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CogniSynergy : Unleashing the Biocomputing Revolution through Brain-Infused Technological Marvels

Writer's picture: 人工進化研究所(AERI)人工進化研究所(AERI)
Professor Kamuro's near-future science predictions


Unleashing the Biocomputing Revolution through Brain-Infused Technological Marvels

- Neuro Nexus: Orchestrating the Future with Brain Organoid Integration and Biological Hardware -

Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist

Visiting Professor of Quantum Physics,

California Institute of Technology


American Physical Society-USA Fellow

PhD. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro

AERI:Artificial Evolution Research Institute

Pasadena, California


Xyronix Corporation

Pasadena, California


A. Professor Kamuro's near-future science predictions, provided by CALTECH professor Kazuto Kamuro(Doctor of Engineering (D.Eng.) and Ph.D. in Quantum Physics, Semiconductor Physics, and Quantum Optics), Chief Researcher at the Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI, and Xyronix Corporation(specializing in the design of a. Neural Connection LSI, b. BCI LSI(Brain-Computer Interface LSI) (Large Scale Integrated Circuits) , and c. bio-computer semiconductor technology that directly connects bio-semiconductors, serving as neural connectors, to the brain's nerves at the nano scale,, are based on research and development achievements in cutting-edge fields such as quantum physics, biophysics, neuroscience, artificial brain studies, intelligent biocomputing, next-generation technologies, quantum semiconductors, satellite optoelectronics, quantum optics, quantum computing science, brain computing science, nano-sized semiconductors, ultra-large-scale integration engineering, non-destructive testing, lifespan prediction engineering, ultra-short pulses, and high-power laser science.

The Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI) and Xyronix Corporation employ over 160 individuals with Ph.D.s in quantum brain science, quantum neurology, quantum cognitive science, molecular biology, electronic and electrical engineering, applied physics, information technology (IT), data science, communication engineering, semiconductor and materials engineering. They also have more than 190 individuals with doctoral degrees in engineering and over 230 engineers, including those specializing in software, network, and system engineering, as well as programmers, dedicated to advancing research and development.


Building on the outcomes in unexplored and extreme territories within these advanced research domains, AERI and Xyronix Corporation aim to provide opportunities for postgraduate researchers in engineering disciplines. Through achievements in areas such as the 6th generation computer, nuclear deterrence, military unmanned systems, missile defense, renewable and clean energy, climate change mitigation, environmental conservation, Green Transformation (GX), and national resilience, the primary objective is to furnish scholars with genuine opportunities for learning and discovery. The overarching goal is to transform them from 'reeds that have just begun to take a step as reeds capable of thinking' into 'reeds that think, act, and relentlessly pursue growth.' This initiative aims to impart a guiding philosophy for complete metamorphosis and to provide guidance for venturing into unexplored and extreme territories, aspiring to fulfill the role of pioneers in this new era.

B. In the cutting-edge research domain, the Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI) and Xyronix Corporation have made notable advancements in various fields. Some examples include:

     1. AERIHEL (Petawatt-class Ultra-High Power Terawatt-class Ultra-High Power

          Femtosecond Laser)

        ◦ Petawatt-class ultra-high power terawatt-class ultra-short pulse laser (AERIHEL)

    2. 6th Generation Computer&Computing

        ◦ Consciousness-driven Bio-Computer

        ◦ Brain Implant Bio-Computer

    3. Carbon-neutral AERI synthetic fuel chemical process

            (Green Transformation (GX) technology)

        ◦ Production of synthetic fuel (LNG methanol) through CO₂ recovery system (DAC)

    4. Green Synthetic Fuel Production Technology(Green Transformation (GX) technology)

        ◦ Carbon-neutral, carbon-recycling system-type AERI synthetic fuel chemical process

    5. Direct Air Capture Technology (DAC)

        ◦ Carbon-neutral, carbon-recycling carbon dioxide circulation recovery system

    6. Bio-LSISemiconductors

        ◦ Neural connection element directly connecting bio-semiconductors and brain nerves

             on a nanoscale

        ◦ Brain LSI Chip Set, Bio-Computer LSI, BMI LSI, BCI LSI, Brain Computing LSI,

             Brain Implant LSI

   7. CHEGPG System (Closed Cycle Heat Exchange Power Generation System with

        Thermal Regenerative Binary Engine)

