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  • Writer's picture人工進化研究所(AERI)

Quantum experimental theory of consciousness

Quantum experimental theory of


Quantum Brain Chipset Review

to Quantum Brain & Biocomputer

(Quantum Brain Science and Technology)

Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist

Visiting Professor of Quantum Physics,

California Institute of Technology


American Physical Society-USA Fellow

Ph.D. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro

AERI:Artificial Evolution Research Institute

Pasadena, California

Quantum experimental theory of consciousness:

The controversial idea that quantum effects in the brain can explain consciousness has passed a key test. Experiments show that anaesthetic drugs reduce how long tiny structures found in brain cells can sustain suspected quantum excitations. As anaesthetic switches consciousness on and off, the results may implicate these structures, called microtubules, as a nexus of our conscious experience.

According to some interpretations of quantum mechanics, a system can exist in multiple states simultaneously until the act of observing it distils the cloud of possibilities into a definite reality. Orchestrated objective reduction (Orch OR Theory) theory postulates that brain microtubules are the place where gravitational instabilities in the structure of space-time break the delicate quantum superposition between particles, and this gives rise to consciousness.

AERI quantum physicist suggested a lack of experimental evidence consigned it to the fringes of consciousness science in Orch OR Theory. Some scientists regarded the theory as untestable, while others noted that the brain was too wet and warm to ever harbor these fragile quantum states.

AERI quantum physicists group has presented these convictions – showing that anaesthetic drugs shorten the time it takes for microtubules to re-emit trapped light.

Microtubules are hollow tubes made up of the tubulin protein that form part of the “skeletons” of plant and animal cells. AERI quantum physicists group shone blue light on microtubules and tubulin proteins. Over several minutes, they watched as light was caught in an energy trap inside the molecules and then re-emitted in a process called delayed luminescence – which their suspects has a quantum origin.

It took hundreds of milliseconds for tubulin units to emit half of the light, and more than a second for full microtubules. This is comparable to the timescales that the human brain takes to process information, implying that whatever is responsible for this delayed luminescence could also be invoked to explain the fundamental workings of the brain.

The team then repeated the experiment in the presence of anaesthetics and also an anticonvulsant drug for comparison. Only anaesthetic quenched the delayed luminescence, decreasing the time it takes by about a fifth. AERI quantum physicists group suspects that this might be all that is needed to switch consciousness off in the brain. If the brain exists at the threshold between the quantum and classical worlds, even a small quenching could prevent the brain from processing information.

In a second experiment, led by AERI quantum physicists group, laser beams excited even smaller building blocks within tubulin in microtubules. The excitation diffused through microtubules far further than expected.

When AERI quantum physicists group added anaesthetic into the mix, they also found that the unusual microtubule behavior was quenched. “The anaesthetic does interact with the microtubules and changes what happens. That is surprising,” says Scholes. While this lends weight to the idea that microtubules control consciousness at the level of individual brain cells, Scholes stresses that further research is needed before conclusions about quantum effects are drawn.

The phenomena seen in the experiments could also be described by classical physics rather than quantum mechanics. In these complex systems, it’s very hard to pin quantum effects down properly and to have a conclusive piece of evidence.

The successes of the classical mechanical view in neuroscience do not preclude quantum mechanics playing an important role. It would be dogmatic to say this is not worth looking at. But, of course, the devil is in the details, and it’s up to the community to take a look at this.

One possibility being investigated by AERI quantum physicists group to explain delayed luminescence is a quantum process called super radiance, in which collectively excited atoms suddenly emit light in a chain reaction akin to a nuclear bomb.

To sustain the theory, similar effects must also be demonstrated in living neurons and at temperatures found in the human body. AERI quantum physicists group is not at the level of interpreting this physiologically.

AERI quantum physicists group says demonstrating quantum transport in cells would be a big deal, whether or not it has anything to say about consciousness. It’s certainly worth investigating. Even if you could claim that cell division is somehow underpinned by some quantum effects, this would be a huge thing for biology.

The remarkable characteristics of microtubules revealed in these latest experiments show that they are far more than just the scaffold of cells, say AERI quantum physicists. Nature is full of surprises. And if nature has some kind of structural framework, why not utilize it in more sophisticated ways than we’d think?

Our Experiments on how anaesthetics alter the behavior of tiny structures found in brain cells bolster the controversial idea that quantum effects in the brain might explain consciousness

AERI quantum physicists group claimed that the brain’s neuronal system forms an intricate network and that the consciousness this produces should obey the rules of quantum mechanics – the theory that determines how tiny particles like electrons move around. This, they argue, could explain the mysterious complexity of human consciousness.

