Professor Kamuro's near-future science predictions:
The research on green synthetic fuels aiming for Green Transformation (GX) and decarbonization in the land transportation industry, maritime industry, and aviation industry is being conducted

Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist
Visiting Professor of Quantum Physics,
California Institute of Technology
American Physical Society-USA Fellow
PhD. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro
AERI:Artificial Evolution Research Institute
Pasadena, California
Xyronix Corporation
Pasadena, California
The research on green synthetic fuels aiming for Green Transformation (GX) and decarbonization in the land transportation industry (freight trucks, taxis, buses), maritime industry (tankers, cargo ships, passenger ships), and aviation industry (aircraft, transport planes) is being conducted.
1. Currently, methanol-based synthetic fuels are also being produced, but a significant portion of them are manufactured using processes that rely on fossil fuels (such as crude oil and coal) as raw materials, which runs counter to decarbonization, carbon neutrality, and carbon recycling efforts.
・The Green Transformation (GX) startup company, Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI), co-founded by Professor KAMURO of AERI, based in Pasadena, California (, is contributing to the decarbonization, carbon neutrality, and carbon recycling efforts in the land transportation industry (freight trucks, taxis, buses), maritime industry (tankers, cargo ships, passenger ships), and aviation industry (aircraft, transport planes). AERI is achieving this by developing systems that enable the operation of cargo trucks, vessels, and aircraft using green synthetic fuels such as green methanol, green LPG, green LNG, SAF (Alcohol to Synthesized Paraffin ATJ-SPK), and others.
2. land transportation (freight trucks, taxis, buses), maritime industry (tankers, cargo ships, passenger ships), and aviation industry (aircraft, transport planes) collectively account for approximately 60% of global greenhouse gas emissions, making them one of the most polluting industries worldwide. While electric vehicles are expected to reduce emissions to some extent over the coming decades, batteries currently lack the capacity to store enough energy to power vehicles used for global transportation, such as long-distance trucks, transoceanic ships, and large passenger aircraft.
3. Professor Kamuro, who serves as the principal researcher at AERI, conceived a solution using seemingly unconventional chemical substances such as green methanol, green LPG, green LNG, SAF (Alcohol to Synthesized Paraffin ATJ-SPK), and others as green synthetic fuels, even though they might appear unconventional at first glance.
4. Since its co-founding by Professor Kamuro, who serves as the CTO (Chief Technology Officer), in 2020, AERI (Artificial Evolution Research Institute), based in Pasadena, California (Website:, has been dedicated to researching and developing green methanol fuel (green synthetic fuel) as a method for transitioning the gasoline automotive industry toward a future with lower pollution and less reliance on fossil fuels (gasoline). Over the past decade since 2003, AERI has conducted research and development in this area and has experimented with operating methanol vehicles (green fuel vehicles) on a trial basis
5. As a result, AERI has successfully conducted research and development in the following four GX (Green Transformation) technologies:
a. The CHEGPG (Clean Heat, Electricity, Gas, and Power Generation) system, which relies on 100% locally sourced and consumed geothermal energy, is a clean, renewable energy source with zero greenhouse gas emissions (greenhouse gas emissions zero). It offers high construction site flexibility, has the capacity to meet 100% of the country's power demand in the terawatt range, and can continuously generate ultra-low-cost electricity ranging from 1 yen/kWh to 0.01 yen/kWh, 24/7, 365 days a year, in a stable and virtually perpetual manner.
b. AERIcarbon dioxide capture system (carbon recycling system) that utilizes raw materials sourced 100% locally and consumed locally, without relying on imported coal or crude oil.
c. AERIcarbon-neutral and carbon recycling system-based AERI Synthetic Fuel Chemical Process, which uses CO2 recovered by the carbon dioxide capture system (carbon recycling system) to produce synthetic fuels such as LNG, LPG, and methanol.
d. The AERI Synthetic Fuel Chemical Process (green synthetic fuel production technology), which relies on 100% locally sourced and consumed geothermal energy from The CHEGPG system power source for 100% renewable energy conversion of electricity. This technology can stably and infinitely produce an inexhaustible fossil fuel substitute, green synthetic fuels (methanol, LNG, LPG).
