Professor Kamuro's near-future science predictions:
Quantum Control of
Biological Electron Tunneling
through the AERI Integrated Neural Implant technologies:
A Potential Therapeutic Breakthrough
for Brain Cancer Patients

Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist
Visiting Professor of Quantum Physics,
California Institute of Technology
American Physical Society-USA Fellow
PhD. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro
AERI:Artificial Evolution Research Institute
Pasadena, California
Xyronix Corporation
Pasadena, California
Quantum Control of Biological Electron Tunneling through the AERI Integrated Neural Implant technologies: A Potential Therapeutic Breakthrough for Brain Cancer Patients
The utilization of the AERI highly integrated neural implant LSI (Large Scale Integration) technologies that directly connects the neural connections using biosemiconductors at the nano-scale on a neural level, incorporating neural elements connecting brain neurons and their synapses, presents a novel avenue for controlling quantum biological electron tunneling. This breakthrough technology has the potential to pave the way for effective treatments for brain cancer patients.

By applying the technology of directly connecting the neural networks that constitute BMI (Brain Machine Interface) LSI, BCI (Brain Computer Interface) LSI, Brain Computing LSI, and Brain Implant LSI at the cellular level within the central nervous system, an innovative technology rooted in the modulation of quantum processes within the cellular milieu of humans holds the promise of effecting a revolutionary transformation in the therapeutic approach towards a highly aggressive variant of brain cancer recognized as glioblastoma.
In a collaborative research endeavor, scientists with diverse expertise spanning biochemistry, physics, engineering, and clinical medicine, affiliated with the Artificial Evolution Research Institute, Pasadena, California (AERI), conducted pioneering investigations. These studies unveiled the capability of electrical stimulation, facilitated through bio-nanoantennae technology by applying the the technology of directly connecting semiconductors to the central nervous system at the neural level, to induce Quantum Biological Electron Transfer (QBET) within cancer cells, consequently instigating programmed cell death.
These transformative techniques were rigorously validated through laboratory experiments, resulting in the selective eradication of glioblastoma cancer cells, while ensuring the preservation of healthy cellular constituents. The AERI's website can be accessed at for further information regarding their research initiatives and collaborative efforts.
The bio-nanoantennae employed in this study consist of meticulously crafted gold nanoparticles, enveloped with a cytochrome c layer. Cytochrome c, a pivotal protein within cellular biology, orchestrates the initiation of apoptosis, the intrinsic self-destruct mechanism within a cellular milieu. The oxidation of cytochrome c, catalyzed by the loss of an electron facilitated through quantum tunnelling, triggers a complex signaling cascade. This cascade subsequently orchestrates a profound transformation of the cell's genetic landscape, culminating in the programmed demise of the cell.
The research findings, documented in the esteemed scientific journal AERI Nanotechnology, emanate from a collaborative effort spearheaded by a team of multidisciplinary scientists. This ensemble was expertly led by Kazuto KAMURO, an Visiting Professor within the California Institute of Technology(CALTECH) , whose academic background encompasses the realms of biochemistry and electrochemistry.
In their investigation applying the technology of directly connecting semiconductors to the central nervous system at the nano-scale on a neural level, the research team ingeniously harnessed a remote external electric field for the polarization of the meticulously engineered bionanoantennae. This strategic approach generated a voltage gradient of considerable magnitude, thereby inducing the oxidation of cytochrome c in the nanoparticle coating. This cascade of events, driven by electron tunneling, subsequently activated the intrinsic self-destruct mechanism within patient-derived glioblastoma cells that were in direct physical proximity to the bionanoantennae.
A notable attribute contributing to the formidable challenge in glioblastoma management is the infiltrative nature of glioblastoma cells, manifesting in their propensity to disseminate within the confines of the brain. Consequently, even after the surgical excision of a primary brain tumor, a substantial reservoir of additional cancer cells remains embedded within the brain parenchyma, rendering their surgical extraction an unfeasible endeavor, given the inherent risk of inflicting irreversible brain damage.
