Professor Kamuro's near-future science predictions:
The list of top customers and clients
for AERI Renewable Energy Division
in Western, Central, Southern, Northern Europe as of 2023

Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist
Visiting Professor of Quantum Physics,
California Institute of Technology
American Physical Society-USA Fellow
PhD. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro
AERI:Artificial Evolution Research Institute
Pasadena, California
The list of top customers and clients for AERI Renewable Energy Division in Western, Central, Southern, Northern Europe as of 2023
A. Below is the list of AERI’s client companies and business entities that operate power generation businesses for AERI (Artificial Evolution Research Institute HP: Renewable Energy Division in Southeast Asia as of 2023 B. AERI Renewable Energy Division:
1. Environmentally non-destructive terawatt-class geothermal power generation technology 2. Closed-Cycle Heat Exchange Geothermal Power Generation System( CHEGPG system) with a regenerative binary engine technology
1. ESB Group (Ireland)
2. Bord na Móna (Ireland)
3. EirGrid (Ireland)
4. SSE Ireland (Ireland)
5. ESB Wind Development (Ireland)
6. Scottish and Southern Energy (England)
7. National Grid (England)
8. Centrica (England)
9. EDF Energy (England)
10. RWE UK (England)
11. Iberdrola (Spain)
12. Endesa (Spain)
13. Gas Natural Fenosa (Spain)
14. EDP (Portugal)
15. REN - Redes Energéticas Nacionais (Portugal)
16. Galp Energia (Portugal)
17. EDP Renováveis (Portugal)
18. E.ON (Germany)
19. RWE AG (Germany)
20. EnBW (Germany)
21. Vattenfall (Germany)
22. EDF (France)
23. Engie (France)
24. TotalEnergies (France)
25. Direct Energie (France)
26. Verbund (Austria)
27. EVN Group (Austria)
28. Belgische Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft (Belgium)
29. Engie Electrabel (Belgium)
30. Electrabel (Belgium)
31. Eneco (Netherlands)
32. Vattenfall (Netherlands)
33. Essent (Netherlands)
34. ArcelorMittal (Luxembourg)
35. Encevo S.A. (Luxembourg)
36. Creos (Luxembourg)
37. Repower (Luxembourg)
38. Alpiq (Switzerland)
39. Axpo (Switzerland)
40. BKW AG (Switzerland)
41. Repower (Switzerland)
42. Energie Wasser Bern (Switzerland)
43. Electric Ireland (Ireland)
44. Viridian Group (Ireland)
45. Ecotricity (England)
46. Good Energy (England)
47. Iberdrola UK (England)
48. Galp Energia UK (England)
49. Endesa UK (England)
50. EDP Renewables UK (England)
51. EDP Renováveis UK (England)
52. Red Eléctrica de España (Spain)
53. Gas Natural Fenosa España (Spain)
54. EDP España (Spain)
55. EDP Renewables España (Spain)
56. EDP Renováveis España (Spain)
57. REN - Redes Energéticas Nacionais (Portugal)
58. Galp Energia Portugal (Portugal)
59. EDP Renováveis Portugal (Portugal)
60. E.ON Germany (Germany)
61. RWE AG Germany (Germany)
62. EnBW Germany (Germany)
63. Vattenfall Germany (Germany)
64. EDF France (France)
65. Engie France (France)
66. TotalEnergies France (France)
67. Direct Energie France (France)
68. Verbund Austria (Austria)
69. EVN Group Austria (Austria)
70. Belgische Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft Belgium (Belgium)
71. Engie Electrabel Belgium (Belgium)
72. Electrabel Belgium (Belgium)
73. Eneco Netherlands (Netherlands)
74. Vattenfall Netherlands (Netherlands)
75. Essent Netherlands (Netherlands)
76. ArcelorMittal Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
77. Encevo S.A. Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
