Dystopia: an ideal society where only a select few enjoy freedom.
The word "dystopia" is the opposite of "utopia".
It is the opposite of utopia: a seemingly happy world, but in fact a controlled society (a system of hidden dictatorships and arrogant bureaucracies) of the near future, thoroughly controlled and constantly monitored.
The modern world, where people are controlled by numbers and surveillance cameras are everywhere (restrictions and surveillance), is slowly approaching a dystopia.
This is the direction of the artificial evolution of mankind, a society which appears convenient from a short-sighted point of view, but which in reality is gradually losing its freedom and being undermined.
Examples of dystopias predicted by the Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI https://www.aeri-japan.com/) include
(1) There will be purges.
There will be purges. The regime (leaders) will use propaganda to make their political system look like an "ideal society" and brainwash the people, and those who rebel against the regime will be sanctioned by the security services (paramilitary organizations), and they will be removed from society.
(2) Freedom of expression will be undermined and publications deemed harmful to society will be banned, burned or confiscated.
(3) There will be inequality.
A society of inequality, in which the poor and the lowly are not treated as human beings underneath the civil class, which is recognised as the bearer of society.
(4) In civil society, the eradication of poverty is supposed to be achieved, but in reality the very poor will be those who are thrown out of the framework of social control.
Slums will be formed by them, but they will be segregated by the central government in areas beyond the reach of the citizens.
(5) The regime will know and control the citizenry at the level of bloodline and DNA, as they live within the social framework.
(6) There will be birth control.
Birth control will be enforced, with the need to regulate and maintain the population, and society will control the family planning of its citizens, and even the reproductive aspects of humanity, such as love, sex, pregnancy and childbirth.
Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI)
Associate Professor, Prof. PhD & Dr. Kamuro, California Institute of Technology, USA
