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Eruption prediction technology Eruption sign detection system

噴火予知技術 噴火予兆検知システム

Eruption prediction technology Eruption sign detection system

-Tennotsu and Clairvoyance-


1. 1. Volcanic eruptions are accompanied by signs and signs.

Our company's (1) eruption sign / precursor micro-tremor detection system Clairvoyance and (2) eruption sign / precursor prediction system AI Tennotsu is a system that detects the precursor / precursor of an eruption.

Volcanic eruptions are accompanied by signs that have a clear causal relationship with the eruption, unlike earthquakes whose causal relationship with the precursory phenomenon is unclear.


1. 1. [Innovative / unexplored area / unknown area / extreme area technology]

(1) Observe the signs of an earthquake 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

(2) It is possible to renew the problems of the conventional narrow-area seismic detection method, such as (1) observation and monitoring by human wave tactics and (2) several tens of observation points by buried seismographs that can only be installed in places.

(3) Innovative technology that searches for precursory phenomena (volcanic earthquakes, volcanic tremors, changes in topography) over a wide area such as 10km x 10km in real time with a resolution of several meters, and detects and predicts eruption predictions and signs. is.

(4) Magma movement is small, no eruption is accompanied, mountain expansion is unlikely to appear, steam explosions and steam eruptions can be detected, detected, and observed, and inconspicuous eruptions can be predicted.

(5) It is possible to detect volcanic low-frequency earthquakes. Detectable precursors of eruptions caused by low-frequency earthquakes.

(6) It is possible not only to predict the start of an eruption, but also to predict the transition of eruption activity, the possibility of another large eruption, and the end time.

(7) It is possible to continuously observe the progress of the eruption even after the declaration of termination, and it is possible to realize detailed after-sales follow-up.


3. 3. [Eruption sign / precursor fine vibration detection system clairvoyance]

(1) A laser remote sensing system that is ideal for ultra-long-range eruption prediction / eruption sign detection using ultra-low altitude satellites over 300 km.

(2) Distance measurement: The core technology is the real-time laser Stereo Dynamic Stereoshearograpic System, which has a measurement capability of proximity to 300 km, sampling rate of 80 MPoint / sec, and spatial resolution of 6 microns.


(3) In situ real-time observation of the precursory (microtremor) phenomenon of an eruption near the surface of the earth (for example, an inspection area of 10km x 10km) that occurs immediately before the eruption.


(4) Microtremors on the ground surface as precursory phenomena of eruption, (1) ground noise (several Hz to 100 MHz), (2) vibrations generated from the ground (several Hz to 100 MHz), transmitted sound waves (several Hz to 100 MHz) ), Laser remote sensing in an area of 10km x 10km from 300km above.


(5) Similarly, as precursory phenomena of eruption, laser remote is used for ground resonance (several Hz to 100 MHz), vibrations generated from the ground (several Hz to 100 MHz), ground noise (several Hz to 100 MHz), and earthquakes. Sensing.


4. [Eruption Prediction / Omen Prediction System AI Tennotsu]

(1) Eruption sign / precursor micro-tremor detection system AI diagnoses and judges eruption sign / micro-tremor data detected by clairvoyance to predict eruption.

(2) Optimal for eruption prediction, in which small tremors (volcanic tremors) that are thought to be caused by the movement of magma and hot water are observed from an ultra-long distance using an ultra-low altitude satellite 300 km above.

(3) Real-time observation of the occurrence of precursory phenomena (volcanic earthquakes, volcanic tremors, topographical changes) that are the basis for predicting and predicting eruptions. Quick and accurate monitoring and disaster prevention / evacuation instructions are possible.

(4) In addition, it is possible to predict and predict the eruption style and the transition of eruption activity.


* If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.