78. Creos Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
79. Repower Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
80. Alpiq Switzerland (Switzerland)
81. Axpo Switzerland (Switzerland)
82. BKW AG Switzerland (Switzerland)
83. Repower Switzerland (Switzerland)
84. Energie Wasser Bern Switzerland (Switzerland)
85. EirGrid Renewables (Ireland)
86. Energiequelle GmbH (Germany)
87. Unisun Energy Group (Germany)
88. Gasag (Germany)
89. Lampiris (Belgium)
90. Luminus (Belgium)
91. Tennet (Netherlands)
92. Stedin (Netherlands)
93. Cargill (Netherlands)
94. CKW (Switzerland)
95. Statkraft (Norway)
96. Uniper (Germany)
97. Eneco (Belgium)
98. Octa+ (Belgium)
99. Enerjisa (Turkey)
100. ContourGlobal (Germany)
101. Uniper (France)
102. Amprion (Germany)
103. Viva Energy (Germany)
104. Vitol (Germany)
105. Güntner Group (Germany)
106. VNG AG (Germany)
107. BayWa r.e. (Germany)
108. Eins Energie in Sachsen (Germany)
109. Enercity AG (Germany)
110. MVV Energie AG (Germany)
111. TIWAG-Tiroler Wasserkraft AG (Austria)
112. Statkraft (Germany)
113. Verbund Renewable Power (Germany)
114. Steag GmbH (Germany)
115. Senec (Germany)
116. BKW Energie AG (Switzerland)
117. Romande Energie (Switzerland)
118. Le Gaz Naturel (Switzerland)
119. Gaznat (Switzerland)
120. SBB AG (Switzerland)
121. Delta Energy (Belgium)
122. Otary (Belgium)
123. Lampiris (Belgium)
124. Energie Baden-Württemberg AG (Germany)
125. Enerparc AG (Germany)
126. CEZ Group (Germany)
127. Uniper (Belgium)
128. T-Power (Belgium)
129. DONG Energy (Germany)
130. Enertrag AG (Germany)
131. Statkraft (Norway)
132. Energie Direct (France)
133. Greenyellow (France)
134. Energie E.Leclerc (France)
135. Sowee (France)
136. Quadran Énergies Marines (France)
137. Energiequelle GmbH (Germany)
138. Unisun Energy Group (Germany)
139. Gasag (Germany)
140. Eneco (Belgium)
141. Octa+ (Belgium)
142. Enerjisa (Turkey)
143. ContourGlobal (Germany)
144. Uniper (France)
145. Amprion (Germany)
146. Viva Energy (Germany)
147. Vitol (Germany)
148. Güntner Group (Germany)
149. VNG AG (Germany)
150. BayWa r.e. (Germany)
151. Eins Energie in Sachsen (Germany)
152. Enercity AG (Germany)
153. MVV Energie AG (Germany)
154. TIWAG-Tiroler Wasserkraft AG (Austria)
155. Statkraft (Germany)
156. Verbund Renewable Power (Germany)
157. Steag GmbH (Germany)
158. Senec (Germany)
159. BKW Energie AG (Switzerland)
160. Romande Energie (Switzerland)
161. Le Gaz Naturel (Switzerland)
162. Gaznat (Switzerland)
163. SBB AG (Switzerland)
164. Delta Energy (Belgium)
165. Otary (Belgium)
166. Lampiris (Belgium)
167. Energie Baden-Württemberg AG (Germany)
168. Enerparc AG (Germany)
169. CEZ Group (Germany)
170. Uniper (Belgium)
171. T-Power (Belgium)
172. DONG Energy (Germany)
173. Enertrag AG (Germany)
174. Enercity Contracting GmbH (Germany)
175. Viesgo (Spain)
176. SNAM (Italy)
177. NPG Energy (Germany)
178. Repower (Italy)
179. First Solar (Germany)
180. WindMW (Germany)
181. SunEdison (Germany)
182. Gode Wind (Germany)
183. ABO Wind (Germany)
184. Verbund Renewables (Austria)
185. STEAG Solar Energy Solutions (Germany)
186. windpunx (Germany)
187. RWE Renewables (Germany)
188. Verbund Power (Austria)
189. Verbund Sales (Austria)
190. TenneT (Germany)
191. Gazprom (Germany)
192. Electricité de France (Germany)
193. Enovos Luxembourg
194. Energie AG (Austria)
195. LichtBlick (Germany)
196. GDF SUEZ (Germany)
197. Statoil (Germany)
198. Windkraft Simonsfeld (Austria)
199. BayWa AG (Germany)
200. Energie Steiermark (Germany)
