Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI)
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21st century urban agriculture
At the Institute of Artificial Evolution, if electric energy can be used infinitely for free,
What kind of new business and artist can you create? I'm looking for.
Specifically, there is Urban Farming / Urban agriculture.
In recent years, we have cultivated fresh and safe vegetables for local production for local consumption.
Urban Farming (Urban agriculture) movements have begun in cities around the world.
Today, the world's population continues to grow and food production is becoming an important issue. The world population will reach 9 billion by 2040, and it is estimated that about 80% of them will live in cities.
① Deforestation and deforestation to expand agricultural land as the population grows
(2) Decrease in productivity due to a decrease in the number of local agricultural workers,
③ Abnormal weather
There is a high possibility that a food crisis will occur. Securing food is an important issue.
Since there are many large consumer markets such as residents, shops, restaurants, and companies nearby in the city, the spread of Urban Farming / Urban agriculture will bring fresh and safe vegetables directly. It can be provided to many people.
It will also create new urban-style business models that will change the supply chain and significantly reduce the burden on the environment.
1. 1. [New industrial projects related to natural environment and new energy]
In addition to the major industries in the Keihin industrial area, which had been devastated and already rusted and not in operation, the urgent issue facing Japanese industry was "Aiming to achieve both CO2 reduction and industrial development. He keeps advocating too self-evident themes such as "corporate management, green innovation, and the search for systems" (especially the scholars are terrible), but in reality, he just continues to sew, pry, lie, deceive, replace, and detour. The point is that the deterioration of the natural environment cannot be stopped because the time has passed without finding an effective countermeasure.
At present, Japan is still unable to heal the wounds of the 9/11 Great Earthquake, (1) natural environmental problems (animal and plant diversity and survival crisis, reduction of greenhouse gases, etc.), and (2) next-generation alternative energy problems (stable supply of electricity from nuclear power plants). ), ③ Long-term deflation and economic stagnation (prolonged low growth), we are standing in front of three serious problems that are mutually regulated.
In order to solve the above three problems (1) to (3) at the same time, the Institute for Artificial Evolution creates new industries related to the natural environment and new energy, and Japanese companies (not only large companies but also small and medium-sized enterprises) in the new industries. (Including), but I believe that we must be able to create intrinsic value in a stable manner without being bound by added value.
Many natural and energy policies to date have downplayed this point.
When it comes to "solving natural environment problems" and "solving energy problems," it is difficult to oppose them, and a large amount of tax is incurred. However, as a result, if it is not possible to draw a scenario in which corporate activities become active, companies create intrinsic value, and the economy grows, the tax will be wasted and the effect of tax input will be short-term and limited. It will end up.
The reason why conventional natural environment / energy policies are not always very effective (the problem with conventional environmental / energy policies) is that they lack an understanding of the actual conditions of corporate management, market competition, and technological development. I think it is in the point of being.
We have an awareness of the problem that the main players who actually promote the development of the natural environment and energy industry are not the government, but private companies exposed to international competition, and the people who work there. At the same time, we are aware that it is difficult to formulate appropriate policies without understanding the actual state of competition, technological trends, management intentions, and consumer preferences.
From the above awareness of the problems, the Artificial Evolution Research Institute is a new industrial project related to the natural environment and new energy with the aim of solving the above three problems (1) to (3) at the same time and regenerating the rusted Keihin industrial area. I decided to launch.
2. [21st Century National Business: FED]
Food, Energy and Defense (FED) are nationally essential businesses in the 21st century when the population explodes.
AI, IT, IPS, etc. are important but upstream technologies and are based on solid FED.
The Institute for Artificial Evolution (AERI) wants to develop the first plant in the micro power generation business.
Based on the results of the first plant, I would like to integrate microplants in the Keihin industrial area to create a power generation area.
The first plant of the new micro power generation business devised by the Intellectual Property Research Institute is a highly efficient hybrid power generation system that combines the geothermal binary power generation method and the gas cogeneration method.
Moreover, it is the world's first power generation method that can eliminate both the drawbacks of the geothermal binary power generation method and the drawbacks of the gas cogeneration method and does not require any special cost.
I would like to consider a business model for exporting the electricity generated here as a strategic material.
I am wondering if Yokohama and Kanagawa can be revived as trading ports in the 21st century.
If the port towns of Yokohama and Kanagawa are realized, many stable employment, business opportunities, and sole proprietorships can be created.
In terms of economic scale, you can obtain a second capital status that is completely different from Tokyo & Osaka.
Specifically, the 21st century type that aims at (1) "low carbon / green type economic growth", (2) "carbon offset type economic growth", (3) "cultivation of IT literacy", (4) "soundness of Yokohama city finances", etc. We believe that we can realize a model of autonomous local government and one of the world's leading cities.
