Anti-Submarine Warfare Missiles

Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist
Visiting Professor of Quantum Physics,
California Institute of Technology
American Physical Society-USA Fellow
PhD. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro
AERI:Artificial Evolution Research Institute
Pasadena, California
An anti-submarine missile(ASWM) is a standoff anti-submarine weapon. Often a variant of anti-ship missile designs, an anti-submarine systems typically use a jet or rocket engine, to deliver an explosive warhead aimed directly at a submarine, a depth charge, or a homing torpedo that is carried from a launch ship, or other platform, to the vicinity of a target.
In this lecture, prof. Kamuro will explore the technical specifics, capabilities, and operational considerations of anti-submarine warfare (ASW) missiles mounted on submarines. These missiles play a crucial role in detecting, tracking, and engaging enemy submarines, enhancing the submarine's defensive capabilities. Join me as we delve into the intricacies of these weapons, including their product names, manufacturers, specifications, and performance characteristics.
I. Overview of ASW Missiles Mounted on Submarines:

A. Definition: ASW missiles mounted on submarines are specialized weapons designed to detect, track, and engage enemy submarines, providing self-defense capabilities and extending the submarine's offensive reach.
B. Purpose: These missiles are crucial for countering submarine threats, ensuring the submarine's survivability, and maintaining undersea dominance.
II. ASW Missile Examples:
・A. U.S. Mark 48 Advanced Capability (ADCAP) Torpedo:

Manufacturer: Raytheon
Weight: Approximately 3,520 pounds (1,594 kilograms)
Length: 19 feet (5.79 meters)
Speed: Over 55 knots (approximately 63 mph or 102 km/h)
Range: Up to 28 nautical miles (approximately 32 miles or 52 kilometers)
Warhead: High-explosive, capable of penetrating submarine hulls
Guidance: Active/passive homing system
・B. Russian SET-65E/53-65KE Torpedo:
Manufacturer: Rubin Design Bureau

Weight: Approximately 2,750 pounds (1,247 kilograms)
Length: 23.8 feet (7.25 meters)
Speed: Over 35 knots (approximately 40 mph or 65 km/h)
Range: Up to 28 nautical miles (approximately 32 miles or 52 kilometers)
Warhead: High-explosive, capable of penetrating submarine hulls
Guidance: Active/passive homing system
・C. U.S. RUM-139 VL-ASROC Missile:
Manufacturer: Lockheed Martin

Weight: Approximately 2,700 pounds (1,225 kilograms)
Length: 13.8 feet (4.2 meters)
Speed: Supersonic, Mach 3
Range: Up to 22 nautical miles (approximately 25 miles or 41 kilometers)
Warhead: Submarine-launched rocket-propelled depth charge
Guidance: Inertial guidance with mid-course update and active radar homing
・Russian SET-65E/53-65KE Torpedo:
Manufacturer: Rubin Design Bureau
Weight: Approximately 2,750 pounds (1,247 kilograms)
Length: 23.8 feet (7.25 meters)
Speed: Over 35 knots (approximately 40 mph or 65 km/h)
Range: Up to 28 nautical miles (approximately 32 miles or 52 kilometers)
Warhead: High-explosive, capable of penetrating submarine hulls
Guidance: Active/passive homing system
・U.S. RUM-139 VL-ASROC Missile:
Manufacturer: Lockheed Martin

Weight: Approximately 2,700 pounds (1,225 kilograms)
Length: 13.8 feet (4.2 meters)
Speed: Supersonic, Mach 3
Range: Up to 22 nautical miles (approximately 25 miles or 41 kilometers)
Warhead: Submarine-launched rocket-propelled depth charge
Guidance: Inertial guidance with mid-course update and active radar homing
・D. Russian RBU-6000 Rocket Launcher:
Manufacturer: Multiple manufacturers (including Zvezda and SPLAV)

Weight: Varies based on rocket type (approximately 8,800-11,000 pounds or 4,000-5,000 kilograms)
Length: N/A (launcher system)
Speed: Varies based on rocket type
Range: Up to 6 nautical miles (approximately 7 miles or 11 kilometers)
Warhead: Anti-submarine rocket with depth charges or other anti-submarine munitions
Guidance: Unguided rocket, fired in salvos
III. Key Characteristics and Features of ASW Missiles:
A. Target Detection and Tracking:
Advanced Sonar Systems: ASW missiles utilize advanced sonar systems to detect and track enemysubmarines, including passive and active sonar technologies.
B. Engagement and Lethality:
Homing Systems: ASW missiles incorporate various guidance systems such as wire-guided or active/passive homing to engage enemy submarines accurately.
Warhead Capabilities: These missiles employ specialized warheads designed to penetrate submarine hulls and inflict significant damage.
C. Range and Speed:
Operational Range: ASW missiles typically have operational ranges varying from several nautical miles to tens of nautical miles.
Speed: ASW missiles are designed to travel at high speeds, ranging from supersonic speeds to over 55 knots, ensuring rapid engagement capabilities.
D. Here are some examples of anti-submarine warfare (ASW) missiles commonly used on submarines:
E. Other Missiles:
・Australia: Ikara
・France: Malafon
・India: SMART
・Italy: Otomat#MILAS
・Japan: Type 07 Vertical Launch Anti-submarine rocket
・Norway: Terne ASW
・People's Republic of China: CJ-1 Torpedo, CY Series
・South Korea: Red Shark
・Soviet Union/Russian Federation: 85RU, RPK-2 Vyuga, 86R ,88R, RPK-1 Vikhr, RPK-9 , Medvedka, Metel Anti-Ship Complex, 3M-54 Kalibr
・United Kingdom/Australia: Ikara
・United States: RUM-139 VL-ASROC, RUR-5 ASROC, UUM-44 SUBROC
IV. Conclusion:
Professor Kamuro concluded the lecture by stating “In conclusion, ASW missiles mounted on submarines are critical for countering submarine threats and maintaining undersea dominance. Through advanced technologies, these missiles offer exceptional detection, tracking, and engagement capabilities against enemy submarines. With their specific product names, manufacturers, specifications, weights, speeds, and range, these ASW missiles demonstrate the high level of sophistication and effectiveness achieved in submarine warfare. Thank you for joining me in this lecture, and I hope you now have a comprehensive understanding of ASW missiles mounted on submarines.”
Quantum Brain Chipset & Bio Processor (BioVLSI)
Prof. PhD. Dr. Kamuro
Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist involved in Caltech & AERI Associate Professor and Brain Scientist in Artificial Evolution Research Institute( AERI: )
American Physical Society Fellow
PhD. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro
【Keywords】 Artificial Evolution Research Institute:AERI
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