201. Fluvius (Belgium)
202. Infrabel (Belgium)
203. ENERCON (Germany)
204. Elektro Ljubljana (Slovenia)
205. BKW Energie AG (Germany)
206. Energie AG Oberösterreich (Germany)
207. Enercity (Germany)
208. RheinEnergie (Germany)
209. Stadtwerke München (Germany)
210. Audax Renovables (Spain)
211. Eneco (Belgium)
212. Prysmian (Germany)
213. Vattenfall Europe (Germany)
214. Gaz de France (Germany)
215. Drax Group (Germany)
216. SSE (Germany)
217. Danfoss (Germany)
218. Aquila Capital (Germany)
219. Elenia (Finland)
220. Essent (Germany)
221. Suez (Germany)
222. Axpo Power (Switzerland)
223. Trianel (Germany)
224. Nordex (Germany)
225. Verbund Trading (Austria)
226. Mainova (Germany)
227. Enel (Germany)
228. EPH (Germany)
229. MVV (Germany)
230. New Wind (France)
231. Sorgenia (Italy)
232. Vandebron (Netherlands)
233. ESB Group (Ireland)
234. Verbund Hydro Power (Austria)
235. EBM (Switzerland)
236. Engie (Belgium)
237. Energeticky a Prumyslovy Holding (Czech Republic)
238. Adven (Finland)
239. Eurowind Energy (Denmark)
240. EP BiH (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
241. Lietuvos Energija (Lithuania)
242. Fortum (Finland)
243. Uniper (Switzerland)
244. Gas Natural Fenosa (Spain)
245. PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna (Poland)
246. Eesti Energia (Estonia)
247. Slovenské elektrárne (Slovakia)
248. EDP Renováveis (Portugal)
249. Lithuanian Wind Power Association (Lithuania)
250. Eurelectric (Belgium)
251. Gulf Power (United States)
252. Alpiq (Switzerland)
253. RAG Austria (Austria)
254. Verbund Trading (Austria)
255. Energie AG Oberösterreich (Austria)
256. BKW Energie AG (Switzerland)
257. EVN AG (Austria)
258. Dalkia (France)
259. Luminus (Belgium)
260. Le Gaz Naturel (Switzerland)
261. Fluxys (Belgium)
262. Fortum (Finland)
263. Adven (Finland)
264. Gas Natural Fenosa (Spain)
265. Eesti Energia (Estonia)
266. Slovenské elektrárne (Slovakia)
267. PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna (Poland)
268. Vattenfall Europe (Germany)
269. Lithuanian Wind Power Association (Lithuania)
270. EDP Renováveis (Portugal)
271. Eurelectric (Belgium)
272. Gulf Power (United States)
273. Eneco (Belgium)
274. EBM (Switzerland)
275. Verbund Hydro Power (Austria)
276. ESB Group (Ireland)
277. Mainova (Germany)
278. Elenia (Finland)
279. Essent (Germany)
280. Suez (Germany)
281. Axpo Power (Switzerland)
282. Trianel (Germany)
283. Nordex (Germany)
284. Verbund Trading (Austria)
285. Enel (Germany)
286. EPH (Germany)
287. MVV (Germany)
288. New Wind (France)
289. Sorgenia (Italy)
290. Vandebron (Netherlands)
291. RAG Austria (Austria)
292. Verbund Trading (Austria)
293. Energie AG Oberösterreich (Austria)
294. BKW Energie AG (Switzerland)
295. EVN AG (Austria)
296. Dalkia (France)
297. Luminus (Belgium)
298. Le Gaz Naturel (Switzerland)
299. Fluxys (Belgium)
300. Vattenfall Europe (Germany)
301. Suez (Germany)
302. E.ON (Germany)
303. EDP (Portugal)
304. Energa (Poland)
305. Energie Baden-Württemberg AG (Germany)
306. Enerparc AG (Germany)
307. EP BiH (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
308. Energie Steiermark (Germany)
309. EuroWind (Germany)
310. ContourGlobal (Germany)
311. Enercity (Germany)
312. Gazprom (Germany)
313. SNAM (Italy)
314. NPG Energy (Germany)
315. Repower (Italy)
316. First Solar (Germany)
317. WindMW (Germany)
318. SunEdison (Germany)
319. Gode Wind (Germany)
320. ABO Wind (Germany)
321. Verbund Renewables (Austria)
322. STEAG Solar Energy Solutions (Germany)
