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  • Writer's picture人工進化研究所(AERI)

The LDP and New Komeito City Councillors who control the Yokohama City CouncilThe city of Yokohama

Updated: Nov 18, 2021

The LDP and New Komeito City Councillors who control the Yokohama City Council

The city of Yokohama has been running the city government with a debt of 130 million yen every day.

The city's accumulated debt is already over 2 trillion yen, and it remains the top city in terms of hidden financial failure.

2. Despite this, the salaries of Yokohama City Council members are among the highest in the country.

In addition, the city spent over 30 billion yen of taxpayers' money to build a new city hall, which is one of the most gorgeous in the country.

In addition, the city is planning to spend 60 billion yen to build an opera house. The project has now been cancelled.

On the other hand, the casino bill (Integrated Resort Development Promotion Bill / IR Development Promotion Bill), which was supposed to pour blood tax into the city like water, was forcibly voted down.

The people who voted for and implemented these bills were the LDP and New Komeito city council members, who are unfit to serve as city council members, who feed off the taxpayers of Yokohama and put their own lives first.

Prof.PhD.& Dr. Kamuro, Associate Professor, California Institute of Technology, USA

米国カリフォルニア工科大学客員教授 Prof.PhD.& Dr 神室

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