Eruption Prediction Prediction Eruption Prediction Ultra-Low Altitude Satellite Earthquake Prediction Eruption Warning Eruption Warning Prediction Constant Observation AI Steam Eruption Magma Eruption Mountain Expansion Eruption Prediction Detection Non-destructive Inspection RealTime in situ fsLaser Stereo Dynamic Shearography Deterioration Diagnosis Life Prediction Scratch Crack Defect 3D Laser Optical Measurement Ground surface unevenness Digital map Investment Investment Cloud funding

Satellite-equipped eruption warning/prediction system

Satellite-based eruption warning/prediction system

§1 Prediction and prediction of signs of volcanic eruptions

1. [Precursor phenomenon of eruption]

(1) In general, volcanic eruptions are accompanied by precursors. The general process of a volcanic eruption is that magma at the foot of a volcano accumulates in a magma chamber 1 to 10 km underground, then rises from there and moves to the surface. This accumulation and movement of magma is the source of eruption precursor phenomena.

(2) Volcanic earthquakes, which are precursors of the first eruption, occur when magma breaks and intrudes into the bedrock. If the epicenter gradually becomes shallower, it is thought that the eruption time is approaching. If there is a place where the epicenter is concentrated, the probability that an eruption can occur there is considerably high. Many volcanic eruptions are seen months to hours before the eruption.

(3) Volcanic tremors, which are precursors of the second eruption, are low-frequency vibrations with a longer vibration period than volcanic earthquakes. In addition, the duration of vibration is long, and it has the characteristics of continuous vibration. Volcanic tremors are thought to be caused by pressure build-up in magma chambers and movement of magma.

(4) The third prelude to eruptions, “changes in topography,” occurs when magma rises to shallow depths as the volcanic edifice suddenly rises, slopes steeply, and cracks in the ground. If there is a significant change in topography, an eruption is likely to occur there.

(5) Other premonitory phenomena of eruption include the following.

(1) Electromagnetic anomalies: Earth currents, geomagnetism, abnormal changes in underground electrical resistance, etc.

(2) Abnormal phenomena of heat: Abnormal rise in groundwater temperature, etc.

(3) Abnormal phenomenon of volcanic gas (volcanic plume): Abnormal changes in the composition and emission amount of volcanic gas, emission temperature, etc.

2. [Current status and issues]

[1] Current status of prediction of volcanic eruption

Current signs and predictions of volcanic eruptions refer to predicting signs such as the timing, place, and style of eruptions in advance to some extent in order to mitigate disasters caused by volcanic eruptions. By accumulating precursor data of past volcanic eruptions, an observation system using various high-precision observation devices such as seismometers, inclinometers, and extensometers was developed. can be predicted to some extent.

[2] Prediction and prediction of volcanic eruption signs: Current status and issues

(1) In order to evacuate and prevent disasters and prevent damage from becoming more serious, it is necessary to ensure that sufficient time is required from the time the occurrence of precursory phenomena and the issuance of an eruption warning to the actual eruption, which serves as the basis for “prediction and prediction of signs of volcanic eruptions.” Securing a grace period for evacuation is an issue (difficulty in issuing warning timing). There is a problem (first problem) that it is more difficult to foresee and forecast volcanic eruption signs and issue early eruption warnings for "insignificant eruptions" such as steam explosions that do not involve eruption precursors or magma ejections.

(2) Issues in prediction and prediction of signs of volcanic eruptions for "significant eruptions" as well, such as the need for greater precision and accuracy with respect to eruption patterns and transitions in eruptive activity, as well as the need for early and optimized warnings (Part 2 problem).

(3) Many cases of volcanic eruptions are accompanied by precursors that have a clear causal relationship with the eruption. However, it is difficult to predict (1) the start of an eruption, (2) how the activity will change after that, (3) whether another large eruption can occur (difficulty in activity transition), and (4) when it will end. There is also a problem that prediction is difficult (difficulty in predicting the end of the crisis). On the other hand, there is a problem (the third problem) that the causal relationship between earthquakes and phenomena that are considered precursors is not clear.

(4) The “declaration of the end” of volcanic eruptions cannot be made with a carefree judgment and overlooked the danger that will cause casualties. often continue. Since an eruption lasts for a few days at the shortest and several years at the longest, in some cases the warning will be continued for several years (difficulty in the warning period). The social and economic impact of the evacuation of residents and traffic restrictions will also last for a long time, and this is a major issue (fourth issue) in tourist areas near volcanoes.