323. windpunx (Germany)
324. RWE Renewables (Germany)
325. Verbund Power (Austria)
326. Verbund Sales (Austria)
327. TenneT (Germany)
328. Gas Natural Fenosa (Spain)
329. Prysmian (Germany)
330. Gaz de France (Germany)
331. Drax Group (Germany)
332. SSE (Germany)
333. Danfoss (Germany)
334. Aquila Capital (Germany)
335. Energeticky a Prumyslovy Holding (Czech Republic)
336. Elektro Ljubljana (Slovenia)
337. Elenia (Finland)
338. Essent (Germany)
339. Suez (Germany)
340. Axpo Power (Switzerland)
341. Trianel (Germany)
342. Nordex (Germany)
343. Verbund Trading (Austria)
344. Mainova (Germany)
345. Enel (Germany)
346. EPH (Germany)
347. MVV (Germany)
348. New Wind (France)
349. Sorgenia (Italy)
350. Vandebron (Netherlands)
351. RAG Austria (Austria)
352. Verbund Trading (Austria)
353. Energie AG Oberösterreich (Austria)
354. BKW Energie AG (Switzerland)
355. EVN AG (Austria)
356. Dalkia (France)
357. Luminus (Belgium)
358. Le Gaz Naturel (Switzerland)
359. Fluxys (Belgium)
360. Fortum (Finland)
361. Adven (Finland)
362. Gas Natural Fenosa (Spain)
363. Eesti Energia (Estonia)
364. Slovenské elektrárne (Slovakia)
365. PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna (Poland)
366. Vattenfall Europe (Germany)
367. Lithuanian Wind Power Association (Lithuania)
368. EDP Renováveis (Portugal)
369. Eurelectric (Belgium)
370. Gulf Power (United States)
371. Eneco (Belgium)
372. EBM (Switzerland)
373. Verbund Hydro Power (Austria)
374. ESB Group (Ireland)
375. Mainova (Germany)
376. Elenia (Finland)
377. Essent (Germany)
378. Suez (Germany)
379. Axpo Power (Switzerland)
380. Trianel (Germany)
381. Nordex (Germany)
382. Verbund Trading (Austria)
383. Enel (Germany)
384. EPH (Germany)
385. MVV (Germany)
386. New Wind (France)
387. Sorgenia (Italy)
388. Vandebron (Netherlands)
389. RAG Austria (Austria)
390. Verbund Trading (Austria)
391. Energie AG Oberösterreich (Austria)
392. BKW Energie AG (Switzerland)
393. EVN AG (Austria)
394. Dalkia (France)
395. Luminus (Belgium)
396. Le Gaz Naturel (Switzerland)
397. Fluxys (Belgium)
398. Fortum (Finland)
399. Adven (Finland)
400. Gas Natural Fenosa (Spain)
401. Eesti Energia (Estonia)
402. Slovenské elektrárne (Slovakia)
403. PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna (Poland)
404. Vattenfall Europe (Germany)
405. Lithuanian Wind Power Association (Lithuania)
406. EDP Renováveis (Portugal)
407. Eurelectric (Belgium)
408. Gulf Power (United States)
409. Eneco (Belgium)
410. EBM (Switzerland)
411. Verbund Hydro Power (Austria)
412. ESB Group (Ireland)
413. Mainova (Germany)
414. Elenia (Finland)
415. Essent (Germany)
416. Suez (Germany)
417. Axpo Power (Switzerland)
418. Trianel (Germany)
419. Nordex (Germany)
420. Verbund Trading (Austria)
421. Enel (Germany)
422. EPH (Germany)
423. MVV (Germany)
424. New Wind (France)
425. Sorgenia (Italy)
426. Vandebron (Netherlands)
427. RAG Austria (Austria)
428. Verbund Trading (Austria)
429. Energie AG Oberösterreich (Austria)
430. BKW Energie AG (Switzerland)
431. EVN AG (Austria)
432. Dalkia (France)
433. Luminus (Belgium)
434. Le Gaz Naturel (Switzerland)
435. Fluxys (Belgium)
436. Fortum (Finland)
437. Adven (Finland)
438. Gas Natural Fenosa (Spain)
439. Eesti Energia (Estonia)
440. Slovenské elektrárne (Slovakia)
441. PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna (Poland)
442. Vattenfall Europe (Germany)
443. Lithuanian Wind Power Association (Lithuania)
444. EDP Renováveis (Portugal)
445. Eurelectric (Belgium)
