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Overview of various types of missileQuantum Physicist and Brain Scientist Visiting Professor of Q

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Overview of

various types of missile

Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist

Visiting Professor of Quantum Physics,

California Institute of Technology


American Physical Society-USA Fellow

PhD. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro

AERI:Artificial Evolution Research Institute

Pasadena, California


Here's a more comprehensive overview of various types of missiles, including their names, range, size, usage, and types of warheads:

(1) Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs):

Example: Minuteman III (United States)

Range: Several thousand kilometers to intercontinental distances (over 5,500 km or 3,400 miles).

Size: Large and multi-stage, often around 20 meters (65 feet) in length.

Usage: Primarily designed for long-range nuclear strikes against distant targets.

Warhead: Carries nuclear warheads, usually with multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles (MIRVs) or single large warheads.

(2) Medium-Range Ballistic Missiles (MRBMs):

Example: DF-21 (China)

Range: Typically between 1,000 and 5,500 km (620 and 3,400 miles).

Size: Varies but generally larger than short-range missiles.

Usage: Intended for medium-range strikes, including both conventional and nuclear warheads.

Warhead: Can carry either conventional or nuclear warheads.

(3) Short-Range Ballistic Missiles (SRBMs):

Example: Scud Missile (various countries)

Range: Usually up to 1,000 km (620 miles) or less.

Size: Relatively smaller than MRBMs and ICBMs.

Usage: Employed for shorter-range tactical strikes against nearby targets.

Warhead: Carries conventional, high-explosive, or chemical warheads.

(4) Cruise Missiles:

Example: Tomahawk (United States)

Range: Varies, but generally from a few hundred to several thousand kilometers.

Size: Compact and designed for long-range flight.

Usage: Utilized for precision strikes against specific targets, such as military installations, infrastructure, or ships.

Warhead: Carries conventional, high-explosive warheads or submunition payloads.

(5) Anti-Ship Missiles (ASMs):

Example: Exocet (France)

Range: Typically ranges from tens to hundreds of kilometers.

Size: Varies but generally medium-sized.

Usage: Designed to engage and disable or destroy enemy ships.

Warhead: Carries high-explosive warheads or armor-piercing warheads.

Anti-ship missiles are designed to target naval vessels, including aircraft carriers, destroyers, and other warships. Laser-based systems can potentially engage and destroy anti-ship missiles, reducing the threat to naval assets. However, the effectiveness depends on factors such as the laser system's power, range, tracking capabilities, and countermeasures employed by the anti-ship missiles.

(6) Surface-to-Air Missiles (SAMs):

Example: S-400 Triumf (Russia)

Range: Ranges from several kilometers to hundreds of kilometers.

Size: Varies depending on the specific system.

Usage: Deployed to intercept and destroy airborne targets, including aircraft, helicopters, or other missiles.

Warhead: Typically carries high-explosive fragmentation warheads.

(7) Air-to-Air Missiles (AAMs):

Example: AIM-9 Sidewinder (United States)

Range: Varies but generally within a few kilometers to tens of kilometers.

Size: Compact and designed to be carried by aircraft.

Usage: Launched from one aircraft to engage and destroy enemy aircraft in aerial combat.

Warhead: Carries high-explosive fragmentation warheads.

(8) Anti-Tank Guided Missiles (ATGMs):

Example: FGM-148 Javelin (United States)

Range: Typically ranges from several hundred meters to a few kilometers.

Size: Small and often shoulder-fired or vehicle-mounted.

Usage: Engaged against armored vehicles, including tanks and other heavily armored targets.

Warhead: Carries high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) warheads.

Please note that the examples provided represent well-known missile systems, but there are numerous other missile types, models, and variations developed by different countries and organizations. The range, size, usage, and warhead types mentioned above are general characteristics and may vary among different models and versions of missiles.

(9) Ground-to-Surface Missiles:

Laser-based systems can potentially engage and destroy ground-to-surface missiles, which are launched from the ground and target surface-based targets such as infrastructure, military installations, or population centers. The effectiveness of engaging ground-to-surface missiles depends on factors such as the laser system's power, range, and tracking capabilities, as well as the missile's speed, trajectory, and countermeasures.