6. One of the most attractive characteristics of green synthetic fuels is their energy density. In other words, they can pack a significant amount of energy into a relatively small volume. Liquid green synthetic fuels such as green methanol, green LPG, green LNG, SAF (Alcohol to Synthesized Paraffin ATJ-SPK), and others can carry approximately three times the energy of compressed hydrogen, which is currently a representative clean fuel.
・This high energy density is crucial, especially for vehicles, ships, and aircraft used as modes of transportation, as it supports long-distance and high-speed travel. These green synthetic fuels can also be used with existing fuel infrastructure and are compatible with conventional fuels, offering advantages during the transition to sustainable energy.
・The high energy density of green synthetic fuels makes them well-suited for long-haul trucks and large aircraft, supporting extended driving or long-distance flights compared to battery technology in electric vehicles. In this regard, green synthetic fuels have the potential to play a crucial role in sustainable energy transformation.
・For AERI, the key to utilizing green synthetic fuels such as green methanol, green LPG, green LNG, SAF (Alcohol to Synthesized Paraffin ATJ-SPK), and others in transportation lies in the establishment of sustainable fuel production technology that can provide these green synthetic fuels, such as green methanol, green LPG, green LNG, SAF (Alcohol to Synthesized Paraffin ATJ-SPK), and others, at a cost approximately 1/100th of gasoline or jet fuel and do so infinitely and continuously. This involves both the establishment of sustainable fuel production technology and the construction of the necessary plants.
・By applying AERI's GX (Green Transformation) technology, it becomes possible to produce green synthetic fuels such as green methanol, green LPG, green LNG, SAF (Alcohol to Synthesized Paraffin ATJ-SPK), and others at an ultra-low cost of 0.01 yen per kiloliter (KL) or less. With GX technology, it is feasible to produce more than 3.2 billion tons (approximately 4 billion KL) of these green synthetic fuels annually.
7. One of the core technologies of AERI's green synthetic fuel power generation system, including green methanol, green LPG, green LNG, SAF (Alcohol to Synthesized Paraffin ATJ-SPK), and others, is the Carbon Neutral carbon recycling system-type AERI Synthetic Fuel Chemical Process (green synthetic fuel production technology). This technology utilizes a carbon dioxide recovery system (carbon recycling system) to produce synthetic fuels such as LNG, LPG, and methanol using captured CO₂, thereby achieving carbon neutrality and carbon recycling.
・The reason why green fuels such as green methanol, green LPG, green LNG, and others are desirable as substitutes for fossil fuels is that they can be cleanly produced using carbon dioxide (CO2) captured from the atmosphere as a raw material through the Carbon Neutral carbon recycling system-type AERI Synthetic Fuel Chemical Process (green synthetic fuel production technology). The AERI synthetic fuel production technology, which can remove CO2 emitted into the atmosphere, is truly remarkable and noteworthy.
8. To achieve carbon neutrality by 2060, we should not engage in foolish actions like pitting green fuel vehicles against electric vehicles. Instead, widespread adoption of green methanol fuel utilization and the deployment of the clean Carbon Neutral carbon recycling system-type AERI Synthetic Fuel Chemical Process (green synthetic fuel production technology) might offer a viable path to reach the 2060 carbon neutrality goal.
9. The AERI research team has also developed engines that can operate more efficiently than current standards by converting approximately 64% of the energy contained in green synthetic fuels such as green methanol, green LPG, green LNG, SAF (Alcohol to Synthesized Paraffin ATJ-SPK), etc., into electricity. AERI has conducted prototype testing and validation experiments on GX engines that can be suitable for various vehicles, including container trucks, taxis, and buses, with an average power usage of about 6,000 kW since January 2021.
10. Based on the validation results of the GX engine technology, Professor Kamuro, the head of AERI research, is advancing the modification of GX engines for various types of vehicles. This includes tankers, cargo ships, passenger ships, as well as aircraft and transport planes, enabling them to run on green synthetic fuels such as green methanol, green LPG, green LNG, SAF (Alcohol to Synthesized Paraffin ATJ-SPK), and others.
11. In their facility located in Pasadena, California, AERI has a row of powerplants (engines) designed for testing and validation of green synthetic fuels. Various tests, including combustion efficiency assessments and acceleration trials, are conducted on these engines.