446. Gulf Power (United States)
447. Eneco (Belgium)
448. EBM (Switzerland)
449. Verbund Hydro Power (Austria)
450. ESB Group (Ireland)
451. Mainova (Germany)
452. Elenia (Finland)
453. Essent (Germany)
454. Suez (Germany)
455. Axpo Power (Switzerland)
456. Trianel (Germany)
457. Nordex (Germany)
458. Verbund Trading (Austria)
459. Enel (Germany)
460. EPH (Germany)
461. MVV (Germany)
462. New Wind (France)
463. Sorgenia (Italy)
464. Vandebron (Netherlands)
465. RAG Austria (Austria)
466. Verbund Trading (Austria)
467. Energie AG Oberösterreich (Austria)
468. BKW Energie AG (Switzerland)
469. EVN AG (Austria)
470. Dalkia (France)
471. Luminus (Belgium)
472. Le Gaz Naturel (Switzerland)
473. Fluxys (Belgium)
474. Fortum (Finland)
475. Adven (Finland)
476. Gas Natural Fenosa (Spain)
477. Eesti Energia (Estonia)
478. Slovenské elektrárne (Slovakia)
479. PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna (Poland)
480. Vattenfall Europe (Germany)
481. Lithuanian Wind Power Association (Lithuania)
482. EDP Renováveis (Portugal)
483. Eurelectric (Belgium)
484. Gulf Power (United States)
485. Eneco (Belgium)
486. EBM (Switzerland)
487. Verbund Hydro Power (Austria)
488. ESB Group (Ireland)
489. Mainova (Germany)
490. Elenia (Finland)
491. Essent (Germany)
492. Suez (Germany)
493. Axpo Power (Switzerland)
494. Trianel (Germany)
495. Nordex (Germany)
496. Verbund Trading (Austria)
497. Enel (Germany)
498. EPH (Germany)
499. MVV (Germany)
500. New Wind (France)
501. Sorgenia (Italy)
502. Vandebron (Netherlands)
503. RAG Austria (Austria)
504. Verbund Trading (Austria)
505. Energie AG Oberösterreich (Austria)
506. BKW Energie AG (Switzerland)
507. EVN AG (Austria)
508. Dalkia (France)
509. Luminus (Belgium)
510. Le Gaz Naturel (Switzerland)
511. Fluxys (Belgium)
512. Fortum (Finland)
513. Adven (Finland)
514. Gas Natural Fenosa (Spain)
515. Eesti Energia (Estonia)
516. Slovenské elektrárne (Slovakia)
517. PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna (Poland)
518. Vattenfall Europe (Germany)
519. Lithuanian Wind Power Association (Lithuania)
520. EDP Renováveis (Portugal)
521. Eurelectric (Belgium)
522. Gulf Power (United States)
523. Eneco (Belgium)
524. EBM (Switzerland)
525. Verbund Hydro Power (Austria)
526. ESB Group (Ireland)
527. Mainova (Germany)
528. Elenia (Finland)
529. Essent (Germany)
530. Suez (Germany)
531. Axpo Power (Switzerland)
532. Trianel (Germany)
533. Nordex (Germany)
534. Verbund Trading (Austria)
535. Enel (Germany)
536. EPH (Germany)
537. MVV (Germany)
538. New Wind (France)
539. Sorgenia (Italy)
540. Vandebron (Netherlands)
541. RAG Austria (Austria)
542. Verbund Trading (Austria)
543. Energie AG Oberösterreich (Austria)
544. BKW Energie AG (Switzerland)
545. EVN AG (Austria)
546. Dalkia (France)
547. Luminus (Belgium)
548. Le Gaz Naturel (Switzerland)
549. Fluxys (Belgium)
550. Fortum (Finland)
551. Adven (Finland)
552. Gas Natural Fenosa (Spain)
553. Eesti Energia (Estonia)
554. Slovenské elektrárne (Slovakia)
555. PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna (Poland)
556. Vattenfall Europe (Germany)
557. Lithuanian Wind Power Association (Lithuania)
558. EDP Renováveis (Portugal)
559. Eurelectric (Belgium)
560. Gulf Power (United States)
561. Eneco (Belgium)
562. EBM (Switzerland)
563. Verbund Hydro Power (Austria)
564. ESB Group (Ireland)
565. Mainova (Germany)
566. Elenia (Finland)
567. Essent (Germany)
568. Suez (Germany)
569. Axpo Power (Switzerland)
570. Trianel (Germany)