(5) In addition, even if an increase in activity is confirmed due to precursory phenomena of an eruption, and even if an alarm is issued, an eruption does not occur and the activity continues to decline, often resulting in a "failure" (Problem 5). ).

[3] Current status of volcanic eruption monitoring system

Currently, government agencies, universities, and researchers in municipalities, prefectures, and municipalities with volcanoes are using human-wave tactics to install various types of seismometers, inclinometers, and extensometers scattered (fixed-point installations) in volcano warning areas. Eruptions are monitored through instrumental observations using high-precision observation equipment and field observations by humans. In Japan, there are about 30 active volcanoes that are judged to require special attention, and the Japan Meteorological Agency, universities and other research institutes have established observatories and are constantly observing them. These volcano observation areas are covered by observations of upheaval and ground temperature by GPS installed scattered, as well as regular seismic observations, but the density and number of observations made by the observation equipment is completely insufficient, and the accuracy of the observation equipment is insufficient.・There is a problem that accuracy and speed are lacking. In addition, even if an anomaly is detected, there is a problem that there is no other way but to take a slow response such as dispatching an observation team to the installation location of the observation device that detected the anomaly (problem 6).

§2 Satellite-based eruption prediction/prediction system

1. Overview

(1) The femtosecond laser, which is the light source of the satellite-mounted eruption prediction/prediction system, which is a solution for national resilience and a solution for realizing sustainable social infrastructure, is used by the satellite-mounted MEGA earthquake prediction/prediction system ( as well as the Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI) as a solution for neutralizing nuclear and conventional weapons. provides anti-fighter, anti-missile, and anti-ICBM next-generation interceptor laser systems (AERI/HEL surface-to-air defense systems/missile defense systems uses a very high power laser (HEL) module.

(2) Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI)'s ultra-high energy laser (AERI/HEL technology) can extract light with a wide range of wavelengths from soft X-rays, ultraviolet regions, visible light rays, and far infrared regions, and the output can be arbitrarily selected up to over MW (megawatt). . Our firm ( is also conducting research aimed at practical application in the field of military weapons as an important application of the ultra-high energy laser (AERI/HEL technology).

(3) The above ultra-high energy laser (AERI/HEL technology) as the light source for the satellite-mounted eruption prediction/prediction system has a super power of over 50 MW, a spatial resolution of 10 square μm to 10 square mm, and a variable wavelength ultraviolet light. Any wavelength in the mid-infrared region can be selected, and ultra-short pulses with high resolution and high temporal resolution such as ultra-short pulse widths of CW to femtoseconds (about 10 fs) can be arbitrarily generated at ultra-long distances of about 200 km. .

2. Optional equipment for eruption prediction

(1) The satellite-mounted eruption prediction/prediction system can be equipped with a volcanic tremor detection laser remote sensing module] and a volcanic eruption gas detection infrared (IR) spectroscopic/FT-IR spectroscopic laser remote sensing module].

(2) [Volcanic tremor detection laser remote sensing module]

Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI) provides satellite-mounted MEGA earthquake prediction and prediction systems ( is an eruption prediction satellite optoelectronic engineering technology that detects volcanic tremors, and applies quantum interference vector dynamic technology to provide real physical data that has a strong correlation with eruptions. By constantly collecting volcanic tremors as eruption precursor data (pervasive anomaly data) (for example, once an hour), volcanic tremor detection is a laser remote sensing technology that observes ①24 hours a day, ②real time, and ③in situ. A laser remote sensing module is installed as standard.

(3) [Optional equipment: Infrared (IR) spectroscopy/FT-IR spectroscopy laser remote sensing module for detecting volcanic eruption gas]

Satellite-mounted MEGA Earthquake Prediction/Prediction System ( is an eruption prediction satellite optoelectronic engineering technology that detects volcanic eruption precursor gases, and eruption precursor data (perspective anomaly data), which is one of the precursor phenomena of eruptions, which is real physical data that has a strong correlation with eruptions. In addition to water vapor and carbon dioxide, which are the main components, in addition to sulfur dioxide (sulfurous acid gas), various volcanic eruption precursor gases such as hydrogen sulfide and hydrogen chloride are constantly collected (for example, once an hour). As an option, a satellite optoelectronic engineering-applied volcanic eruption gas detection infrared (IR) spectroscopic/FT-IR spectroscopic laser remote sensing module that realizes (1) 24-hour, (2) real-time, and (3) in situ observation can be installed.