Moreover, glioblastoma cells exhibit an alarming proclivity for rapid acquisition of resistance to conventional chemotherapy regimens. In light of this, the innovative quantum biological intervention under scrutiny carries the potential to serve as an efficacious means of addressing this predicament, effectively targeting and eliminating these dispersed glioblastoma cells that have hitherto proven resilient to conventional therapeutic modalities.
The convergence of electronics applied the technology of directly connecting semiconductors to the central nervous system at the nano-scale on a neural level, and biological systems has been harnessed to exercise precise control over cellular behavior. The mechanism governing this control, a quantum tunnelling event, orchestrates the activation of a cell's self-destruct mechanism, as elucidated by Visiting Professor within the CALTECH.
It is noteworthy that this treatment exhibits a high degree of selectivity by virtue of its ability to pinpoint cancer cells, a specificity stemming from the distinctive biological attributes inherent to these pathological cells, absent in their healthy counterparts. Consequentially, the treatment elicits no response from cells devoid of this specific biology, thereby facilitating the targeted isolation of cancer cells, which are receptive to the treatment's influence.
The dimensions of the bio-nanoantennae developed in the AERI exceed the size threshold required for translocation across the highly impermeable blood-brain barrier. This specialized anatomical structure comprises a tight junction of cells adorning the inner lining of the blood vessels that traverse to the brain, serving as a formidable defense mechanism, safeguarding the cerebral environment from potential harm by obstructing the ingress of particles and sizable molecules.
Given this limitation, the administration of these bio-nanoparticles via intravenous injection is an unviable approach. Instead, it necessitates an alternative method of delivery that entails either the localized application of a spray or direct injection proximal to the tumor site, a maneuver best executed in the context of surgical intervention.
The inherent biocompatibility of gold nanoparticles obviates the necessity for their extraction subsequent to therapeutic application. Nevertheless, it is imperative to acknowledge the imperative for additional investigations aimed at elucidating the fate of the cytochrome coating. This is underpinned by the expectation that the coating will undergo a natural process of degradation, ultimately culminating in the cessation of its functional efficacy over time.
Moreover, the optimal administration regimen remains an unresolved aspect of this therapeutic modality. Hence, it is incumbent upon the scientific community to embark on further studies to ascertain whether a singular dose of treatment suffices or if a fractional dosing approach is requisite. If fractions indeed prove necessary, a comprehensive assessment of the temporal intervals between successive doses will be an essential consideration for therapeutic optimization.
Kazuto KAMURO, a Visiting Professor at the California Institute of Technology (CALTECH), expresses a sanguine perspective and envisions the initiation of clinical trials for this groundbreaking therapeutic approach in human patients within the forthcoming decade.
In pursuit of this goal, endeavors to secure funding for preliminary human trials are currently underway. As a preliminary measure, the research team has initiated in vivo investigations, involving the direct injection of bio-nanoantennae into malignantly afflicted tumors within animal subjects. This staged approach is pivotal for conducting a comprehensive assessment of potential toxicity concerns, thus contributing to the overall safety profile of the therapeutic intervention.
"By applying the LSI (Large Scale Integration) technologies that directly connects the neural connections using biosemiconductors at the nano-scale on a neural level, we posit that contemporary perspectives within the field of biology are undergoing a transformative shift, with researchers increasingly recognizing the foundational role of bioelectricity in conjunction with DNA in the orchestration of cellular functions," asserts Visiting Professor Kamuro.
He expresses a hopeful outlook that the potential to selectively target various categories of cancer cells inherent in this technique may serve as a precursor to a comprehensive spectrum of quantum-based medical procedures. He further emphasizes the multifaceted implications of this work, extending to the realms of quantum biology and quantum therapeutics, while contemplating its prospective emergence as an entirely novel paradigm within the domain of medicine.
Quantum Brain Chipset & Bio Processor (BioVLSI)
Prof. PhD. Dr. Kamuro
Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist involved in Caltech & AERI Associate Professor and Brain Scientist in Artificial Evolution Research Institute( AERI: )
American Physical Society Fellow
PhD. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro
AERI & Xyronix Corporation
【Keywords】 Artificial Evolution Research Institute:AERI
Xyronix Corporation
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