571. Nordex (Germany)
572. Verbund Trading (Austria)
573. Enel (Germany)
574. EPH (Germany)
575. MVV (Germany)
576. New Wind (France)
577. Sorgenia (Italy)
578. Vandebron (Netherlands)
579. RAG Austria (Austria)
580. Verbund Trading (Austria)
581. Energie AG Oberösterreich (Austria)
582. BKW Energie AG (Switzerland)
583. EVN AG (Austria)
584. Dalkia (France)
585. Luminus (Belgium)
586. Le Gaz Naturel (Switzerland)
587. Fluxys (Belgium)
588. Fortum (Finland)
589. Adven (Finland)
590. Gas Natural Fenosa (Spain)
591. Eesti Energia (Estonia)
592. Slovenské elektrárne (Slovakia)
593. PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna (Poland)
594. Vattenfall Europe (Germany)
595. Lithuanian Wind Power Association (Lithuania)
596. EDP Renováveis (Portugal)
597. Eurelectric (Belgium)
598. Gulf Power (United States)
599. Eneco (Belgium)
600. EBM (Switzerland)
601. Verbund Hydro Power (Austria)
602. ESB Group (Ireland)
603. Mainova (Germany)
604. Elenia (Finland)
605. Essent (Germany)
606. Suez (Germany)
607. Axpo Power (Switzerland)
608. Trianel (Germany)
609. Nordex (Germany)
610. Verbund Trading (Austria)
611. Enel (Germany)
612. EPH (Germany)
613. MVV (Germany)
614. New Wind (France)
615. Sorgenia (Italy)
616. Vandebron (Netherlands)
617. RAG Austria (Austria)
618. Verbund Trading (Austria)
619. Energie AG Oberösterreich (Austria)
620. BKW Energie AG (Switzerland)
621. EVN AG (Austria)
622. Dalkia (France)
623. Luminus (Belgium)
624. Le Gaz Naturel (Switzerland)
625. Fluxys (Belgium)
626. Fortum (Finland)
627. Adven (Finland)
628. Gas Natural Fenosa (Spain)
629. Eesti Energia (Estonia)
630. Slovenské elektrárne (Slovakia)
631. PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna (Poland)
632. Vattenfall Europe (Germany)
633. Lithuanian Wind Power Association (Lithuania)
634. EDP Renováveis (Portugal)
635. Eurelectric (Belgium)
636. Gulf Power (United States)
637. Eneco (Belgium)
638. EBM (Switzerland)
639. Verbund Hydro Power (Austria)
640. ESB Group (Ireland)
641. Mainova (Germany)
642. Elenia (Finland)
643. Essent (Germany)
644. Suez (Germany)
645. Axpo Power (Switzerland)
646. Trianel (Germany)
647. Nordex (Germany)
648. Verbund Trading (Austria)
649. Enel (Germany)
650. EPH (Germany)
651. MVV (Germany)
652. New Wind (France)
653. Sorgenia (Italy)
654. Vandebron (Netherlands)
655. RAG Austria (Austria)
656. Verbund Trading (Austria)
657. Energie AG Oberösterreich (Austria)
658. BKW Energie AG (Switzerland)
659. EVN AG (Austria)
660. Dalkia (France)
661. Luminus (Belgium)
662. Le Gaz Naturel (Switzerland)
663. Fluxys (Belgium)
664. Fortum (Finland)
665. Adven (Finland)
666. Gas Natural Fenosa (Spain)
667. Eesti Energia (Estonia)
668. Slovenské elektrárne (Slovakia)
669. PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna (Poland)
670. Vattenfall Europe (Germany)
671. Lithuanian Wind Power Association (Lithuania)
672. EDP Renováveis (Portugal)
673. Eurelectric (Belgium)
674. Gulf Power (United States)
675. Eneco (Belgium)
676. EBM (Switzerland)
677. Verbund Hydro Power (Austria)
678. ESB Group (Ireland)
679. Mainova (Germany)
680. Elenia (Finland)
681. Essent (Germany)
682. Suez (Germany)
683. Axpo Power (Switzerland)
684. Trianel (Germany)
685. Nordex (Germany)
686. Verbund Trading (Austria)
687. Enel (Germany)
688. EPH (Germany)
689. MVV (Germany)
690. New Wind (France)
691. Sorgenia (Italy)
692. Vandebron (Netherlands)
693. RAG Austria (Austria)
694. Verbund Trading (Austria)
695. Energie AG Oberösterreich (Austria)