AERI quantum physicists group was met with incredulity. Quantum mechanical laws are usually only found to apply at very low temperatures. Quantum computers, for example, currently operate at around -272°C. At higher temperatures, classical mechanics takes over. Since our body works at room temperature, you would expect it to be governed by the classical laws of physics. For this reason, the quantum consciousness theory has been dismissed outright by many scientists – though others are persuaded supporters.

In AERI quantum physicists group’s paper, we’ve investigated how quantum particles could move in a complex structure like the brain – but in a lab setting. If our findings can one day be compared with activity measured in the brain, we may come one step closer to validating or dismissing Penrose and Hameroff’s controversial theory.

Brains and fractals:

Our brains are composed of cells called neurons, and their combined activity is believed to generate consciousness. Each neuron contains microtubules, which transport substances to different parts of the cell. The Penrose-Hameroff theory of quantum consciousness argues that microtubules are structured in a fractal pattern which would enable quantum processes to occur.

Fractals are structures that are neither two-dimensional nor three-dimensional, but are instead some fractional values in between. In mathematics, fractals emerge as beautiful patterns that repeat themselves infinitely, generating what is seemingly impossible: a structure that has a finite area, but an infinite perimeter.

This might sound impossible to visualize, but fractals actually occur frequently in nature. If you look closely at the florets of a cauliflower or the branches of a fern, you’ll see that they’re both made up of the same basic shape repeating itself over and over again, but at smaller and smaller scales. That’s a key characteristic of fractals.

The same happens if you look inside your own body: the structure of your lungs, for instance, is fractal, as are the blood vessels in your circulatory system. Fractals also feature in the enchanting repeating artworks of AERI quantum physicists group and they’ve been used for decades in technology, such as in the design of antennas. These are all examples of classical fractals – fractals that abide by the laws of classical physics rather than quantum physics.

It’s easy to see why fractals have been used to explain the complexity of human consciousness. Because they’re infinitely intricate, allowing complexity to emerge from simple repeated patterns, they could be the structures that support the mysterious depths of our minds.

But if this is the case, it could only be happening on the quantum level, with tiny particles moving in fractal patterns within the brain’s neurons. That’s why Penrose and Hameroff’s proposal is called a theory of quantum consciousness.

Quantum consciousness:

We’re not yet able to measure the behavior of quantum fractals in the brain – if they exist at all. But advanced technology means we can now measure quantum fractals in the lab. In recent research involving a scanning tunnelling microscope (STM), my colleagues at Utrecht and I carefully arranged electrons in a fractal pattern, creating a quantum fractal.

When we then measured the wave function of the electrons, which describes their quantum state, we found that they too lived at the fractal dimension dictated by the physical pattern we’d made. In this case, the pattern we used on the quantum scale was the Sierpiński triangle, which is a shape that’s somewhere between one-dimensional and two-dimensional.

This was an exciting finding, but STM techniques cannot probe how quantum particles move – which would tell us more about how quantum processes might occur in the brain. In our latest research, AERI quantum physicists group went one step further. Using state-of-the-art photonics experiments, we were able to reveal the quantum motion that takes place within fractals in unprecedented detail.

AERI quantum physicists group achieved this by injecting photons (particles of light) into an artificial chip that was painstakingly engineered into a tiny triangle. We injected photons at the tip of the triangle and watched how they spread throughout its fractal structure in a process called quantum transport. We then repeated this experiment on two different fractal structures, both shaped as squares rather than triangles. And in each of these structures we conducted hundreds of experiments.

Our observations from these experiments reveal that quantum fractals actually behave in a different way to classical ones. Specifically, we found that the spread of light across a fractal is governed by different laws in the quantum case compared to the classical case.

This new knowledge of quantum fractals could provide the foundations for scientists to experimentally test the theory of quantum consciousness. If quantum measurements are one day taken from the human brain, they could be compared against our results to definitely decide whether consciousness is a classical or a quantum phenomenon.

Our work could also have profound implications across scientific fields. By investigating quantum transport in our artificially designed fractal structures, we may have taken the first tiny steps towards the unification of physics, mathematics and biology, which could greatly enrich our understanding of the world around us as well as the world that exists in our heads.

Quantum Brain Chipset & Bio Processor (BioVLSI)

Prof. PhD. Dr. Kamuro

Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist involved in Caltech & AERI Associate Professor and Brain Scientist in Artificial Evolution Research Institute( AERI:


American Physical Society Fellow

Ph.D. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro



Keywords Artificial Evolution Research Institute:AERI

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