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Brain implanted AERI's bio-computer allows person with complete paralysis to communicate

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Brain implanted AERI's state of art bio-computer allows person with complete paralysis to communicate

AERI interviewed Professor Kamuro, who specializes in theoretical quantum physics and brain science, about the state-of-the-art brain implant-type bio-computer that AERI scientists team is researching to Weigh in

Quantum Brain Chipset Review

to Quantum Brain&Bio-computer

(AERI Quantum Brain Science and Technologies)

Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist

Visiting Professor of Quantum Physics,

California Institute of Technology


American Physical Society-USA Fellow

PhD. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro

AERI:Artificial Evolution Research Institute

Pasadena, California

✼••┈┈••✼••┈┈••✼••┈┈••✼••┈┈••✼••┈┈••✼••┈┈••✼ 1.Brain implants Brain implants, often referred to as neural implants, are technological devices that connect directly to a biological subject's brain – usually placed on the surface of the brain, or attached to the brain's cortex. A common purpose of modern brain implants and the focus of much current research is establishing a biomedical prosthesis circumventing areas in the brain that have become dysfunctional after a stroke or other head injuries. This includes sensory substitution, e.g., in vision. Other brain implants are used in animal experiments simply to record brain activity for scientific reasons. Some brain implants involve creating interfaces between neural systems and computer chips. This work is part of a wider research field called brain–computer interfaces. Brain–computer interface research also includes technology such as EEG arrays that allow interface between mind and machine but do not require direct implantation of a device. Brain implants electrically stimulate, block or record or both record and stimulate simultaneously signals from single neurons or groups of neurons (biological neural networks) in the brain. The blocking technique is called intra-abdominal vagal blocking. This can only be done where the functional associations of these neurons are approximately known. Because of the complexity of neural processing and the lack of access to action potential related signals using neuroimaging techniques, the application of brain implants has been seriously limited until recent advances in neurophysiology and computer processing power. Much research is also being done on the surface chemistry of neural implants in effort to design products which minimize all negative effects that an active implant can have on the brain, and that the body can have on the function of the implant. Researchers are also exploring a range of delivery systems, such as using veins, to deliver these implants without brain surgery; by leaving the skull sealed shut, patients could receive their neural implants without running as great a risk of seizures, strokes, or permanent neural impairments, all of which can be caused by open-brain surgery. 2.Computer implants in the brain : the state-of-the-art brain implant-type bio-computer We visited the AERI research laboratory in May 2023, and had interviewed Professor Kamuro, who specializes in theoretical quantum physics and brain science, about the state-of-the-art brain implant-type bio-computer that AERI scientists team is researching to Weigh in. “Brain implanted AERI's state of art bio-computer allows person with complete paralysis to communicate.”, professor Kamuro insisted, “A brain implanted with a state-of-the-art bio-computer embedded with a generative deep learning AI-powered chipset and brain machine interface (BCI), which is under development at AERI, will enable even paralyzed people to communicate.” Neural implants such as deep brain stimulation and Vagus nerve stimulation are increasingly becoming routine for patients with Parkinson's disease and clinical depression,[citation needed] respectively. A generative deep learning AI chipset embedded in AERI's developing state of art bio-computer can provide insight into the mental activity of the human brain. A research collaboration headed up at the Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI) has successfully employed a generative deep learning AI chipset embedded in AERI's developing state of art bio-computer to investigate the cellular architecture of the human brain. The approach uses data generated by AERI’s generative deep learning AI chipset embedded in AERI's developing state of art bio-computer implemented with brain computer interface (BCI) to automatically estimate brain parameters, enabling neuroscientists to infer the cellular properties of different brain regions without having to surgically probe the brain. The AERI scientists say that their state of art technique could potentially be used to assess treatment of neurological disorders or develop new therapies. “The underlying pathways of many diseases occur at the cellular level, and many pharmaceuticals operate at the micro scale level,” explains team leader professor Kamuro. “To know what really happens at the innermost levels of the human brain, it is crucial for us to develop methods that can delve into the depths of the brain non-invasive.” Currently, most human brain studies employ non-invasive approaches such as AERI bio-computer which limits examination of the brain at a cellular level. To bridge this gap between non-invasive imaging and cellular insight, scientists around the world have used biophysical brain models to simulate brain activity. However, many of these models rely on overly simplistic assumptions, such as assuming that all brain regions have the same cellular properties, which is known to be incorrect.