3. Detection, prediction, and prediction of eruption precursors

(1) Satellite-mounted MEGA Earthquake Prediction/Prediction System (, the volcanic tremor information, which is the eruption precursor data (perspective anomaly data) remotely sensed by the quantum interference vector dynamic technology and the optionally installed volcanic tremor detection laser remote sensing module, and the optionally installed volcano Using the above volcanic eruption precursor gas information, which is eruption precursor data (perspective anomaly data) remotely sensed by the volcanic eruption gas detection infrared (IR) spectroscopy/FT-IR spectroscopy laser remote sensing module, This AI program realizes 24-hour, real-time, in situ prediction and prediction of eruption signs that does not depend on human wave tactics, eruption prediction judgment, expert knowledge and intuition, individual differences, variations, unevenness, etc.

(2) By installing the satellite optoelectronics applied infrared (IR) spectroscopy/FT-IR spectroscopy laser remote sensing module, water vapor (HO), hydrogen fluoride (HF), hydrogen chloride (HCl), sulfur dioxide ( SO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen (H2), nitrogen (N2), carbon monoxide (CO), methane (CH4) and other volcanic eruption gases (1) 24 hours a day, (2) real time, and (3) in situ observation is feasible. By installing (installing) the satellite optoelectronics application infrared (IR) spectroscopy/FT-IR spectroscopy laser remote sensing module as an option, the concentration of carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor (e.g., column mean concentration) can be estimated.

4. Functions of the eruption warning/prediction system

(1) MEGA Earthquake Prediction/Prediction System ( In addition to the quantum interference type vector dynamic module used for earthquake prediction, volcanic microtremor laser remote sensing module, prediction and prediction of volcanic eruption signs are possible.

(2) Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI) as the main strategic means of national resilience solutions is researching and developing the "MEGA Earthquake Prediction/Prediction System" (, in addition to the volcanic tremor detection laser remote sensing module (first optional equipment) that applies quantum interference vector dynamic technology, which is the basic module, volcanic eruption gas detection infrared (IR) spectroscopy / FT-IR By installing a spectroscopic laser remote sensing module (equipped with the second option), the "changes and fluctuations in the ground surface", which are one of the precursory phenomena of volcanic eruptions, can be numerically analyzed using quantum interference. It is a satellite laser application remote sensing (satellite optoelectronic engineering application technology) that monitors the whole of Japan 24 hours a day and performs quantitative analysis.

(3) "MEGA Earthquake Prediction/Prediction System" (, (a) the volcanic tremor detection laser remote sensing module detects ① changes and changes in the ground surface shape (displacement of the ground surface, fault formation, cracks, upheaval, depression, as well as distortion near the ground surface, etc.). 24-hour, real-time, in-situ digitization and visualization of changes and fluctuations in ground surface vibrations (earth rumble, ground rumbling).

(b) Detection of volcanic eruption gas by infrared (IR) spectroscopy/FT-IR spectroscopy laser remote sensing module (3) Changes and fluctuations in the type and concentration of erupting gas, (c) Detected by satellite optoelectronic infrared sensors (4) Quantitatively analyze changes and fluctuations in the ground surface temperature as precursors of volcanic eruptions. By default, 24-hour, real-time, in situ observation of vertical and horizontal variations of the ground surface on a scale of 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, and 1 year.

(4) In addition to uplift/subsidence and horizontal displacement, abnormal vibrations (earthquake precursor tremors) and ejected gas are simultaneously measured in real time to predict earthquake precursors. In other words, the volcanic micro-laser remote sensing module detects precursor phenomena of eruptions such as vibration and acceleration in addition to time displacement of ground surface changes and fluctuations (unevenness), 24 hours a day, 2) in real time, and 3) in situ. Digitize by 10,000 points.

