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●Quantum Compassion in the brain

Writer's picture: 人工進化研究所(AERI)人工進化研究所(AERI)

Quantum Artificial Intelligence:

Consciousness-driven bio-computer

with quantum interference-controlled BMIVLSI implemented in cranial nerves

Physicist Brain Scientist Visiting Professor of Physics,

California Institute of Technology

Ph.D. & Dr. Kazusho Kamuro

AERI:Artificial EvolutionResearch Institute

1200 East California Boulevard Pasadena, California 91125

●Quantum Compassion in the brain

A number of animals are able to sense Earth’s magnetic field, but exactly how they accomplish this is still an open question. Birds, it has been hypothesized, use quantum effects to accomplish their feats of navigation. This quantum compass is called the radical pair mechanism and it relies on the interaction of electron spin with the geomagnetic field. A radical pair is a pair of electrons whose

spins are correlated, existing in a superposition of two different states. The ratio of these states isdetermined by the magnetic field, resulting in a different chemical signature for different alignmentsin this field. This spin-dependent compass is thought to be located in molecules known ascryptochromes, which are activated by blue light from environmental cues. Until very recently therewas no strong evidence that humans had a magnetic sense. However, a new experiment by Kwon-Seok Chae and team at Kyungpook National University in Korea shows, incredibly, that starved humans can sense the geomagnetic field to orient themselves towards the remembered location of food, an orientation that appears to be blue-light dependent (PLOS One 14 e0211826).

It has also been shown by Connie Wang from the California Institute of Technology, US, and colleagues that changes to the strength of Earth’s magnetic field cause changes in alpha brain waves – oscillations in the neural activity of the brain in the frequency range 8–12 Hz – in human subjects (eNeuro 6 ENEURO.0483-18.2019). However, it is uncertain whether this effect uses a similar quantum mechanism to the avian compass – in fact, the researchers suggest quite the opposite, that ferromagnetism is responsible for the effect.

In separate studies, changes in alpha waves have been associated with fluctuations in the production of biophotons, measured indirectly by fluctuations in reactive oxygen species, which play a role in cellular communication but are also responsible for numerous bodily problems. They are implicated in ageing, disease and depression and are the reason that antioxidants are so widely touted as being beneficial to health. What is interesting is that studies have shown how magnetic field mediated changes in the spin dynamics of the radical pair mechanism lead to increased reactive oxygen species. It is conceivable, though as yet contentious, that humans use the radical pair mechanism in essential cellular functioning. Exactly what this entails is less clear. It could potentially offer a means to understand the apparent physiological and psychological effects of geomagnetic storms, one of which appears to be increased rates of suicide (Proc. R. Soc. B 2792081).




Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI)

070-3164-7872 (General Affairs Division)

© 2019 by AERI Artificial Evolution Research Institute

1200 East California Boulevard Pasadena, California 91125

Kamuro Kazuto
Dr. (Doctor of Engineering Applied Physics / Semiconductor Physical Properties)
Ph.D. (Doctor of Science, Molecular Biology & Computer Science)
Associate Professor (California Institute of Technology)
Senior Researcher, NEC Central Research Laboratories Director, Japan Tuberculosis Hospital Association Chief Electrical Engineer, First Class Information Processing Engineer

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The Institute for Artificial Evolution (AERI) is conducting research and development on geothermal power generation, next-generation defense weapons, biocomputers, etc. as research subjects in unexplored areas and extreme areas.

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AERI Artificial Evolution Research Institute | 1200 East California Boulevard Pasadena, California 91125
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