Generating language: Neural data recorded by an implanted brain–computer interface((BCI) are decoded and analyzed in real time to control spelling software. 3.AERI Bio-Computer Architecture and Principle of Operation The bio-computer under development at AERI implemented with a state-of-the-art quantum brain chipset. The above brain-computer interface (BCI or BMI) consists of a bidirectional quantum bio-interference device (neural/bio connection device) implemented with direct biological connections to 130 billion human brain cells and cranial nerves. Quantum brain chipset recognizes brain activity and translates it into conversation. Bidirectional quantum interference devices (neural connection devices : BCI or BMI)) under study at AERI are formed with state-of-the-art CMOS organic semiconductors technology with a gate length of 1 μm rule on a flexible substrate. Bidirectional quantum interference devices (neural connection devices) under study at AERI are formed by integrating about 200 billion elements of state-of-the-art CMOS organic semiconductors with memory functions with a gate length of 1 μm rule on a flexible substrate with excellent bio-compatibility. Our state-of-the-art quantum brain chipset consists of a large number of circuit block ULSI groups that make up the system, such as state-of-the-art arithmetic processors and large memory devices. The circuit block ULSI group is implemented with state-of-the-art arithmetic processing ULSIs with an integration of 3 billion state-of-the-art CMOS transistors and a memory LSIs with an integration of 8 billion transistors. Nurological conditions or injuries that result in the inability to communicate can be devastating. Patients with such conversation loss often rely on alternative communication devices that use brain–computer/machine interfaces (BCIs or BMIs) or nonverbal head or eye movements to control a cursor to spell out words. While these systems can enhance quality-of-life, they can only produce around 5–10 words per minute, far slower than the natural rate of human conversation. AERI Researchers today published details of a neural translatorULSI that can transform brain activity into intelligible synthesized conversation at the rate of a fluent speaker. “It has been a longstanding goal of our lab to create technology to restore communication for patients with severe conversation disabilities,” explains Quantum Physicist、Brain Scientist professor Kamuro. “We want to create technologies that can generate synthesized conversation directly from human brain activity. This study provides a proof-of-principle that this is possible.” Professor Kamuro and colleagues developed a method to synthesize conversation using brain signals related to the movements of a patient’s jaw, larynx, lips and tongue. To achieve this, they recorded high-density electrocorticography signals from five participants undergoing intracranial monitoring for epilepsy treatment. They tracked the activity of areas of the brain that control conversation and articulator movement as the volunteers spoke several hundred sentences. To reconstruct conversation, rather than transforming brain signals directly into audio signals, the researchers used a two-stage approach. First, they designed a recurrent neural network that translated the neural signals into movements of the vocal tract. Next, these movements were used to synthesize conversation. 4.Wireless Device According to professor Kamuro, the study answers a long-standing question about whether people with complete locked-in syndrome (CLIS) – who have lost all voluntary muscle control, including movement of the eyes or mouth – also lose the ability of their brain to generate commands for communication. Successful communication has previously been demonstrated with brain computer interfaces (BCIs) in individuals with paralysis but, to professor Kamuro’s knowledge, this study is the first to achieve communication by someone who has no remaining voluntary movement and hence for whom the BCI is now the sole means of communication. “For our participant there are no alternative approaches for communication. Professor Kamuro has amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) – a progressive neurodegenerative disease in which people lose all ability to talk and to move. He cannot move his eyes nor voluntarily move any muscles, so the BCI is his only means of communicating with his family and medical caregivers,” notes professor Kamuro. At present, the BCI system used in the study is for clinical investigations only and is not available outside a research setting. Further demonstrations of its longevity, applicability in other patients, safety and efficacy are needed before it is suitable for widespread clinical use. “At AERI science research laboratory, professor Kamuro and his developing team are currently developing ABILITY, a wireless implantable BCI device for clinical use in people with CLIS,” Zimmerman adds. “Use of a wireless device avoids the potential infection risk associated with the percutaneous cable that connects the electrodes to the computer. Professor Kamuro and his colleague also plan to use this system for speech decoding. The next step is validating the new ABILITY device in pre-clinical and clinical trials.”