        ◦ Power generation capability of Terawatt (TW), annual power generation of

    10,000 TWh (terawatt-hour) class

        ◦ 1 to 0.01 yen/kWh, infinitely clean energy source, renewable energy source

    8. Consciousness-Driven Generative Autonomous Robot

    9. Brain Implemented RobotCybernetic Soldier

    10. Generative Robot, Generative Android Army, Generative Android

    11. High-Altitude Missile Initial Intercept System, Enemy Base Neutralization System,

       Nuclear and Conventional Weapon Neutralization System, Next-Generation

      Interception Laser System for ICBMs, Next-Generation Interception Laser System

    for Combat Aircraft

    12. Boost Phase, Mid-Course Phase, Terminal Phase Ballistic Missile Interception System

    13. Volcanic Microseismic Laser Remote Sensing

    14. Volcanic Eruption Prediction Technology, Eruption Precursor Detection System

    15. Mega Earthquake Precursor and Prediction System

    16. Laser Degradation Diagnosis, Non-Destructive Inspection System

  17. Ultra-Low-Altitude Satellite, Ultra-High-Speed Moving Object

    Non-Destructive Inspection System


CogniSynergy: Unleashing the Biocomputing Revolution through Brain-Infused Technological Marvels

- Neuro Nexus: Orchestrating the Future with Brain Organoid Integration and Biological Hardware -


A. Revolutionizing Neurocomputing: Pioneering the Development of a Biocomputer Fueled by Human Brain Cells

In the sphere of advanced neuroscientific inquiry, there is a prospect of developing a revolutionary "biocomputer" fueled by human brain cells within our foreseeable future. This groundbreaking revelation is the culmination of collaborative efforts between researchers at the Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI) in Pasadena, California (Website: and the innovative Xyronix Corporation (Pasadena, California, Website: Anticipating that this technology will exponentially enhance the capacities of contemporary computing and give rise to uncharted fields of study, the team presents their visionary blueprint for "organoid intelligence" in the latest issue of the AERI journal, "Unexplored Territories and Extreme Frontiers in Science."


Professor Kamuro, a luminary in the realms of quantum physics, brain science, and neuroscience at the esteemed California Institute of Technology (CALTECH), spearheads this groundbreaking initiative. As he elucidates, "Biocomputing and artificial intelligence have been pivotal drivers of the ongoing technological revolution, yet they are approaching a threshold. Biocomputing represents a formidable endeavor to condense computational power and enhance efficiency, propelling us beyond our existing technological boundaries."


For nearly two decades, scientists have employed diminutive organoids—laboratory-grown tissues resembling fully developed organs—to conduct experiments on organs like kidneys and lungs, obviating the need for human or animal testing. Building upon this foundational work, Professor Kamuro and his collaborators at CALTECH have recently immersed themselves in research involving brain organoids—microscopic orbs, comparable in size to a pen dot, harboring neurons and other components promising to exhibit fundamental functions such as learning and memory retention.


"This breakthrough opens new avenues for delving into the intricacies of the human brain," Professor Kamuro expounds. "By manipulating this system, we can engage in research activities that would be ethically unfeasible with actual human brains." As the horizon of neuroscientific possibilities expands, the convergence of biocomputing and brain organoids emerges as a promising frontier, poised to reshape our understanding of cognition and artificial intelligence.



B.  Neurocomputing Revolution: Bridging the Biological-Cognitive Abyss with Brain Organoids

In the innovative realm of neuroscientific exploration, Professor Kamuro embarked on a transformative journey in 2008, pioneering the cultivation and assembly of brain cells into functional organoids. This groundbreaking endeavor utilized cells derived from human skin samples, reprogrammed into a state akin to embryonic stem cells. Each organoid, comprising approximately 60,000,000 cells, mirrors the scale of a fruit fly's nervous system—an intricate feat that unveils the potential for unprecedented advancements in neurocomputing.