3. 3. [Pilot plant: Honmoku citizen pool site]
The wave of declining birthrate and aging population cannot be stopped all over Japan, and the consolidation of elementary schools, junior high schools, and high schools cannot be stopped.
Among them, privately-owned pools and public-owned pools are being abolished one after another nationwide because of the deficit.
Yokohama City should also change its anachronistic deficit drainage policy, such as the regeneration of Honmoku City Pool.
On the surface, the reason for the redevelopment of the Honmoku citizen pool is aging, but the reason for the redevelopment must have been the leakage of the pool.
However, when we observe the condition of the pool every day, we have never observed the fact that we have conducted neither leak inspection nor deterioration inspection. Is it possible to skip the repair plan and redevelop it from the beginning without identifying the location of the crack and diagnosing the degree of the crack?
Even though there is no trace of water leak inspection or deterioration inspection, the Yokohama city administration is black, for some reason, pushing the Honmoku citizen pool redevelopment policy because of water leakage.
Ignoring the current situation where the contraction economy is becoming more serious, the mystery of the anachronism and the redevelopment policy of the Honmoku citizen pool, which is now runaway by the administrative method of the growth economy era, is only deepening.
Despite the fact that there is already a mammoth pool (adjacent large-scale existing pool facility) at Negishi Station, the Yokohama City Administration, which is redeveloping the Honmoku Citizen's Pool, is developing special corporations and amakudari groups, wasting city taxes, and so on. I think that the purpose is to divert the city tax to the Amakudari group.
I sent an e-mail to Honmoku City Pool twice, but no answer.
Perhaps it is because they do not want to give up their interests (main purpose is amakudari), which is an extension of the current situation, or because they are looking to acquire new interests.
The Institute for Artificial Evolution (AERI) is planning and preparing for a rehabilitation project here (Honmoku City Pool is the best choice).
Can you help me?
The pool business was public until the middle of the Showa era, but now that the Heisei era is about to end, it is no longer public, and it is an old-fashioned (rather humorous) business that is used by only a few people. It has changed to.
The Citizen's Bureau is planning to re-commercialize by investing public money, even though it is still an unprofitable business.
However, as far as the contents of the plan are seen from the published materials, it is just a collection of those that have already been implemented by local governments nationwide and have been found to be unprofitable. It only looks like a prolongation of life.
Why is the Citizen's Bureau (Sports Division) obsessed with the revitalization of the above unprofitable businesses?
The unprofitable cause lies in the sports foundation, which has been outsourced for decades.
The group throws the pool's summer operations, which make up most of the operation, almost entirely to external secondary subcontractors at very low rates.
Such a situation should be cleared and settled.
The Citizen's Bureau (Sports Division) and the sports foundation of the governing body should be excluded from the rehabilitation plan.
As for the city administration, in view of the current situation where the wave of aging is approaching (the aging of Tokyo has become remarkable and the purchase order authorities have begun to recognize it), such unprofitable and low public works projects are shrinking.・ It should be abolished and the land should be sold or a fixed-term land lease for business should be set up to earn income (cash).
In addition, funds should be saved in preparation for the impending rapid increase in the elderly population ratio (tax eater), the constant decrease in the tax-paying population ratio (tax payer) and the amount of tax payment, and the chronic deficit administration caused by these.
100% of the money paid by the citizens should be returned to the citizens.
Immediately discontinue the dark business model of pouring hot water into box administration and the development of special public corporations for the purpose of maintaining, securing, and proliferating interests for officials' livelihood security and amakudari, and resigning the responsibility of the administration. Should be.
The Institute for Artificial Evolution (AERI) has proposed Urban Farming / Urban agriculture as a business to commercialize the above Honmoku City Pool site, put it on a profitable basis, and pay the fixed-term land lease fee for business to the city. increase.
Specifically, there is Urban Farming / Urban agriculture.
In recent years, the movement of urban farming (Urban agriculture), which grows fresh and safe vegetables for local production for local consumption, has begun in cities around the world.
Today, the world's population continues to grow, and food production is becoming an important issue. The world's population will reach 9 billion by 2040, and it is estimated that about 80% of it will live in cities.
① Deforestation and deforestation to expand agricultural land as the population grows
(2) Decrease in productivity due to a decrease in the number of local agricultural workers,
③ Abnormal weather
There is a high possibility that a food crisis will occur. Securing food is an important issue.
Since there are many large consumer markets such as residents, shops, restaurants, and companies nearby in the city, the spread of Urban Farming / Urban agriculture will bring fresh and safe vegetables directly. It can be provided to many people,
It will also create new urban-style business models that will change the supply chain and significantly reduce the burden on the environment.
The business conducted at Honmoku Citizen's Pool is a 21st century model that aims to revitalize the abandoned Keihin industrial area, has high profitability and sustainability that helps the financial soundness of Yokohama City, and can create mass employment. It will be a touchstone as the first step to create a business in Yokohama.
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