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Decarbonization through Methanation: Current State and Challenges of the Technological Concept

Professor Kamuro's near-future science predictions:

Decarbonization through Methanation:

Current State and Challenges of the Technological Concept

Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist

Visiting Professor of Quantum Physics,

California Institute of Technology


American Physical Society-USA Fellow

PhD. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro

AERI:Artificial Evolution Research Institute

Pasadena, California


Currently, there have been efforts to introduce the methanation technology to create synthetic methane from hydrogen gas (H2) and carbon dioxide gas (CO2).

1. Overview of Methanation Technology

· Methanation technology involves the synthesis of "e-methane," a major component of city gas, by reacting hydrogen generated from renewable energy sources with carbon dioxide gas (CO2). Its primary aim is to contribute to deoxygenation through hydrogen utilization.

· The methanation technology sets a goal to incorporate 1% e-methane into city gas within approximately ten years. It envisions using existing infrastructure, such as gas manufacturing plants and refineries in port areas, as methanation facilities.

· By using carbon dioxide (CO2) in the process of synthesizing methane, methanation technology can offset the CO2 emissions resulting from burning methane. It also proposes utilizing renewable energy during water electrolysis for hydrogen (H2) production, further contributing to decarbonization.

2. Challenges and Solutions in Methanation Technology Methanation technology involves the production of synthetic methane gas (CH4) from hydrogen gas (H2) and carbon dioxide gas (CO2). While it holds potential for energy storage and the efficient use of renewable energy, several challenges need to be addressed:

Challenge 1: Hydrogen Supply and Generation Hydrogen is a core material in the methanation process, requiring efficient supply and generation due to its high-energy demand.


1. Hydrogen Production from Renewable Energy Sources: Developing sustainable hydrogen supply sources, such as hydrogen production from solar or wind power through water electrolysis or from biogas, is essential.

2. High-Efficiency Hydrogen Manufacturing Processes: Research and implement high-efficiency hydrogen production processes, including high-temperature, high-pressure hydrogen production and electrolysis.

Challenge 2: Carbon Dioxide Collection and Supply Efficient collection and supply of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the methanation process, especially for large-scale supply and long-term storage, is challenging.


1. Utilization of Carbon Capture Technology: Utilize carbon capture technology to recover and store CO2 from industrial processes and power plants.

2. Efficiency Enhancement in CO2 Supply: Optimize the entire CO2 supply chain, ensuring efficient flow from supply sources to the methanation process.

Challenge 3: Energy Efficiency Improvement Given the high-energy demand of the methanation process, improving energy efficiency is crucial.


1. Catalyst Enhancement: Develop high-efficiency catalysts to improve reaction rates and selectivity.

2. Optimization of Reaction Conditions: Optimize conditions such as temperature, pressure, and reaction time to enhance energy efficiency.

3. Heat Recovery and Process Integration: Implement methods for recovering heat generated during the process, minimizing energy wastage.

Addressing these challenges and exploring solutions holds the potential for methanation technology to contribute to sustainable energy supply and decarbonization. Scientific research and technological development are key to overcoming these challenges.



Quantum Brain Chipset & Bio Processor (BioVLSI)

Prof. PhD. Dr. Kamuro

Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist involved in Caltech & AERI Associate Professor and Brain Scientist in Artificial Evolution Research Institute( AERI:


American Physical Society Fellow

PhD. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro



【Keywords】 Artificial Evolution Research Institute:AERI


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