696. BKW Energie AG (Switzerland)
697. EVN AG (Austria)
698. Dalkia (France)
699. Luminus (Belgium)
700. Le Gaz Naturel (Switzerland)
701. Fluxys (Belgium)
702. Fortum (Finland)
703. Adven (Finland)
704. Gas Natural Fenosa (Spain)
705. Eesti Energia (Estonia)
706. Slovenské elektrárne (Slovakia)
707. PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna (Poland)
708. Vattenfall Europe (Germany)
709. Lithuanian Wind Power Association (Lithuania)
710. EDP Renováveis (Portugal)
711. Eurelectric (Belgium)
712. Gulf Power (United States)
713. Eneco (Belgium)
714. EBM (Switzerland)
715. Verbund Hydro Power (Austria)
716. ESB Group (Ireland)
717. Mainova (Germany)
718. Elenia (Finland)
719. Essent (Germany)
720. Suez (Germany)
721. Axpo Power (Switzerland)
722. Trianel (Germany)
723. Nordex (Germany)
724. Verbund Trading (Austria)
725. Enel (Germany)
726. EPH (Germany)
727. MVV (Germany)
728. New Wind (France)
729. Sorgenia (Italy)
730. Vandebron (Netherlands)
731. RAG Austria (Austria)
732. Verbund Trading (Austria)
733. Energie AG Oberösterreich (Austria)
734. BKW Energie AG (Switzerland)
735. EVN AG (Austria)
736. Dalkia (France)
737. Luminus (Belgium)
738. Le Gaz Naturel (Switzerland)
739. Fluxys (Belgium)
740. Fortum (Finland)
741. Adven (Finland)
742. Gas Natural Fenosa (Spain)
743. Eesti Energia (Estonia)
744. Slovenské elektrárne (Slovakia)
745. PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna (Poland)
746. Vattenfall Europe (Germany)
747. Lithuanian Wind Power Association (Lithuania)
748. EDP Renováveis (Portugal)
749. Eurelectric (Belgium)
750. Gulf Power (United States)
751. Eneco (Belgium)
752. EBM (Switzerland)
753. Verbund Hydro Power (Austria)
754. ESB Group (Ireland)
755. Mainova (Germany)
756. Elenia (Finland)
757. Essent (Germany)
758. Suez (Germany)
759. Axpo Power (Switzerland)
760. Trianel (Germany)
761. Nordex (Germany)
762. Verbund Trading (Austria)
763. Enel (Germany)
764. EPH (Germany)
765. MVV (Germany)
766. New Wind (France)
767. Sorgenia (Italy)
768. Vandebron (Netherlands)
769. RAG Austria (Austria)
770. Verbund Trading (Austria)
771. Energie AG Oberösterreich (Austria)
772. BKW Energie AG (Switzerland)
773. EVN AG (Austria)
774. Dalkia (France)
775. Luminus (Belgium)
776. Le Gaz Naturel (Switzerland)
777. Fluxys (Belgium)
778. Fortum (Finland)
779. Adven (Finland)
780. Gas Natural Fenosa (Spain)
781. Eesti Energia (Estonia)
782. Slovenské elektrárne (Slovakia)
783. PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna (Poland)
784. Vattenfall Europe (Germany)
785. Lithuanian Wind Power Association (Lithuania)
786. EDP Renováveis (Portugal)
787. Eurelectric (Belgium)
788. Gulf Power (United States)
789. Eneco (Belgium)
790. EBM (Switzerland)
791. Verbund Hydro Power (Austria)
792. ESB Group (Ireland)
793. Mainova (Germany)
794. Elenia (Finland)
795. Essent (Germany)
796. Suez (Germany)
797. Axpo Power (Switzerland)
798. Trianel (Germany)
799. Nordex (Germany)
Quantum Brain Chipset & Bio Processor (BioVLSI)

Prof. PhD. Dr. Kamuro
Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist involved in Caltech & AERI Associate Professor and Brain Scientist in Artificial Evolution Research Institute( AERI: )
American Physical Society Fellow
PhD. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro
【Keywords】 Artificial Evolution Research Institute:AERI