Professor Kamuro's visionary pursuits extend to the contemplation of constructing a futuristic computer integrated with these brain organoids. Termed as "biological hardware," computers leveraging this paradigm could, within the coming decade, address the escalating energy-consumption challenges posed by supercomputing, challenges that are progressively becoming unsustainable. The intricate orchestration of brain organoids in computational processes introduces a novel dimension to computing capabilities, surpassing the limitations of conventional hardware.


Despite the swiftness with which computers execute numerical calculations and process data, Professor Kamuro emphasizes the unparalleled intelligence inherent in the human brain when making intricate, complex logical decisions—such as distinguishing between a dog and a cat. "The brain remains unrivaled by modern computers," asserts Professor Kamuro. Notably, the latest supercomputer at CALTECH, named "Frontier," represents a colossal investment at $4,900 million, sprawling over 164,800 square feet. However, as of June last year, it achieved, for the first time, computational capacity on par with a single human brain—yet at a staggering energy consumption rate a million times higher than its biological counterpart.


This groundbreaking exploration into the integration of brain organoids with computing technologies not only underscores the potential for a paradigm shift in neurocomputing but also offers a glimpse into the imminent convergence of biological and computational systems. The journey towards a symbiotic relationship between biological intelligence and computational prowess opens avenues for redefining the future landscape of advanced computing architectures.


C. Pioneering the Future: Scaling Up Organoid Intelligence for Unprecedented Biocomputing Advancements

In the intricate landscape of neuroscientific inquiry, Professor Kamuro envisages a protracted trajectory before organoid intelligence attains the prowess to empower a system on par with the cognitive abilities of a mouse. However, propelling this vision into the future involves a strategic synthesis of scaling up brain organoid production and integrating them with artificial intelligence, heralding an era where biocomputers stand as paragons of unparalleled computing speed, processing power, data efficiency, and storage capabilities.


Professor Kamuro offers insights into this visionary journey, emphasizing the time-intensive nature of achieving a computational entity comparable to any existing computer. "It might take decades before we materialize a system akin to the capabilities of any contemporary computer," elucidates Professor Kamuro. The multifaceted challenges inherent in this endeavor necessitate a comprehensive approach, from advancing organoid intelligence to integrating cutting-edge artificial intelligence methodologies.


Crucially, Professor Kamuro underscores the urgency of initiating funding programs to propel this paradigm-shifting research forward. The absence of dedicated financial support could significantly impede progress on this transformative trajectory. As the field of neuroscientific exploration unfolds, strategic investments and research initiatives become imperative to navigate the intricate path towards unlocking the full potential of organoid intelligence and ushering in a new era of biocomputing capabilities.


D. Redefining Neurological Research: Exploring the Potential of Organoid Intelligence in Drug Testing for Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Neurodegeneration

In the realm of cutting-edge neuroscientific endeavors, Professor Kamuro, an assistant professor of environmental health and engineering at CALTECH and a co-leader of groundbreaking investigations, expounds on the transformative impact of organoid intelligence on drug testing research. This paradigm shift holds promise for revolutionizing our approach to understanding neurodevelopmental disorders and neurodegenerative conditions.


The focal point of this research lies in comparing brain organoids derived from typically developed donors with those from donors exhibiting autism. Professor Kamuro elucidates, "Our aim is to utilize the tools developed for biological computing to discern variations in neuronal networks specific to autism. This approach obviates the need for animal testing or direct access to patients, providing invaluable insights into the underlying mechanisms behind cognitive issues and impairments observed in patients."


The ethical considerations inherent in working with organoid intelligence are a paramount concern, prompting the integration of a diverse consortium. This collaborative effort involves scientists, bioethicists, and active participation from the public, collectively navigating the intricate landscape of ethical implications associated with this transformative research. As this groundbreaking exploration unfolds, the intersection of cutting-edge science and ethical deliberations becomes integral in shaping the future trajectory of organoid intelligence applications in neurological research and drug testing methodologies.