Specifically, (1) displacement of the ground surface, fault formation, cracks, upheaval, subsidence, generation and accumulation of distortion near the ground surface, etc. (1) changes and fluctuations in the shape of the ground surface, and (2) ground surface vibration (earth rumbling) The volcanic micro-laser remote sensing module measures changes and fluctuations in the volcanic eruption with an accuracy of several millimeters. Volcanic eruption gas detection with an accuracy of several ppm Infrared (IR) spectroscopy / FT-IR spectroscopy Laser remote Sensing modules (3) (4) Precursor phenomena of volcanic eruptions with an accuracy of 0.1°C for changes and fluctuations in ground surface temperature. It is possible to digitize and visualize the volcanic area in real time at a pitch of several mm to several meters in situ for 24 hours.

(5) As a result, in addition to predicting earthquakes, dynamic real-time observations using artificial satellite laser application remote sensing (satellite optoelectronic engineering application technology) will be possible, instead of conventional satellite photography and observation point measurement, which are human seas and static observations.・Prediction of signs of volcanic eruption by in situ observation. The economic effect of this system will not be less than 100 trillion yen. It can bring about a revolutionary evolution in the prediction of earthquake signs and eruption signs that rely on conventional human knowledge.

5. Effects of this system

(1) Effect 1: By implementing a quantum interference vector dynamic module and a volcanic tremor detection laser remote sensing module, it is possible to "predict and predict signs of volcanic eruptions" for evacuation and disaster prevention actions and to prevent damage from becoming more serious. It is possible to secure a sufficient evacuation grace period from the issuance of an eruption warning to the actual eruption (solution of the issue of warning issuance timing). In addition, by installing infrared (IR) spectroscopy and FT-IR spectroscopy laser remote sensing modules, it is possible to predict and predict volcanic eruption precursors for "unmarked eruptions" such as steam explosions that do not involve eruptions or magma eruptions. and issuance of early eruption warning becomes easier.

(2) Effect 2: Prediction and forecasting of signs of volcanic eruptions for "significant eruptions" will also be possible to further improve the accuracy and accuracy of eruption patterns and changes in eruptive activity, and to advance and optimize warnings. .

(3) Effect 3: From satellites, together with GPS/GLONASS information, volcanic eruption precursor data is digitized and digitized in real time in situ at a pitch of several millimeters to several meters for volcanic areas scattered throughout the country, 24 hours a day. Since eruption predictions and forecasts are performed using visualization, it is possible to predict (1) not only the start of an eruption, but also (2) how activity will change after that, and (3) whether another large eruption is likely to occur. gender resolution). And (4) it becomes easy to predict when it will end (solving the difficulty of predicting the end). AI can quantify the causal relationship between eruptions and phenomena that are considered precursors and objectively judge them.

(4) Effect 4: The “declaration of the end” of volcanic eruptions cannot be overlooked and cause casualties with an easy decision. It will be possible to continue long-term warnings and warnings for eruptions, which often continue to be issued for a period of time (solution of the difficulty of the warning period). It will be possible to minimize the social and economic impact of tourist spots near volcanoes, evacuation of residents, and traffic restrictions.

(5) Effect 5: It is possible to solve the "missing" problem of the alarm. In other words, it is possible to solve the problem that even if an increase in activity is confirmed by a precursory phenomenon of an eruption and an alarm or the like is issued, an eruption does not occur and the activity continues to decline.

§3 Summary

(1) Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI) satellite-mounted MEGA earthquake prediction/prediction system ( is a revolutionary advance in the volcanic eruption monitoring system that enables 24-hour, real-time, in-situ digitization and visualization of volcanic eruption-like gas emission detection points for quick and accurate response. be realized.

(2) Conventionally, government agencies, universities, and researchers in municipalities of prefectures and municipalities that have volcanoes have used man-wave tactics to install seismometers and inclinometers (fixed points) in volcano warning areas. Eruptions are monitored through instrumental observations using various high-precision observation devices called extensometers, and through field observations by humans. In Japan, there are about 30 active volcanoes that are judged to require special attention, and research institutes such as the Japan Meteorological Agency and universities have established observatories and are constantly observing them. These volcano observation areas are covered by observations of upheaval and ground temperature by GPS installed scattered, as well as regular seismic observations, but the density and number of observations made by the observation equipment is completely insufficient, and the accuracy of the observation equipment is insufficient.・There was a problem of lack of accuracy and speed. This satellite-mounted MEGA earthquake prediction/prediction system ( is an innovative technology that can solve this problem.