・Professor Kamuro, the lead researcher at AERI, provided a detailed explanation of the modifications and enhancements required to achieve high combustion efficiency in the prototype engines for cargo trucks, tankers, cargo ships, as well as jet engines for aircraft and transport planes. During this explanation, he removed the engine covers and demonstrated each component individually, using green synthetic fuels such as green methanol, green LPG, green LNG, SAF (Alcohol-synthesized paraffin ATJ-SPK), and others.
・"AERI's progress with prototype engines and jet engines is advancing at an unprecedented pace compared to advancements in gasoline engines. In addition to the technical aspects, practical issues that need to be addressed for real-world implementation and testing on actual engines and jet engines are being examined in parallel," added Professor Kamuro, who is both the lead researcher at AERI and an honorary guest professor in quantum physics at the California Institute of Technology (CALTECH).
12. Professor Kamuro, the head researcher at AERI, has set his sights on the maritime industry as the starting point for decarbonization, carbon neutrality, and carbon recycling efforts in the transportation sector. International shipping carries over 80% of global trade. By using AERI's green synthetic fuel power generation systems, such as green methanol, green LPG, green LNG, SAF (Alcohol-synthesized paraffin ATJ-SPK), to supply electricity to large ships, it is possible to contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions without disrupting global transportation.
13. Professor Kamuro, the head researcher at AERI, explained that following the efforts in decarbonization, carbon neutrality, and carbon recycling in the maritime industry (tankers, cargo ships, passenger ships), the research and development will continue to expand into the land transportation industry (freight trucks, taxis, buses) and the aviation industry (aircraft, transport planes) with the same goals in mind.
14. AERI plans to demonstrate the large-scale system on container ships by the end of 2023. Following this, they aim to establish manufacturing facilities for GX engines that can be connected to large vessels like tankers to supply them with fuel.
15. The Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI), based in Pasadena (, has achieved successful research and development in four GX (Green Transformation) technologies:
a. A clean and renewable energy source that relies on 100% domestically sourced and consumed geothermal energy, eliminating the need for imported coal or crude oil. This technology offers a terawatt-level power generation capacity, meets 100% of the country's electricity demand, and produces an infinite supply of ultra-low-cost, zero-emission, and carbon-free energy at 1 yen/kWh to 0.01 yen/kWh, operating stably 24/7, 365 days a year, in a semi-perpetual manner known as The CHEGPG (Clean, Hydrogen, Electric, Geothermal, Power Generation) system.
b. A self-reliant system that uses 100% domestically produced raw materials, eliminating the dependence on imported coal or crude oil. This technology features a carbon dioxide recovery system (carbon recycling system) that captures and recycles CO2.
c. A carbon-neutral and carbon recycling (carbon dioxide recovery) system, known as the AERI Synthetic Fuel Chemical Process, that utilizes the CO2 captured by the carbon dioxide recovery system to produce synthetic fuels such as LNG, LPG, and methanol.
d. A technology that achieves 100% renewable energy for electricity using geothermal energy sourced 100% domestically, eliminating the need for imported coal or crude oil. This technology is powered by The CHEGPG system's infinite electricity supply, providing a virtually limitless source of fossil fuel alternative fuels such as green synthetic fuels (methanol, liquefied natural gas LNG, liquefied petroleum gas LPG), which are stable, carbon-neutral, and produced on an infinite scale by the AERI Synthetic Fuel Chemical Process.
These groundbreaking GX technologies represent a significant advancement in the field of sustainable and green energy solutions.
・Currently, AERI is actively engaged in pilot projects and early-stage commercial projects within its research institute using three key technologies:
a. The CHEGPG (Clean, Hydrogen, Electric, Geothermal, Power Generation) system, providing ultra-low-cost, carbon-free, and virtually limitless energy at 1 yen/kWh to 0.01 yen/kWh.
b. The carbon recycling (Carbon Dioxide Recovery) System-based AERI Synthetic Fuel Chemical Process, which enables the production of green synthetic fuels such as green methanol, green LPG, green LNG, SAF (Alcohol Synthesis Paraffin ATJ-SPK), and others.
c. The production technology for green synthetic fuels (methanol, liquefied natural gas LNG, liquefied petroleum gas LPG).