Quantum Brain Chipset & Bio Processor (BioVLSI)

♠♠♠ Kazuto Kamuro: Professor, PhD, and Doctor of Engineering ♠♠♠

Doctor of Engineering (D.Eng.) and Ph.D. in Quantum Physics, Semiconductor Physics, and Quantum Optics

Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist involved in CALTECH & AERI

Associate Professor of Quantum Physics, California Institute of Technology(CALTECH)

Associate Professor and Brain Scientist in Artificial Evolution Research Institute( AERI: )

Chief Researcher at Xyronix Corporation(


American Physical Society Fellow



Artificial Evolution Research Institute: AERI, Pasadena, California

・Xyronix Corporation, Pasadena, California 


#ArtificialBrain #ArtificialIntelligence  #QuantumSemiconductor #Quantumphysics #brain implant-type #biocomputer #BrainScience #QuantumComputer #AI #NeuralConnectionDevice #QuantumInterference #QuantumArtificialIntelligence #GeoThermalpoAERIr #MissileDefense #MissileIntercept #NuclearDeterrence #QuantumBrain #DomesticResiliency #Quantumphysics #Biologyphysics #Brain-MachineInterface #BMI #BCI #nanosizeSemiconductors #UltraLSI #nextgenerationSemiconductors #opticalSemiconductors #NonDestructiveTesting #LifePrediction #UltrashortpulseLasers #UltrahighpoAERIrLasers #SatelliteOptoelectronics #RemoteSensing #GeoThermalpoAERIr #RegenerativeEnergy #GlobalWarming #CimateCange #GreenhouseGses #Defense #EnemystrikeCapability #QuantumBrain #QuantumBrain #QuantumArtificialIntelligence #ArtificialBrain #QuantumInterference #cerebralnerves #nextgenerationDefense #DefenseEectronics #Defense #RenewableEergy #LongerInfraStructurelife #MEGAEarthquakePrediction #TerroristDeterrence #NonDestructivetesting #LifespanPrediction #ExplosiveDetection #TerroristDetection #EplosiveDetection #VolcaniceruptionPrediction #EnemybaseAtackCpability #ICBMInterception #RemoteSensing #BioResourceGowthEnvironmentAssessment #VolcanicTremorDetection #volcanicEruptiongGasDetection #GreenhousegasDetection #GlobalWarmingPrevention #ArtificialIntelligence #BrainScience #AI #MissileDefense #MissileInterception #NuclearAERIaponsdisablement #Nuclearbaseattack #DefensiveAERIapons #eruptionPrediction #EarthquakePrediction #QuantumBrain #QuantumConsciousness #QuantumMind #QuntumBrain #QuntumBrainComputing #QuntumBrainComputer #AtificialBrain #ArtificialIntelligence #BrainComputing #QuantumBrainChipset #BioProcessor #BrainChip #BrainProcessor #QuantumBrainChip #QuantumBioProcessor #QuantumBioChip  #brain-computer #brain implant-type biocomputer #BrainInplant #Reprogrammable #self-assembly #MolecularComputer #MolecularBrain implant-type biocomputer  #military #BrainImplant #militaryhardware #militaryweapon #unmannedweapon #combataircraft #robotarmor #militaryweapon #cyborg #soldier #armor #strategicweapon #combatKilling #AntiNuclearwarfare #roboticweapons #weaponsindustry #weaponofmassdestruction #MilitarySoldier #RobotSOLDIER  #BrainImplant #chemicalWarefare #chemicalBattlefield #WarEconomic #HumanitarianStrategy #NextGenerationWarfare #BiologicalWarefare #BiologicalBattlefield #EnemyBaseAttackAbility