(3) Above, Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI) provided by "MEGA Earthquake Prediction and Prediction System" ( is currently used by government agencies, universities, and researchers to install seismometers, inclinometers, and extensometers scattered (fixed-point installations) in volcano warning areas. Monitoring of eruptions is carried out through instrumental observations using various high-precision observation devices, as well as on-site observations by humans. In Japan, there are about 30 active volcanoes that are judged to require special attention, and the Japan Meteorological Agency, universities and other research institutes have established observatories and are constantly observing them. These volcano observation areas are covered by observations of upheaval and ground temperature by GPS installed scattered, as well as regular seismic observations, but the density and number of observations made by the observation equipment is completely insufficient, and the accuracy of the observation equipment is insufficient.・There is a problem that accuracy and speed are lacking. Also, even if an anomaly is detected, there is no other way but to take a slow response, such as dispatching an observation team to the installation location of the observation equipment that detected the anomaly. become able to.

that's all


Remarks: Infrared spectroscopy

1. 【Overview】

1. Infrared spectroscopy (abbreviated as IR) When a molecule is irradiated with light in the infrared region of 0.8 to 1000 μm, if the vibration period of the infrared rays and the vibration period of the atoms match, individual atoms and atomic groups It absorbs energy according to the period, and the vibration changes from the ground state to the excited state. This absorption appears as absorption in the infrared spectrum. A method of obtaining knowledge about molecular structures by analyzing absorption spectra, since atoms have unique vibrations according to their molecular structures. The most commonly used is the mid-infrared region (2.5-25 μm), where absorption spectra are vibrational spectra caused by vibrations involving changes in the dipole moment among other molecular vibrations. It is used to know the molecular structure and state of the object.

2. When a substance is irradiated with infrared rays, the molecules that make up the substance absorb the energy of the light, and the state of quantized vibration or rotation changes. Therefore, the infrared rays transmitted through (or reflected by) a certain substance are weaker than the irradiated infrared rays by the energy used for the state transition of the molecular motion. By detecting this difference, the energy absorbed by the molecule, in other words, the energy required to excite the vibration and rotation of the target molecule can be obtained.

3. The energy required to excite the vibration and rotation of a molecule varies depending on the chemical structure of the molecule. Therefore, the infrared absorption spectrum obtained by plotting the wave number of the irradiated infrared rays on the horizontal axis and the absorbance on the vertical axis shows a shape unique to the molecule. This makes it possible to know what kind of structure a target substance has, and is often used to determine the structure of organic compounds in particular. In the spectrum, the portion with a wavenumber of 1500 cm-1 or more is called the diagnostic region, and the other portion is called the fingerprint region. The former results from vibrational excitation of single bonds, while the former binds double bonds, triple bonds and hydrogen atoms. Also, even for the same molecule, the infrared spectrum changes slightly depending on the temperature and surrounding conditions (whether it is moving freely, whether it is adsorbed on a surface, etc.). From this, it is possible to know the surface structure of the substance.

2. [Method]

Infrared spectroscopy includes (1) thermal infrared spectroscopy (TIR), (2) near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), and (3) FTIR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy). There are methods such as

1. Thermal infrared spectroscopy (TIR)

TIR is a type of infrared spectroscopy that is widely used to determine the composition of matter. The constituent materials can be determined by measuring the thermal infrared radiation emitted from the entire object or surface, analyzing its electromagnetic spectrum, and comparing it to the spectra of known materials.

2. near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)

NIRS is a spectroscopic method in the near-infrared region. Equipped with a near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectrum analysis function that irradiates the measurement target with near-infrared rays and calculates the components from changes in absorbance. As a feature, absorption of near-infrared rays is extremely small compared to mid-infrared rays and far-infrared rays, so non-destructive and non-contact measurement can be performed without preparing sections.

Difficulties for practical use include the observation of overtones and triple overtones with near-infrared spectroscopy, and the difficulty of direct association with components due to the combination of various factors in light absorption. there were. However, due to the low cost of computers and the development of multivariate analysis (chemometrics), it has become possible to apply it to quantitative analysis.

