Geothermal energy is the perfect energy source for economic viability, security and security of supply
The geothermal power generation technology being researched and developed by the Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI), which is a twin technology to the micro reactor (Small Modular Reactor: SMR), is a closed-cycle heat exchange power generation system with a heat regenerative binary engine and a cogeneration micro binary power generation system. The features are as follows.
(1) The manufacturing scale economy more than thermal power generation can be achieved.
(2) The construction speed is as fast as thermal power generation.
(3) The efficiency by the scale-up more than thermal power generation can be achieved.
(4) Construction cost is lower than thermal power generation.
(5) No choice of construction site compared with thermal power generation, which is limited to coastal areas.
(6) They face the same security costs as thermal power.
(7) they do not require decommissioning like nuclear reactors and do not require decommissioning costs and time.
2. Micro reactors (SMRs) are deliberately chosen to be inefficient, yet they do not solve any of the problems.
SMRs have been around since the 1950s, but they are no better today than they were then.
3.Geothermal power: the only renewable energy source that is not dependent on weather conditions
Crude oil and natural gas are strategic commodities whose supply is a political bargaining chip; coal- and natural gas-fired power plants emit too much carbon dioxide (CO2); and wind and solar power can be crippled by natural disasters and bad weather.
Compared to these existing methods, the geothermal power generation method being researched by the Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI has the following advantages
(1) It is possible to supply 100% of the power generated by geothermal energy without depending on other countries.
(2) It is the only best energy source in terms of security.
(3) Stable supply, unaffected by climate change, extreme weather and natural disasters.
(4) The price of raw materials is basically zero.
(5) It has the potential to generate more than 100 GWh (gigawatts per hour) of electricity on a stable basis, far exceeding coal-fired and natural gas-fired power generation and rivaling or surpassing nuclear power generation.
See also
Cogeneration-type microbinary power generation systems (
Geothermal power generation (
Smart Grid Adaptive Geothermal Power Systems (
Visiting Professor Prof. PhD. & Dr. Kamuro, California Institute of Technology, USA