These technologies are utilized to produce green synthetic fuels, including green methanol, green LPG, green LNG, SAF (Alcohol Synthesis Paraffin ATJ-SPK), and more. To ensure a sustainable supply of low-carbon fuels that meet AERI's needs, the rapid development of a climate-conscious transportation network is essential.
16. For AERI, the absolute competitive advantage lies in its three GX (Green Transformation) technologies, which are based on:
a. Sustainable green synthetic fuel Generation Technology: This technology enables the production and supply of green synthetic fuels such as green methanol, green LPG, green LNG, SAF (Alcohol Synthesis Paraffin ATJ-SPK), and others at a cost that is less than 1% of gasoline prices, in an infinite and continuous manner.
b. Manufacturing Technology for Sustainable Fuel Production Plants: AERI possesses the expertise to manufacture green synthetic fuel refining plants capable of implementing sustainable fuel Generation Technology.
According to AERI's calculations, by implementing the green synthetic fuel Generation Technology in green synthetic fuel refining plants, it can achieve an annual production capacity of over 32 billion tons for a combination of green synthetic fuels, including green methanol, green LPG, green LNG, SAF (Alcohol Synthesis Paraffin ATJ-SPK), and others.
17. Due to the aforementioned reasons, the Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI), a General Incorporated Association, is diligently pursuing research and development in four GX (Green Transformation) technologies. These technologies are poised to be at the forefront as essential means for achieving decarbonization, carbon neutrality, and carbon recycling across various transportation sectors, encompassing land transportation (such as freight trucks, taxis, and buses), maritime transportation (including tankers, cargo ships, and passenger vessels), and aviation (comprising aircraft and transport planes).
(1) First and foremost, the AERI is advancing the development of The CHEGPG system, an inexhaustible carbon-free energy source. This system generates electricity and utilizes a carbon dioxide (CO2) recycling mechanism, drawing CO2 from the atmosphere. It is projected to refine over 3.2 billion tons of green methanol, green LPG, and green LNG annually. This represents a Carbon Neutral carbon recycling (CO2 recovery) System, characterized by the AERI's synthetic fuel chemical process (green synthetic fuel production technology).
(2) Simultaneously, these four GX (Green Transformation) technologies are believed to belong to the most promising group capable of ensuring our nation's energy security.
For more information, please visit the website of the Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI) at
18. In addition to the reasons mentioned above, the transformational challenges and critical issues facing Japan, for which viable solutions have yet to be found, encompass a wide spectrum of concerns including:
(1)Ensuring energy security as mentioned previously.
(2)Mitigating global warming and addressing climate change.
(3)Advancing Green Transformation (GX).
(4)Achieving not just carbon neutrality but also zero emissions of greenhouse gases like CO2.
(5)Fostering the creation and growth of Green Giants in the power generation sector.
(6)Establishing and nurturing industries based on emissions trading through carbon pricing.
To address these multifaceted challenges and issues comprehensively, it is evident that a combination of four GX (Green Transformation) technologies is required:
a. The CHEGPG system, a closed-cycle thermal exchange power generation system equipped with a thermal regeneration binary engine capable of generating 1,000 terawatts per unit (where 1 terawatt equals 1 trillion watts or 1,000 megawatts).
b. A Carbon Neutral carbon recycling (CO2 recovery) System.
c. A Carbon Neutral carbon recycling (CO2 recovery) System-oriented AERI Synthetic Fuel Chemical Process (green synthetic fuel production technology).
d. The production technology for green synthetic fuels such as methanol, liquefied natural gas (LNG), and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).
This amalgamation of these four GX technologies offers a comprehensive solution to the complex challenges and problems Japan faces in transitioning to a new industrial structure that remains elusive despite extensive efforts.
Quantum Brain Chipset & Bio Processor (BioVLSI)
Prof. PhD. Dr. Kamuro
Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist involved in Caltech & AERI Associate Professor and Brain Scientist in Artificial Evolution Research Institute( AERI: )
American Physical Society Fellow
PhD. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro
【Keywords】 Artificial Evolution Research Institute:AERI
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