3. FTIR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy)

FTIR is IR (infrared spectroscopy) in which the FTIR principle is applied (signals are recorded in the time domain and then Fourier transformed into the frequency domain). FTIR does not irradiate the sample with infrared rays of varying wavelengths, but rather irradiates the sample with continuous light and Fourier transforms the interference pattern to acquire an absorption spectrum corresponding to the molecular structure, and to identify the atomic groups ( method of obtaining information on The ability to simultaneously measure incident light over the entire wavenumber range of continuous light enables high-sensitivity measurements in a short period of time.

FTIR has transmission reflection method and measurement method. Permeation methods include the KBr tablet method, the Nujol method, the KBr plate method, the thin film method, the liquid film method, the solution method, and the gas measurement method. Reflection methods include the ATR method, the diffuse reflection method, the regular reflection method (regular reflection light), the regular reflection method (transmission reflection light), the high sensitivity reflection (RAS) method, and the like.



Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI)

070-3164-7872 (General Affairs Division)

© 2019 by AERI Artificial Evolution Research Institute

1200 East California Boulevard Pasadena, California 91125

Kamuro Kazuto
Dr. (Doctor of Engineering Applied Physics / Semiconductor Physical Properties)
Ph.D. (Doctor of Science, Molecular Biology & Computer Science)
Associate Professor (California Institute of Technology)
Senior Researcher, NEC Central Research Laboratories Director, Japan Tuberculosis Hospital Association Chief Electrical Engineer, First Class Information Processing Engineer

​About Artificial Evolution Research Institute

The Institute for Artificial Evolution (AERI) is conducting research and development on geothermal power generation, next-generation defense weapons, biocomputers, etc. as research subjects in unexplored areas and extreme areas.

We also conduct contract research from military-industrial companies and military-industrial conglomerates.

Eruption Prediction Eruption Prediction Earthquake Prediction Earthquake Prediction Explosives Detection Gun Detection Dangerous Object Detection Deterioration Diagnosis Life Prediction Life Diagnosis Non-Destructive Inspection Non-contact Inspection Tunnel Inspection, Bridge Inspection Rail Inspection --High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse HEMP High Altitude Nuclear Explosion High Altitude Nuclear Explosion Electromagnetic Pulse Compton Effect Nuclear Explosion Nuclear Missile EMP Attack Gamma Ray X-ray Mass Destruction Weapon Non-lethal Intercontinental Ballistic Missile ICBM Missile Attack Ballistic Missile Defense Nuclear Weapon Neutralization --Artificial Intelligence Biocomputer AI --Geothermal Power Renewable Energy Cogeneration Power Generation Binary Power Generation Smart Grid Climate Change Abnormal Meteorology Nuclear Power Generation Warming Environmental Destruction Environmental Conservation Global Environment Warming Gas Greenhouse Gas SDGS -Brain-computer Interface BCI Brain-machine Interface BMI Neural Network Neural Engineering Military Robot Cybernetics 6th Generation Computer Deep Learning Inference

AERI Artificial Evolution Research Institute | 1200 East California Boulevard Pasadena, California 91125
Prevention of globalization Geothermal power generation Cogeneration type micro binary power generation system Smart grit adaptive type geothermal power generation system Gastromeat Nuclear weapons Conventional weapons Invalidation solution Realization of symbiotic society Local cat care Cat forest OPERA Food self-sufficiency 21st century Urban agriculture Non-nuclear defense Terrorism deterrence AI Artificial intelligence-equipped self-destruction terrorism detection system Firearm detection Clairvoyant Tennotsu High altitude electromagnetic pulse HEMP Defense Ultra low altitude satellite Ultra high speed moving object Non-destructive inspection Biocomputer Combat robot Soldier BMI Brain machine interface Consciousness driven BMILSI Sustainable infrastructure High speed Road Tunnel Shinkansen Laser Deterioration Diagnosis Real-time Railroad
Remote Diagnosis Femto Laser Rail Intellectual Property Rights License Business Litigation Smart Grit Eruption Prediction Eruption Prediction Earthquake Prediction Earthquake Prediction

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