(10) Cruise Missiles:

Cruise missiles, which fly at low altitudes and are highly maneuverable, can pose a significant threat due to their ability to evade traditional air defense systems. Laser-based missile defense systems have the potential to engage and destroy cruise missiles, provided they have the necessary tracking and engagement capabilities to match the speed and agility of the target.

(11) Hypersonic Missiles:

Hypersonic missiles, which travel at speeds exceeding Mach 5 (approximately 6,174 km/h or 3,836 mph), present unique challenges for missile defense systems. While ultra-high power lasers have the potential to engage hypersonic missiles, the speed and maneuverability of these missiles pose significant technical difficulties. Advanced laser systems specifically designed to engage hypersonic threats would be required.

(12) Anti-Submarine Missiles:

Anti-submarine missiles are specifically designed to target submarines and are generally launched from aircraft or surface ships. Laser-based systems are less effective in engaging and destroying submerged targets, such as submarines, as lasers have limited penetration capabilities in water. Anti-submarine warfare typically relies on other detection and engagement methods, such as sonar and torpedoes.

(13) Anti-Aircraft Missiles:

Laser-based missile defense systems are primarily designed to engage and destroy incoming projectiles, such as missiles, rather than engaging anti-aircraft missiles launched from the ground. Traditional anti-aircraft missile defense systems, such as surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems, are more suitable for engaging and countering anti-aircraft threats.

“It is important to note that the engagement and destruction of specific types of missiles using ultra-high power lasers depend on various technical, operational, and environmental factors. Factors such as the laser system's power, range, tracking capabilities, countermeasures employed by the missiles, atmospheric conditions, and advancements in laser technology all influence the effectiveness and success of engagements against different types of missiles,” professor Kamuro advised.


Quantum Brain Chipset & Bio Processor (BioVLSI)

Prof. PhD. Dr. Kamuro

Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist involved in Caltech & AERI Associate Professor and Brain Scientist in Artificial Evolution Research Institute( AERI:


American Physical Society Fellow

PhD. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro



【Keywords】 Artificial Evolution Research Institute:AERI


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Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI)

070-3164-7872 (General Affairs Division)

© 2019 by AERI Artificial Evolution Research Institute

1200 East California Boulevard Pasadena, California 91125

Kamuro Kazuto
Dr. (Doctor of Engineering Applied Physics / Semiconductor Physical Properties)
Ph.D. (Doctor of Science, Molecular Biology & Computer Science)
Associate Professor (California Institute of Technology)
Senior Researcher, NEC Central Research Laboratories Director, Japan Tuberculosis Hospital Association Chief Electrical Engineer, First Class Information Processing Engineer

​About Artificial Evolution Research Institute

The Institute for Artificial Evolution (AERI) is conducting research and development on geothermal power generation, next-generation defense weapons, biocomputers, etc. as research subjects in unexplored areas and extreme areas.

We also conduct contract research from military-industrial companies and military-industrial conglomerates.

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AERI Artificial Evolution Research Institute | 1200 East California Boulevard Pasadena, California 91125
Prevention of globalization Geothermal power generation Cogeneration type micro binary power generation system Smart grit adaptive type geothermal power generation system Gastromeat Nuclear weapons Conventional weapons Invalidation solution Realization of symbiotic society Local cat care Cat forest OPERA Food self-sufficiency 21st century Urban agriculture Non-nuclear defense Terrorism deterrence AI Artificial intelligence-equipped self-destruction terrorism detection system Firearm detection Clairvoyant Tennotsu High altitude electromagnetic pulse HEMP Defense Ultra low altitude satellite Ultra high speed moving object Non-destructive inspection Biocomputer Combat robot Soldier BMI Brain machine interface Consciousness driven BMILSI Sustainable infrastructure High speed Road Tunnel Shinkansen Laser Deterioration Diagnosis Real-time Railroad
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