Currently, there are many issues, one of which is the knowledge base in the field of artificial intelligence (software). AI learns the thinking dynamics of the human brain, but it cannot be learned indiscriminately and indefinitely.
12. In the thinking and consciousness of the brain, it quickly detects signals that should not be taken into AI and should be excluded, and when it occurs, it immediately cuts the nerve connection at the place of occurrence, forms a protective wall to block it, and controls to protect the computer group. Theory is essential.
13. This time, we will search for psychic phenomena as a typical phenomenon in which the human brain malfunctions. There is a task to investigate how psychic phenomena occur in the brain at the consciousness level and what kind of EEG firing patterns are generated.
14. In the future, the Institute for Artificial Evolution (AERI) will incorporate it into the theory of deep learning in BMI / BMC devices (LSI).
Brain Machine Interface (BMI)
Ⅰ. What is BMI?
A Brain Machine Interface (BMI) is a device that enables a direct communications path between the brain and the machine to be controlled. Researchers began their research on BCI's in the 1970's at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) under a grant from the National Science Foundation, followed by a contract from DARPA.
The papers published after the research also mark the first appearance of the expression brain machine interface in scientific literature. It is also called as:
1.Neural-control interface (NCI)
2. Mind-machine interface (MMI)
3.Direct neural interface (DNI)
4.Brain–computer interface (BCI)
Ⅱ. Working of Brain-Machine Interface (BMI) –
As the influence of modern computers grows alongside with our understanding of the human brain, we are moving closer to make some pretty spectacular science fiction into reality. For example, just imagine transmitting signals directly to someone's brain that would allow them to see, hear or feel specific sensory inputs, how much spectacular that would be. This means you have the potential of manipulating the machine or the computer with your own brain just by giving sensory inputs.
Development of a Brain-machine interface (BCI) could be the most important technological breakthrough in decades not just for the convenience of disabled people. Our brains are filled with neurons, individual nerve cells connected to one another through dendrites and axons. Each time we Brain-Machine Interface research is an area of high public awareness. Videos on YouTube, as well as reported news in the media, indicates intense curiosity and interest in a field that hopefully one day soon will dramatically improve the lives of many disabled persons affected by a number of different diseases.
Ⅲ. How to Measure Brain Activity?
There are several ways to measure Brain-Machine Interface out of which the two most prominent are mentioned below –
1.Electroencephalograph (EEG): One of the biggest difficulty faced by researchers in brain-computer interface in the present scenario is the complex mechanics of the interface itself. A group of electrodes which is a device known as an electroencephalograph (EEG) attached to Regardless of whatever location you place the electrodes, the basic mechanism. It is used for reading brain signals. However, significant portion of the signal emanated from our brain gets distorted as the skull blocks the electrical signals. is the same ie the interfaces measure minute differences in the voltage between neurons and then signal is then amplified and filtered.
2.Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI): An MRI machine is a complicated and massive device. Even though the images produced by the MRI are of high-resolution, we cannot use it as a part of permanent or semi-permanent. Researchers used this to get standard for certain brain activity or to depict where in the brain electrodes should be placed to measure a specific function.
Ⅳ. Top 5 Brain Machine Interface Projects:
1.Brain controlled wheelchair: Move with your Brain-This project can be developed for physically impaired people in their movement, all the system need is user's concentration. Users are allowed to navigate in a familiar indoor environment within a reasonable time with the help of Wheelchair.
2.Brain Controlled Robotic ARM: Brainwave sensor can catch your brain signals whenever you blink your eyes, when you concentrate, meditate and can be used in various applications. Brain Controlled Robotic Arm is one of the Applications of it. The Robotic Arm is moved with EEG sensor based on a parameter collected by it.
3.Brain Keyboard (You can type with your Eye blink): Many paralyzed people try to communicate with the surroundings but cannot. They can do it with this Brain keyboard and communicate with their surroundings. EEG sensor reads the eye blink and accordingly, text gets displayed on the text box.
4. Helicopter Controlled by Brain: Yes, you can fly your helicopter with your Brainwaves. The helicopter can fly according to your level of concentration, and meditation so when you concentrate it flies up and when you relax it will be back, isn't it interesting.
5.Authentication of Password using Brainwaves (Security): As we know brain signals and pattern of every human being is unique and different thus we can use EEG in bio-metric identification. This can be used from high security areas to our Home and we can authenticate using my brainwaves only.
* If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.