Geothermal power, a sleeping giant with a power generation capacity that far surpasses that of nuclear power
1. the appeal of geothermal energy is its stability. In contrast to wind and solar, which generate varying amounts of electricity depending on the weather and time of day, geothermal is a stable source of electricity because it can generate power all the time. Geothermal is the only renewable energy source that can be a baseload power source ( low-cost, stable power source 24 hours a day)," says Jody Robins, a geothermal engineer at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
2. nuclear (carbon-free but not renewable) can play a similar role, but its expansion is limited by cost, waste issues and public perception. Small modular reactors (SMR micro reactors), which are undergoing significant development, will be the next generation of nuclear power systems.
3.SMRs, however, pose a critical problem against terrorism and war against the enemy. If they are destroyed by missiles or air strikes, radiological contaminants will hit the city. The situation would be the same as if micro atomic devices were scattered all over the city.
4.The geothermal power generation technology offered by the Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI), which is attracting attention as the next generation of geothermal power generation technology, does not require the process of 'pumping hot water and steam from the ground to the surface', which is the fatal flaw of conventional geothermal power generation, but only draws heat from ultra-deep heat sources. The turbine is turned to generate electricity. As a result, the fatal weakness of conventional geothermal power generation - 'the circulation process of pumping back the pumped water to maintain the underground pressure' - is no longer necessary.
5 The geothermal technology offered by the Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI) is therefore free from the fatal flaw of conventional geothermal power: the constraints of heat, fractured bedrock and groundwater, which must be close to each other and within a few kilometres of the surface.
6. geothermal power generation technology (heat recovery) provided by the Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI) Binary engine powered closed cycle heat Exchange Power Generation System) has a high-temperature rock-body power generation mode and a supercritical geothermal power generation mode.
(1) Thermal regeneration. Binary engine powered closed cycle heat In the high-temperature rock power generation mode of the exchange power generation system, the prescribed power generation medium is pumped and injected through pipes into the high-temperature rock underground, and the high heat is used to artificially create power generation medium steam to turn a turbine to generate electricity.
(2) Heat regeneration. Binary engine powered closed cycle heat In the supercritical geothermal power generation mode of the exchange power generation system, the prescribed power generation medium is pumped and injected through pipes into deep geological formations at depths of 3-6 km near volcanoes to generate supercritical medium at high temperatures and pressures. The turbine is turned to generate electricity. The use of high-temperature, high-pressure generating media with much greater thermal energy than normal high-temperature steam or the above-mentioned high-temperature rock-body power generation mode would significantly increase the power output of power plants. In addition, the plant would not have to rely on supercritical water, which may or may not be in deep geological formations, as is the case with conventional supercritical geothermal power generation. In addition, it would solve all the fatal drawbacks of conventional technologies, such as (i) land subsidence, (ii) depletion of groundwater, (iii) adverse effects on hot spring resources, and (iv) earthquakes caused by pumping supercritical water out of the ground.
7. geothermal power: the only renewable energy source that is not affected by weather conditions.
Compared to power generation methods such as crude oil and natural gas, whose supply is used as a political bargaining chip as a strategic commodity, coal-fired and natural gas-fired power generation, which emit CO2, and wind and solar power generation, which are fatal to natural disasters and bad weather, the Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI) has developed a new power generation method that is more efficient and less costly than the conventional method. (AERI, a method of power generation using geothermal energy (thermal regeneration). Binary engine powered closed cycle heat (i) it can be supplied 100% domestically without depending on other countries for power generation resources, (ii) it is the single best energy source in terms of 'security', (iii) it can be supplied stably without being affected by climate change, extreme weather events or natural disasters, and (iv) it can be used as an energy source for the development of new energy sources. (iv) Basically 'zero' feedstock prices, and (v) Stable, 100 % stable power generation, far superior to coal-fired and natural gas-fired power generation, and comparable to or superior to nuclear power generation. It combines the potential to generate electricity in excess of the GWh (gigawatt hour) class.
See also.
Cogeneration microbinary power systems
Geothermal power
Smart Grid Adaptive Geothermal Power Systems
Prof. PhD & Dr Physicist Kazusho Kamuro, Associate Professor, California Institute of Technology, USA