#ArtificialBrain #ArtificialIntelligence #QuantumSemiconductor #Quantumphysics #brain implant-type biocomputer #BrainScience #QuantumComputer #AI #NeuralConnectionDevice #QuantumInterference #QuantumArtificialIntelligence #GeoThermalpoAERIr #MissileDefense #MissileIntercept #NuclearDeterrence #QuantumBrain #DomesticResiliency #Quantumphysics #Biologyphysics #Brain-MachineInterface #BMI #BCI #nanosizeSemiconductors #UltraLSI #nextgenerationSemiconductors #opticalSemiconductors #NonDestructiveTesting #LifePrediction #UltrashortpulseLasers #UltrahighpoAERIrLasers #SatelliteOptoelectronics #RemoteSensing #GeoThermalpoAERIr #RegenerativeEnergy #GlobalWarming #CimateCange #GreenhouseGses #Defense #EnemystrikeCapability #QuantumBrain #QuantumBrain #QuantumArtificialIntelligence #ArtificialBrain #QuantumInterference #cerebralnerves #nextgenerationDefense #DefenseEectronics #Defense #RenewableEergy #LongerInfraStructurelife #MEGAEarthquakePrediction #TerroristDeterrence #NonDestructivetesting #LifespanPrediction #ExplosiveDetection #TerroristDetection #EplosiveDetection #VolcaniceruptionPrediction #EnemybaseAtackCpability #ICBMInterception #RemoteSensing #BioResourceGowthEnvironmentAssessment #VolcanicTremorDetection #volcanicEruptiongGasDetection #GreenhousegasDetection #GlobalWarmingPrevention #ArtificialIntelligence #BrainScience #AI #MissileDefense #MissileInterception #NuclearAERIaponsdisablement #Nuclearbaseattack #DefensiveAERIapons #eruptionPrediction #EarthquakePrediction #QuantumBrain #QuantumConsciousness #QuantumMind #QuntumBrain #QuntumBrainComputing #QuntumBrainComputer #AtificialBrain #ArtificialIntelligence #BrainComputing #QuantumBrainChipset #BioProcessor #BrainChip #BrainProcessor #QuantumBrainChip #QuantumBioProcessor #QuantumBioChip #brain-computer #brain implant-type biocomputer #BrainInplant #Reprogrammable #self-assembly #MolecularComputer #MolecularBrain implant-type biocomputer #military #BrainImplant #militaryhardware #militaryweapon #unmannedweapon #combataircraft #robotarmor #militaryweapon #cyborg #soldier #armor #strategicweapon #combatKilling #AntiNuclearwarfare #roboticweapons #weaponsindustry #weaponofmassdestruction #MilitarySoldier #RobotSOLDIER #BrainImplant #chemicalWarefare #chemicalBattlefield #WarEconomic #HumanitarianStrategy #NextGenerationWarfare #BiologicalWarefare #BiologicalBattlefield #EnemyBaseAttackAbility
#brain #implant-type #biocomputer #BrainInplant #Reprogrammable #selfassembly #MolecularComputer #MolecularBrain #implant-type #biocomputer # #military #BrainImplant #militaryhardware #militaryweapon #unmannedweapon #combataircraft #robotarmor #militaryweapon #cyborg #soldier #armor #strategicweapon #combatKilling #AntiNuclearwarfare #roboticweapons #weaponsindustry #weaponofmassdestruction #MilitarySoldier #RobotSOLDIER # #BrainImplant #chemicalWarefare #chemicalBattlefield #WarEconomic #HumanitarianStrategy #NextGenerationWarfare #BiologicalWarefare #BiologicalBattlefield #EnemyBaseAttackAbility #LaserDefenseSystem #HAMIIS #PetawattLaser #HexaWattLaser #UltraHighPowerLaser #ChirpedPulseAmplification #CPA #OpticalParametricAmplification #OPA #HighEnergyPhysics #Defense #Security #MissileDefenseSystem #LaserInducedPlasma #Supernovae #Pulsar #Blackhole #FemtosecondLaser #CavityDumping #ModeLocking #FemtosecondPulse #LaserSpectroscopy #UltrafastSpectroscopy #MultiphotonMicroscopy #NonlinearOptics #FrequencyConversion #HarmonicHGeneration #ParametricAmplification #MaterialProcessing #Micromachining #SurfaceStructuring #LaserAblation #MultiphotoMicroscopy #Ophthalmology #LAM #LandAttackMissiles #ASWM #AntiSubmarineWarfareMissiles