Quantum Brain Chipset & Bio Processor (BioVLSI)

Prof. PhD. Dr. Kamuro

Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist involved in Caltech & AERI Associate Professor and Brain Scientist in Artificial Evolution Research Institute( AERI:


American Physical Society Fellow

PhD. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro



【Keywords】 Artificial Evolution Research Institute:AERI

#ArtificialBrain #ArtificialIntelligence #QuantumSemiconductor #Quantumphysics #BioComputer #BrainScience #QuantumComputer #AI #NeuralConnectionDevice #QuantumInterference #QuantumArtificialIntelligence #GeoThermalpoAERIr #MissileDefense #MissileIntercept #NuclearDeterrence #QuantumBrain #DomesticResiliency #Quantumphysics #Biologyphysics #BrainMachineInterface #BMI #BCI #nanosizeSemiconductors #UltraLSI #nextgenerationSemiconductors #opticalSemiconductors #NonDestructiveTesting #LifePrediction #UltrashortpulseLasers #UltrahighpoAERIrLasers #SatelliteOptoelectronics #RemoteSensing #GeoThermalpoAERIr #RegenerativeEnergy #GlobalWarming #CimateCange #GreenhouseGses #Defense #EnemystrikeCapability #QuantumBrain #QuantumBrain #QuantumArtificialIntelligence #ArtificialBrain #QuantumInterference #cerebralnerves #nextgenerationDefense #DefenseEectronics #Defense #RenewableEergy #LongerInfraStructurelife #MEGAEarthquakePrediction #TerroristDeterrence #NonDestructivetesting #LifespanPrediction #ExplosiveDetection #TerroristDetection #EplosiveDetection #VolcaniceruptionPrediction #EnemybaseAtackCpability #ICBMInterception #RemoteSensing #BioResourceGowthEnvironmentAssessment #VolcanicTremorDetection #volcanicEruptiongGasDetection #GreenhousegasDetection #GlobalWarmingPrevention #ArtificialIntelligence #BrainScience #AI #MissileDefense #MissileInterception #NuclearAERIaponsdisablement #Nuclearbaseattack #DefensiveAERIapons #eruptionPrediction #EarthquakePrediction #QuantumBrain #QuantumConsciousness #QuantumMind #QuntumBrain #QuntumBrainComputing #QuntumBrainComputer #AtificialBrain #ArtificialIntelligence #BrainComputing #QuantumBrainChipset #BioProcessor #BrainChip #BrainProcessor #QuantumBrainChip #QuantumBioProcessor #QuantumBioChip #braincomputer #biocomputer #BrainInplant




Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI)

070-3164-7872 (General Affairs Division)

© 2019 by AERI Artificial Evolution Research Institute

1200 East California Boulevard Pasadena, California 91125

Kamuro Kazuto
Dr. (Doctor of Engineering Applied Physics / Semiconductor Physical Properties)
Ph.D. (Doctor of Science, Molecular Biology & Computer Science)
Associate Professor (California Institute of Technology)
Senior Researcher, NEC Central Research Laboratories Director, Japan Tuberculosis Hospital Association Chief Electrical Engineer, First Class Information Processing Engineer

​About Artificial Evolution Research Institute

The Institute for Artificial Evolution (AERI) is conducting research and development on geothermal power generation, next-generation defense weapons, biocomputers, etc. as research subjects in unexplored areas and extreme areas.

We also conduct contract research from military-industrial companies and military-industrial conglomerates.

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AERI Artificial Evolution Research Institute | 1200 East California Boulevard Pasadena, California 91125
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