#brain #implant-type #biocomputer #BrainInplant #Reprogrammable #selfassembly #MolecularComputer #MolecularBrain #implant-type #biocomputer # #military #BrainImplant #militaryhardware #militaryweapon #unmannedweapon #combataircraft #robotarmor #militaryweapon #cyborg #soldier #armor #strategicweapon #combatKilling #AntiNuclearwarfare #roboticweapons #weaponsindustry #weaponofmassdestruction #MilitarySoldier #RobotSOLDIER # #BrainImplant #chemicalWarefare #chemicalBattlefield #WarEconomic #HumanitarianStrategy #NextGenerationWarfare #BiologicalWarefare #BiologicalBattlefield #EnemyBaseAttackAbility #LaserDefenseSystem #HAMIIS #PetawattLaser #HexaWattLaser #UltraHighPowerLaser #ChirpedPulseAmplification #CPA #OpticalParametricAmplification #OPA #HighEnergyPhysics #Defense #Security #MissileDefenseSystem #LaserInducedPlasma #Supernovae #Pulsar #Blackhole #FemtosecondLaser #CavityDumping #ModeLocking #FemtosecondPulse #LaserSpectroscopy #UltrafastSpectroscopy #MultiphotonMicroscopy #NonlinearOptics #FrequencyConversion #HarmonicHGeneration #ParametricAmplification #MaterialProcessing #Micromachining #SurfaceStructuring #LaserAblation #MultiphotoMicroscopy #Ophthalmology #LAM #LandAttackMissiles #ASWM #AntiSubmarineWarfareMissiles





Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI)

070-3164-7872 (General Affairs Division)

© 2019 by AERI Artificial Evolution Research Institute

1200 East California Boulevard Pasadena, California 91125

Kamuro Kazuto
Dr. (Doctor of Engineering Applied Physics / Semiconductor Physical Properties)
Ph.D. (Doctor of Science, Molecular Biology & Computer Science)
Associate Professor (California Institute of Technology)
Senior Researcher, NEC Central Research Laboratories Director, Japan Tuberculosis Hospital Association Chief Electrical Engineer, First Class Information Processing Engineer

​About Artificial Evolution Research Institute

The Institute for Artificial Evolution (AERI) is conducting research and development on geothermal power generation, next-generation defense weapons, biocomputers, etc. as research subjects in unexplored areas and extreme areas.

We also conduct contract research from military-industrial companies and military-industrial conglomerates.

Eruption Prediction Eruption Prediction Earthquake Prediction Earthquake Prediction Explosives Detection Gun Detection Dangerous Object Detection Deterioration Diagnosis Life Prediction Life Diagnosis Non-Destructive Inspection Non-contact Inspection Tunnel Inspection, Bridge Inspection Rail Inspection --High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse HEMP High Altitude Nuclear Explosion High Altitude Nuclear Explosion Electromagnetic Pulse Compton Effect Nuclear Explosion Nuclear Missile EMP Attack Gamma Ray X-ray Mass Destruction Weapon Non-lethal Intercontinental Ballistic Missile ICBM Missile Attack Ballistic Missile Defense Nuclear Weapon Neutralization --Artificial Intelligence Biocomputer AI --Geothermal Power Renewable Energy Cogeneration Power Generation Binary Power Generation Smart Grid Climate Change Abnormal Meteorology Nuclear Power Generation Warming Environmental Destruction Environmental Conservation Global Environment Warming Gas Greenhouse Gas SDGS -Brain-computer Interface BCI Brain-machine Interface BMI Neural Network Neural Engineering Military Robot Cybernetics 6th Generation Computer Deep Learning Inference

AERI Artificial Evolution Research Institute | 1200 East California Boulevard Pasadena, California 91125
Prevention of globalization Geothermal power generation Cogeneration type micro binary power generation system Smart grit adaptive type geothermal power generation system Gastromeat Nuclear weapons Conventional weapons Invalidation solution Realization of symbiotic society Local cat care Cat forest OPERA Food self-sufficiency 21st century Urban agriculture Non-nuclear defense Terrorism deterrence AI Artificial intelligence-equipped self-destruction terrorism detection system Firearm detection Clairvoyant Tennotsu High altitude electromagnetic pulse HEMP Defense Ultra low altitude satellite Ultra high speed moving object Non-destructive inspection Biocomputer Combat robot Soldier BMI Brain machine interface Consciousness driven BMILSI Sustainable infrastructure High speed Road Tunnel Shinkansen Laser Deterioration Diagnosis Real-time Railroad
Remote Diagnosis Femto Laser Rail Intellectual Property Rights License Business Litigation Smart Grit Eruption Prediction Eruption Prediction Earthquake Prediction Earthquake Prediction

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