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                                                                                                                                                                                        privacy policy

This homepage uses "Google Analytics", a web analytics service provided by Google Ireland Limited. If the agency responsible for data processing through this home page has a basis outside the European Economic Region and Switzerland, the relevant "Google Analytics" data processing will be performed by Google LLC. (Google Ireland Limited and Google LLC are hereinafter referred to as "Google".)

"Google Analytics" uses "cookies", which are text files stored on the homepage visitor's computer, to help analyze the usage status of the homepage. Information generated by cookies regarding your use of the home page (including truncated IP addresses) is typically sent to Google and stored by Google.

On this home page, "Google Analytics" is used exclusively with the extension "_anonymizeIp ()". This extension guarantees anonymization of IP addresses by truncation and excludes direct personal references. Through this extension, Google truncates the IP addresses of homepage visitors in the member states of the European Union or other parties to the European Economic Area Agreement. Only in exceptional circumstances will the full IP address of the homepage visitor be sent to a Google server in the United States, where it will be truncated. The IP address provided by the homepage visitor's browser when using Google Analytics is not integrated by Google with other Google data.

On behalf of the homepage operator, Google will use the information collected to assess homepage usage, compile reports on homepage activity, and provide other website and internet-related services to the homepage operator ( Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR). Legitimate interest in data processing lies in optimizing this homepage, analyzing homepage usage, and adapting content. The interests of the user are properly protected by the pseudonym of the data.

Certified for compliance with the Google LLC EU. Based on the Privacy Shield framework, they ensure compliance with European data protection laws. Data, user IDs or advertising IDs sent to and linked to Google Analytics cookies are automatically deleted after 50 months. Data that has reached the retention period is automatically deleted once a month.

Homepage visitors may refuse to use cookies by choosing the appropriate settings in their browser. Homepage visitors can also install this browser plugin to prevent Google from collecting information (including IP addresses) via cookies and processing this information.

You can prevent data collection via "Google Analytics" on this website by clicking. An "opt-out cookie" will then be applied to prevent future collection of homepage visitor data when you visit this homepage.

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